EAT => Bottle Feeding => Topic started by: Haydensmom on May 17, 2006, 05:04:13 am

Title: Having problems taking formula - HELP!
Post by: Haydensmom on May 17, 2006, 05:04:13 am
I've been having trouble (since I stopped bfing) getting his eat times right.  He fights so with the bottle, he never takes enough in my opinion and so I've been putting off our solid meal times- hoping that he would take a bottle first,  Heres a look at our day:

7am wake
7:30 bottle
8:00 solids (cereal & banana)
9:30 sleep
10:30-11:00 wake
11:30 bottle
12:30 solids (yogurt and fruit/veggie)
1:00/1:30  sleep
2:00-3:00 wake
3:30 bottle
5:00 30-40 min cat nap
6:30 solids (veggies, sometimes yogurt too)
7:00 bath, massage, book, song, snuggles and kisses
7:30 bedtime

This is my "ideal" routine- however due to the fact that I can't seem to get Hayden to take more than 2-4oz per bottle- (I only offer 4oz cause he never takes more) I end up chasing him around trying to get him to take a bottle and sometimes this pushes our solids later=(1st of all late wake up: 8)today breakfast was at 10 and lunch at 2:45  dinner at 7:00 and due to a long cat nap he went to bed at 8:30.  Hayden won't take a bottle when he first wakes up, he needs at least 30 mins before he will take one- and occasionally he won't even take it then. I don't know if I should just keep firm my solids routine or change the times to get him to take a bottle.  So far it hasn't worked! BTW Hayden only took 10oz today. his am bottle- 4oz, afternoon 4oz and late afternoon 2- I've been trying b4 bedtime as well but he NEVER takes it.  Although he will always do an awesome DF at 10:30, and as of late his 1 wake time in the night (3-5am) he's only been taking 2 oz.
Any suggestions would help!  I just can't have another day like the last two tomorrow!  I don't know if its our routine or if he is just having some trouble dealing with his emotions this week, but mom has had it!

avent 2 or 3  we just switched- I was using 1-2 due to bfing but got 3 since we are just bottle feeding now.
Title: Re: Having problems taking formula - HELP!
Post by: LŠuren on May 18, 2006, 07:23:01 am
kaily, does Hayden have a bottle at bedtime?
Title: Re: Having problems taking formula - HELP!
Post by: Haydensmom on May 18, 2006, 17:04:37 pm
I always offer it, but he never takes it.  I try and offer it before and after his bath.  Sometimes (if its been a really bad bottle intake day) he will sleep for 1 hour and then wake for a bottle.  I still do a DF on these nights, and he takes this as well.
Title: Re: Having problems taking formula - HELP!
Post by: Haydensmom on May 18, 2006, 19:00:30 pm
I'm so frustrated!  Hayden woke at 6:45am and its now 12pm- he's only taken 2.5 oz!  I've been chasing him with a bottle all morning it seems.  I offer it almost every 10 mins. But since this morning at about 8- he hasn't taken more than a sip and then pushed the bottle away.  This is just what he did with bfing- why I switched to the bottle in the first place.  I just don't know what to do!!
Title: Re: Having problems taking formula - HELP!
Post by: LŠuren on May 18, 2006, 19:14:54 pm
Just a thought, if you are sure that the teat size, etc are fine and not too slow (we recommend not going by the age printed on the packaging but by it your LO happy with the teat flow), Calum has been on a fast teat with an additional hole pricked in it since he was 5months.

How much do you give as a DF?
Does he wake anytime between 1 & 2 for a feed?
Has he just started refusing his bottles?
If so, did anything else happen at the sme time?
Did he used to take EBM in a bottle?
Have you tried to give him milk in a sippy cup instead?
How much solids are you giving him at each meal?

Sorry more questions, but it is stuff that is useful to know to help  ;)
lauren x
Title: Re: Having problems taking formula - HELP!
Post by: LŠuren on May 18, 2006, 19:27:54 pm
..back again, Calum wouldn't settle for bedtime  ::)

If you are giving him loads at DF will affect the rest of his feeds (at this age), have you tried offering cool , boiled water or water down formula for his feed when he wakes between 1 & 2am ?

The reason he is taking more at night is he is relax and sleepy, most LO's will do the same.
Title: Re: Having problems taking formula - HELP!
Post by: Haydensmom on May 18, 2006, 23:47:06 pm
Hayden takes about 4 oz at his DF- I've never been able to get him to take more than 4 oz at any feed- occasionally he will drain the bottle for his DF, but I never give him more, because I'm trying to encourage him to take in his calories during the day, not night.

If Hayden does wake between 1-2 I just resettle him, I don't do a feed until 3+ he usually only wakes once around 4 for a bottle, and though I offer 4 oz he's only been taking 2- showing me that he can soon drop this feed altogether.

I switched to bottles for DF and any night feeds when he was 4 months old (almost 3 months ago), because he was just using nursing as a prop, not to mention doing most his feeds at night.  He always takes bottles during the night when he's sleepy just fine.  He started refusing the breast about 1 month ago, and I fought and fought him, but finally stopped nursing about 2 weeks ago. 

I've never been ables to express milk very well, so when I left him with a sitter he always had a bottle of formula.  He always took it just fine, but never with enthusiasm.

I've tried giving him milk in a sippy cup.  He takes a few sips and then pushes it away and cries if you keep pressing it on him.  I should mention that I have trouble getting him to take water from a sippy as well, he mostly just plays with it.

solids- breakfast about 2 tbsp rice porridge, 1 tsp yogurt, and 1/2 small banana or about 1 1/2 tbsp other fruit.
lunch- 1 serving veggie (1 ice cube) and 1 serving fruit mixed with about 2-3 tbsp yogurt
dinner- 2 serving veggie mixed with about 1 tsp commercial powdered rice cereal
He hasn't been big on dinner recently- I only got him to eat about 4 bites last night, and the night before he completely refused dinner. The last 2 days I've been giving him his afternoon fruit in a mesh feeder- encouraging him to use his hands

And as far as him taking more at night- I know!  He is more relaxed and cuddly (he's a big boy during the day with no time for cuddles or being held like a "baby")  I went through a horrible period where he would hardly bf during the day- and was up almost every 2 hrs at night.  Thats when I switched to bottles at night and I limited him to 3- df and 2 wakes.  He's been down to 2  for about 1 1/2 months(DF and 4am)  I should also mention that Hayden is really stubborn about HOW he takes a bottle- you can only hold him away from you or you have to sit him up and lean him back on you.  Thats one of the reasons he stopped nursing= he hated being held close.  He started pushing me away and whining then screaming and crying!!  He's a stubborn little man!
Title: Re: Having problems taking formula - HELP!
Post by: LŠuren on May 19, 2006, 14:04:11 pm
Have you tried using a different type of teat on his bottle? Lo's are more likely to take it if it nearer the shape and size of the nipple he was used to.

Have you always used that same formula with him? What type are you using at the moment? Are you giving him 6month follow on milk?
Do you have access to small readymade cartoons of formula, they are a bit more expensive and usually hold 7oz, however it may let you know if the problem lies with the type of formula you are offering him  ???

This was the post I was refering to the other day
Kaily, also have alook at this post (the 1st one from SKIBBIT) her LO was taking more at night than during the day and she turned it around.

Lauren x
Title: Re: Having problems taking formula - HELP!
Post by: Haydensmom on June 07, 2006, 17:01:22 pm
We've only used one type of bottle- He always seemed to take it fine as an infant.  When I went out he would take breastmilk or formula from the bottle just fine.  We started giving him a bottle at night around 4 months as he was using me as a prop, and took the bottle just fine. In fact I have no problem with night feeds.  Hayden takes a bottle perfectly at night.  Before bed, df and 1 night feed are a breeze for us.

As far as formula- We have always used the same formula.  We use Nestle Good Start.  I've recently started thinking about lactose intolorance- as I have this and many ppl in my family as well.  I'm thinking about trying a lactose free formula.  What do you mean by 6month follow on milk?  I can get ready made formula, I've always used powedered accept for at the hospital when they gave us ready made to supplement.

Since I first complained about my trouble with Hayden and bottles, it's gotten worse.  He is only taking 12oz durring the day.  I tried lowering his solid intake- no effect and I tried upping it to end night wakes and feeds.  Not much sucsess.  Hayden takes about 4oz at bedtime, 4 for a DF and between 2-4oz at 2:30-3am.  He only took 3oz last night at am feed at 2 the night b4 which shows me he really doesn't need a night feed.  Also he has totally refused am wake bottles.  In fact I find this interesting- he took 3oz at 2:30 but I couldn't get him to take a bottle until almost 8 (he woke at 6:30) and then it was a struggle.  I gave 1oz he pushed away.  tried again 10-15 mins later, 1 more oz.  This process took about 1hour and I only got 3oz down him.  Of course he ate breakfast just fine!  I've started to add formula to his meals in an attempt to add more calories. 
Title: Re: Having problems taking formula - HELP!
Post by: LŠuren on June 07, 2006, 19:33:52 pm

Did you find out if Hayden was lactose intolorant - you say it runs in your family so it could be worth changing his milk to another suitable one - sorry I can't recommend any.

He takes them well at night because he is relaxed.
Title: Re: Having problems taking formula - HELP!
Post by: Haydensmom on June 07, 2006, 19:45:42 pm
I'm going to buy some lactose free formula today and see if that helps.  Hopefully it does- if not, I don't know what I'm going to do!  Maybe I'll take him back to the doctor.
Title: Re: Having problems taking formula - HELP!
Post by: Haydensmom on June 07, 2006, 20:06:58 pm
I tried that- I tried even skipping lunch and only giving him breakfast and dinner.  He took only 2oz more.  I tried reducing the amounts of solids and I tried making him wait longer between meals.  I tried to force him to take a bottle by only giving him solids once he took a bottle.  Its a nightmare- He won't do it.  He ends up crying and whining and being plain miserable. (not to mention I am miserable too)
Title: Re: Having problems taking formula - HELP!
Post by: Haydensmom on June 07, 2006, 20:11:14 pm
Hopefully after a few days of lactose free formula things will get better...... ??? I hope
Title: Re: Having problems taking formula - HELP!
Post by: LŠuren on June 07, 2006, 20:12:58 pm
Let us know how he gets on
Title: Re: Having problems taking formula - HELP!
Post by: Haydensmom on June 08, 2006, 01:42:32 am
Ok so the brand of formula that Hayden takes doesn't make a lactose free formula- but a soy. So I bought that.  I wasn't sure if I should just switch brands and get a lactose free formula- esp since I know nothing about the other brands, I only know the one I've been using since the hospital.  So we'll see how he does with that.  I mixed it 1/2 and 1/2 with his old formula- Isn't that what you are supposed to do? Gradually switch?
Title: Re: Having problems taking formula - HELP!
Post by: LŠuren on June 08, 2006, 06:00:55 am
Yes, Kaily you can gradually switch or just go cold-turkey on the prev one you used.
Title: Re: Having problems taking formula - HELP!
Post by: Haydensmom on June 09, 2006, 19:33:05 pm
Well we have switched formula and I haven't seen any drastic change- although it is a little early.  I do have to say the first night on soy formula he slept awsome, only waking for a bottle once and he didn't wake at the crack of dawn but slept till 9am!! (although he did go to bed late due to church)  Last night did pretty good too, a 2am wake for resettleing and 4:30 for a bottle.  He did wake a lot in the am 5, 6 and 6:40- but eventually went back to sleep.  Daytime bottle increase has yet to happen though.