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Offline SusieQue

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Routine question for 10MO
« on: September 09, 2016, 08:53:17 am »
Hi there, I'm after some advice for a routine with DS2. We actually have multiple problems at the moment with not enough solids, night wakings and nap refusals but my guess is that most can be solved by a good routine! I'm just not sure where to start! So DS1 has just started school and from next week I will be leaving home at 8.30 and 2.30 (walking with DS2 in the pram) to drop off/pick up. Right now he's only there until 11.30 so I have to leave at 11.15 to pick up, so this is our current routine:

A 5.30 (usually a night waking between 2 and 4am when we give a bottle and he goes back to sleep)
E 6.30 bottle - rarely takes more than 5oz
E 7.45 porridge and half slice of toast
E 9.30 bottle - usually 7oz
S 9.45-11 (I wake him if not awake before)
E 12pm - doesn't eat much at lunch, I offer toast or omelette
E bottle - 6oz
S 2-3pm
E 4.30 - whatever we are eating for dinner
A 6.30, 9oz bottle before bed

I am convinced he is having too many bottles per day, but the issue is that if I try and put him down for a nap without a bottle he finds it hard to sleep. It didn't used to be like this, I used to put him down and he would snuggle his lovey and 9/10 times would go to sleep. But I'm sure the milk is the reason he's not eating so much, so it's a vicious cycle. The same with the NW, he goes back to sleep with a bottle but if we offer water and try and cuddle him back to sleep he goes crazy and we can be up for an hour walking him up and down.

So since I will need to leave at 2.30 every day to pick up DS1, I'm thinking his nap needs to start about 12.30? But then I'm not sure what to do about his morning nap since he will need one.

Sorry for all the questions, I'm just very mixed up at the moment so was wondering if anyone had any ideas? Thanks x

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Re: Routine question for 10MO
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2016, 18:38:32 pm »
Hi there.
Looks like a couple of things going on:
- possible prop with the bottle for sleep
- 2-1 transition starting
- still having a night feed

It's up to you if you tackle one thing at a time or do a bit of everything.
I would suggest a gradual wean on the NF so he isn't screaming to make you cave in.
Reduce the night feed by 1oz so make 1oz less than usual and offer to him as needed, take with you a bottle of water for back up, you only give the water if he is really asking for more and won't settle (he will settle, this is going to be easy, honestly it sounds harder than it is)
If he drains the  bottle night 1 then night 2 you stay at the same amount and night 3 you reduce by a further 1oz (take water in another bottle)
Continue as above until he either doesn't wake or you are down to 1oz, drop the 1oz and shush/pat or adapted to sooth if needed, if he is very fussy offer the water (I dare say you won't need it).
If any night he does not drain the bottle record how much he took, this is the maximum amount you offer the next night.

Once he isn't taking lots of milk in the night you will be able to see where teh milk and solids feeds end up in the day and how you feel about quantity and so on.

With the naps and your need to be out the house a couple of options:
- do naps in the stroller (1 or both) so that you can begin the nap at home or out and about, assuming you can bring him in to continue his nap after you've picked LO up from school
- have a think about your A times and the 2-1 transition.  One nap will get shorter and one will stay a decent length. This can go on for quite some time. A shorter nap can have a shorter A time before it if your LO is generally happy to be put down UT.  If you write down you day with your school run times you might even see a time slot that will work for him, maybe 30 min nap in the morning and 2hr in the afternoon.  You will need to take into account the A time to BT too, some like it long some short, ending a nap at 2.30 means you will likely need to move BT either no CN and EBT or try to put a CN in but BT is likely to end up very late.
Have a think and see what you can come up with, what you think might work for your LO, you know him best and then perhaps post and we can have a look?

Some 10 month+ can do 4hr A so one possible routine could (just as example) be:

WU 8.00am
E 8.00
8.30 school run
A 4hr
S 12.00 - 2.00
2.30 school run
A 3
S 5 - 5.30
A 3
BT 8.30pm

I'm not saying your LO is ready for this today or this week, but just showing you that it's possible to think outside the box shift BT and WU and fit those suitable A times and nap lengths into the day.  Of course your know your LO best, there is also flexibility there to do a 3.5hr A if you think that's the right length for now.

What do you think?

Offline SusieQue

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Re: Routine question for 10MO
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2016, 09:42:54 am »
Thanks so much for the response, Creations! The last couple of nights he hasn't woken up until 4am for a feed, but this has now presented a new problem whereby he will not go back to sleep after a feed! DH successfully managed to cuddle him to sleep eventually at 5am but DS1 then woke up at 5.30 and came in which then woke up DS2 (oh the joys of early rising toddlers!). I put him down for his nap at 9.15 this morning and didn't hear a peep from him and he's still asleep now at 10.30 so fingers crossed for a good nap.

With the A times, my feeling is that he can easily do 4hrs and needs a good A time before bedtime. He is definitely a Spirited baby so if we put him down UT all hell breaks loose and ends with him needing to be cuddled to sleep. Unfortunately he never sleeps longer than 30 mins in the pram and always wakes up if I try and transition him to his cot so I know he will need to be in his cot for the long nap. I'm not sure what the new 4am WU is all about at the moment. When DS1 starts school full time my thinking is to do the following routine:

WU 5.30 (or thereabouts)
Sleep in pram 9-9.30 after school drop off
Sleep between 1-2.30
BT 6.30

That's the plan, whether it works or not is a different matter! Does that look okay to you?

Offline SusieQue

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Re: Routine question for 10MO
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2016, 09:45:39 am »
By the way, we are not after a 7am WU in the morning - anything after 5.30 is a bonus for us as when I go back to work he will need to be in nursery 2 days a week at 7am, hence the early 6.30 BT

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Re: Routine question for 10MO
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2016, 17:31:24 pm »
Yes certainly looks like something to try for :)

Hopefully the 4am Wu is just a blip...but it could be a sign of the 2-1 coming I suppose.
Mine started showing signs at 9.5 months which I didn't expect but we were able to keep going on 2 naps until 11-12 months when everything was just too messy and moving to 1 nap made more sense.