I've been bottle feeding BM to my LO since 3 months. We just had his one year b-day

and the quantity of his intake has gone down with all the food he consumes. he still gets about 15-20oz's a day but i see that going down still over the next few months.
My questions:
would you use a straw cup to serve BM?
do you have a favorite cup?
would you use a sippy cup? - and whats your favorite?
I NEED LEAK FREE!!! can't stand the tough of having BM leaking anywhere.
i've been working with open shot-glass cups but only with water for him, supervised.
we have a sippy cup (that i hate) we use with coconut water/water mix but it leaks when its on its side, and he uses this only during meal time
we have a travel big/wide straw Contigo (nalgine) bottle we use for water out side of the house
all of these do not seem like milk worthy.
thanks for your thoughts