EAT => Bottle Feeding => Topic started by: Bex09 on February 18, 2011, 21:19:22 pm

Title: 8.5 month old refusing milk
Post by: Bex09 on February 18, 2011, 21:19:22 pm
Hi, my DD is on 3 solid meals a day (although she still doesn't eat much and every mouthful is a struggle). She also has 4 bottles of milk too, at about 7.15am, 11.30am, 4.30pm and 7.15pm. Yesterday she refused the 11.30 and the 4.30 bottles and had hardly any solids. I put it down to teething as she also had red cheeks and a rash on her chin and was grouchy all day.

Today she is showing no signs of teething and her eating (solids) has been much better, but her milk intake is not enough, as yet again, she refused the 4.30 bottle completely. She has only had 17oz today and that includes 2oz I sneaked into her food. She only had about 12oz yesterday and I know she should be having about 20oz. Any ideas what could be causing this and how I can get her to drink her milk?
Title: Re: 8.5 month old refusing milk
Post by: Lolly on February 18, 2011, 21:29:14 pm
It could still be teething, even if you can't see obvious signs her gums could still be uncomfortable. You could try teething gel/ pain meds just before a feed to see if it helps.

If she isn't a big eater generally it could mean she needs to drop to 3 bottles to leave more time between feeds to increase her appetite.

I would leave things as they are for a few days at least though, you may find if it is teething her appetite will pick up again.

Is your LO a refluxer?

Title: Re: 8.5 month old refusing milk
Post by: Bex09 on February 18, 2011, 21:34:54 pm
Thanks for replying. I was putting teething gel on her gums before feeds yesterday but to be honest I don't really think it does much for her. Yes she does have reflux, but it seems controled with Lansoprozol. I really don't want to drop another bottle yet if I can help it, as she eats so little I would really worry about her weight gain.
Title: Re: 8.5 month old refusing milk
Post by: Lolly on February 18, 2011, 21:41:56 pm
If she is teething that could be making her reflux flare up, you may not be seeing any obvious symptoms, but eating issues and sleep issues were always a sign for us that things weren't right.

I guess you will have to ride it our for a few days and see how she goes. If you do drop to 3 bottles she shouldn't take less, you should find that the bottles she does have are better because you can space things out a bit more. We moved DD to 3 bottles at 8 months because she was just refusing milk (also a refluxer) and she did increase her intake to a bit over 20oz when we were struggling to get near it before.

Title: Re: 8.5 month old refusing milk
Post by: Bex09 on February 18, 2011, 21:46:16 pm
Ok thanks Laura, will see how she goes. Hmmm we have been having a few sleep issues too so you have got me thinking it could be a reflux flare up. Oh I really hope not, she has been great for months now. Will keep an eye on things and see what happens. Thanks again.
Title: Re: 8.5 month old refusing milk
Post by: L76 on February 18, 2011, 21:54:18 pm
I agree to wait a few days too. Like you DSs intake is up and down with both solids and milk and I also wonder about dropping a feed to increase hunger but have decided to roll with it a little longer until things like teething and colds aren't affecting things. To make you feel better my DS went to bed tonight with 2oz! He normally has 8!
Title: Re: 8.5 month old refusing milk
Post by: Bex09 on February 18, 2011, 21:59:15 pm
Thanks Leanne, these LOs like to test us don't they?! I can't wait until she can talk and tell me what is wrong, then I can help her and sort things out. So frustrating when you don't know what is going on. Hope you have a good night with your LOs and your DS isn't too hungry!
Title: Re: 8.5 month old refusing milk
Post by: Bex09 on February 19, 2011, 10:41:04 am
OK now I am really worried because DD has refused her milk this morning, have been trying for 3 hours to get her to drink it but she just will not! She has had no milk to drink since BT last night and it is now 10.30am here.

She has eaten some porridge and banana made with her milk at least and had water to drink. I even tried the milk in her sippy cup, but when she realises it is milk she stops drinking and turns her head away. So I don't think it is teething trouble as why would she drink water no problem but refuse milk?

What should I do if she keeps refusing milk but will eat solids, do I need to take her to the docs? Trouble is they are not open until Monday now so would have to be the walk in centre.
Title: Re: 8.5 month old refusing milk ~ URGENT NOW!!!
Post by: Bex09 on February 19, 2011, 19:49:29 pm
So now my DD has gone to bed after taking NO milk at all today! She has eaten solids up until lunchtime, had a few spoons of yoghurt and water at teatime and then promptly vomited it all back up twice! So she has gone to bed with nothing in her tummy. I am SO worried, what should I do? She is teething beyond doubt, her gum is swollen and everytime she puts anything in her mouth she winces in pain. Given her pain meds but they make no difference. If anyone has any ideas then I would be so grateful, it is night here now so can't really ring anyone except NHS Direct. Do I need to do that or am I just being a drama queen and overreacting?
Title: Re: 8.5 month old refusing milk
Post by: *Liz* on February 19, 2011, 21:05:40 pm
Which teeth are coming in?? I'm sure that is the issue here - so LOs really cut back when they are teething - especially the top 2 teeth as they rub so hard on the teat.

Have you done the basics? Teething gel 20 mins before a feed, giving something icy to chew before feeding like a wet wash cloth out the freezer (leave some dry so she can hold it) or a fridge teething ring? Some LOs like to gnaw on chilled cucumber or carrot sticks instead.

Is she having wet nappies? Is she prepared to drink water from her cup? Have you tried formula from a cup instead just for a day or so?

DD has given me a few feeding strikes this week (on the breast), but she still loves her sippy as she likes to suck and chew the teat.

If you are getting enough wet nappies, and are hiding plenty of milk in food she will be OK through this.

Do you think she would do a DF??
Title: Re: 8.5 month old refusing milk
Post by: Bex09 on February 19, 2011, 21:43:19 pm
Thanks so much for replying Liz. She has no teeth yet but it looks like her bottom right tooth as the gum is swollen and white, she won't let us get close enought to have a good look though. I have put teething gel on before feeds and given Calpol but she seems to be really suffering. I have tried milk in her sippy yes, but as soon as she realises it is milk she won't drink it! But she will happily chew on it and guzzle water from it. She has been chewing on her fridge teething ring most of the day. Not tried the wet cloth though so will give that a go tomorrow.

She is still wetting her nappy so I guess that is a good sign. I also wondered about doing a DF, is it ok to give her milk if she has been vomiting or will this upset her tummy more? I have hidden milk in what solids she has eaten but this is not loads by any means. So worried that she has gone to bed on an empty tummy.
Title: Re: 8.5 month old refusing milk
Post by: *Liz* on February 19, 2011, 22:38:58 pm
She will be fine honey - if she has vomited I would just leave her be and feed her when she next asks you to. Remember how you feel after puking?? This is one time where you just have to follow their lead.

Give solids as usual, and offer milk as usual, but use some water to keep hydrated.

If she is wetting her nappies she is just fine for now.

Let me know how she goes overnight  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: 8.5 month old refusing milk
Post by: Bex09 on February 20, 2011, 19:21:06 pm
Thanks Liz your advice was really helpful and put my mind at rest. Well what a night!

We put C to bed and she slept fine at first (although I kept checking on her constantly!!). Then at 2.30am she woke and was fussing so I went in to her and she had pooped. But it was really watery, all up her back, sorry TMI. Knew we needed to get water in her so gave her a drink, she threw it straight back up! Gave her a few sips of water, put her in our bed with us and she vomited again. She was also really sleepy and just not her self at all So I rang NHS direct. They got a doctor to ring me straight away and he said she was dehydrated and we had to get fluids into her. So I had to make up an isotonic drink and feed it to her every 15 minutes through the night and if she didn't keep that down we would have to take her to A&E to be put on a drip!!!! I was panic stricken. Anyway she did keep the drink down thank God.

C has eaten weetabix and banana for every meal today but at least she has eaten! She has also drunk more of the isotonic solution but still will not drink milk and had gagged everytime we try. Am still really worried about her as she is still so sleepy. I am going to keep feeding her the isotonic drink every couple of hours through the night I think to get her rehydrated. But the sickness and the diarrhea have both stopped now at least.