SLEEP => Night Wakings => Topic started by: mumstheword on May 16, 2006, 19:27:37 pm

Title: 8 month old waking again, after weeks of sleeping through
Post by: mumstheword on May 16, 2006, 19:27:37 pm
 I posted weeks ago that my DS still wasn't sleeping through, but suddenly he stopped waking for the dream feed and woke instead at 3am, the next night at 4am and eventually till 6am. He was sleeping through!!! He did this for 3 weeks and we even had the courage to get a sitter and leave the house at the weekend for a couple of hours.  3 days ago he started fighting naps, the only way that I could console him was to breastfeed him. He took a whole feed, even though the last was 2 hours previous and a solid meal 1 hour previously. Since then, he has been eating his normal 3 solid feeds and 4 hour bf, but now he feeds as if he is starving and he awakes again every 4 hours in the evening and night and takes a full feed. Isn't this too early for a growth spurt? Can it be anything else? How long will it last and should I be feeding him in the night if he's so hungry? It's strange how you can get so used to sleeping again. Apart from this, he laughs all day, doesn't want to crawl and tooth 4 pushed through a week ago. Has anybody experienced this?
Title: Re: 8 month old waking again, after weeks of sleeping through
Post by: mumstheword on May 18, 2006, 14:41:24 pm
... and now 2 days later he his completely refusing the breast and only eating solids - still waking at 11, 3 and 6. Does anyone have any idea what is happening here???
Title: Re: 8 month old waking again, after weeks of sleeping through
Post by: teezee on May 23, 2006, 01:14:20 am
from your second post i am almost positive it sounds as if lo is teething. my lo would first refuse the breast, then switch and refuse solids...and back and forth... have you tried using any pain reliever for your lo before bed...and if wakings persist perhaps orajel?? that always worked for my lo...good luck!
Title: Re: 8 month old waking again, after weeks of sleeping through
Post by: mumstheword on May 23, 2006, 12:44:44 pm
He has had 2 teeth in two weeks come through, but he still won't bf during the day which I think he's waking in the night. I've even tried giving him formula today, but he wouldn't take that. I hope it's just (another) phase.
Thanks for your post, I appreciate it.
Title: Re: 8 month old waking again, after weeks of sleeping through
Post by: teezee on May 23, 2006, 14:47:38 pm
nursing strikes are very common - and try not to let it bother u too much as your lo will feel your anxiety and it will take even longer b/c of it..

could it be possible at all that your lo is getting too much solids? do you give the solids before or after the bottle?? i doubt at this point it is either of these but i want to try and exhaust all avenues.
Title: Re: 8 month old waking again, after weeks of sleeping through
Post by: mumstheword on May 23, 2006, 19:58:22 pm
He's on a 4 hour easy routine, so if he doesn't want to bf or bottle at the given time slot, I wait another hour until giving him solids. I may be giving him too many solids..... Today he only took solids and nothing else! He woke again at 1.30 am and took a full bf and again at 6.30am. I'm considering going back to a dreamfeed tonight to keep him going till morning, in the hope of being able to give him more milk during the day.  I've have checked this site so many times and I'm never really sure how much solids to give him and he absolutely loves solids. He has 3 meals a day, cereal and fruit for breakfast (120g) and evening meal (120g), lunchtime is veggies(80g)  and/or meat (2 teaspoons). I'm worried about my milk supply too now, I'm not good at expressing (manual or electric) and this is the 5th day of drinking next to nothing.
Title: Re: 8 month old waking again, after weeks of sleeping through
Post by: teezee on May 24, 2006, 17:47:10 pm
but you do say that your lo is taking FULL feedings at night? twice a night?? could your lo be taking all the bm calories at night so then not needing it during the day??