Author Topic: 13 mo meantime nightmare - any suggestions pls?  (Read 1680 times)

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13 mo meantime nightmare - any suggestions pls?
« on: January 14, 2014, 13:41:58 pm »
My LO has always been a fussy eater. We started her on purees and then, as she went off purees, we moved onto baby led weaning where she eats pretty much what we eat. The problem is she eats SO little and each mealtime is a constant battle. Its getting to the stage where I am just dreading sitting down to any meal as we are just constantly trying to get her to eat.

She still takes a bottle before her late morning nap and a bottle at night time so its not as if she is filling up on milk during the day. She will for example eat something one day and not eat it the next.

She has never had weight problems and apart from reflux up to 9 months, has always been a healthy baby. She is more interested in playing with her food than eating it.... throwing it on the ground, squashing it etc. The amount of food, yoghurts etc I throw away is shameful.

Sorry for the long post but has anyone whos BTDT have any advice for me? Do I forget about trying to get her to eat (which will result her in eating nothing) or do the games and trying to coax her into eating just play a part in the life of a 13 month old baby?

Tnx so much for any advice!

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Re: 13 mo meantime nightmare - any suggestions pls?
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2014, 00:10:29 am »
Hi. Sorry you waited so long for a reply.

How much milk is she taking each day?

I lean more towards offering a small serving and letting her get on with it without any games or coaxing, if it is eaten then offer another bit, with only one or two pieces on her plate there is far less she can throw to the ground - which I would put a stop to with some quick catching before she manages it - I used to quickly get a plate under any drop attempts and say "clean up please" as it became dumped on the plate, before long no food was dropped and DS was clearing up his left overs at the end of each meal.  BLW is about following baby's lead in how much to eat, they are generally good at self regulating and portion sizes at this age tend to be smaller than we expect.
hope this helps