SLEEP => Night Wakings => Topic started by: mstormin on August 09, 2005, 17:16:47 pm

Title: How to dreamfeed?
Post by: mstormin on August 09, 2005, 17:16:47 pm
I get the concept of dreamfeeding...and it sounds easy...
But DS doesn't want to feed when we try to wake him (usually around 10-10:30).  We try rubbing his hands, but he just sleeps through it!
The last feeding is usually at 7-7:30.  If we don't df then he usually wakes up on his own at about 11pm (by then we're sleeping).

Should we try harder to wake him by changing his diaper?  Just let him sleep?

Any other hints?
Title: How to dreamfeed?
Post by: Critter on August 09, 2005, 23:16:56 pm
Ours too!  He won't wake up for ANYTHING!!!  I have decided to leave well enough alone.  If he's hungry, he'll wake up
 How old is yours?  Luke is 8 weeks
Title: How to dreamfeed?
Post by: Critter on August 09, 2005, 23:17:36 pm
Do you cluster feed?
Title: How to dreamfeed?
Post by: mstormin on August 10, 2005, 00:31:07 am
6 weeks...
We try to cluster feed, but DS gets real fussy during BF if he's too tired!  Plus, it hasn't seemed to length the night feedings for us at all.

Has it worked for you?
Title: How to dreamfeed?
Post by: Critter on August 10, 2005, 00:33:53 am
no, not at all.  In fact, it just made him MAD, so we just feed him on his regular schedule.  He's a formula baby, so at least he can go longer stretches.  I wasn't able to breast feed.  I am hoping that I will be able to with baby #2.  I had a HORRIBLE time....entire nipple and part of areola were scabs.  Had to stop when he was five days old because the pain was so extreme that I wanted to vomit.  Sorry if that was more information than you bargained for :-)
Title: Re: How to dreamfeed?
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 10, 2005, 03:09:34 am
Quote from: mstormin
But DS doesn't want to feed when we try to wake him (usually around 10-10:30).  We try rubbing his hands, but he just sleeps through it!

Do you mean he doesn't stir enough to start suckling?  I guess I'm kinda confused because my lo never does wake up.  She just starts suckling while she's asleep.   If your lo doesn't suckle, he might be in too deep of a sleep cycle.  You might try 20-30 mins later and see if he will start to suckle. 

post back if you need more help,

Title: How to dreamfeed?
Post by: mstormin on August 10, 2005, 17:30:31 pm
No he doesn't even start to suckle.
We've even tried giving him a bottle of pumped breastmilk and it just dribbles down his face until we wake him up!

Should we skip it?
Title: How to dreamfeed?
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 10, 2005, 17:53:26 pm
Hmm, sounds like you might have to just skip it.  But can you try this before you skip it, esp since he's waking at 11pm to feed?

If your last feed is 7 or 7:30pm, give the df at 9:30 (2 1/2hrs after your last feed).  Pick him up from his crib and sit in a chair or your bed, take the teat of the bottle and insert into his mouth and wiggle it for a min.  If he doesn't suckle, then take your index finger and kinda move his chin up & down and see if he starts to suckle.  If he doesn't budge, try again in 20 mins.  If he still doesn't suckle, you might just have to feed him when he wakes at 11pm.  If he feeds at 11pm, when does he wake next to feed?

Title: How to dreamfeed?
Post by: mommycarrie on August 12, 2005, 02:06:30 am
hi.  It's my understanding that the dreamfeed should be WHILE they are sleeping, and not to wake them.  I am currently having issues with DS waking up as the d/f takes place and am looking for ways to remidy it.  i am a b/f mother as well and found it hard to get him to take my nipple so I used EBM in a bottle and it worked.  He sometimes needs a couple of minutes to get to the suckle stage.

hope that hepls,