SLEEP => Naps => Topic started by: MyBella on November 01, 2005, 02:43:04 am

Title: Any 8 mos old napping 30-90 min per DAY?
Post by: MyBella on November 01, 2005, 02:43:04 am
My dd has always had short naps, but recently she dropped yet another hour from naps, and she's now down to 30, 60, or at most 90 min of naps total.  And they are typically made up of two 30-45 min naps.  She always wakes up happy, but tends to appear pretty tired closer we get to bedtime.  She still sleeps 12 hr nights sometimes longer. 

Any other moms like that?  Do you think she's getting enough sleep?

Title: Any 8 mos old napping 30-90 min per DAY?
Post by: Tammy: Ethan & Kaden's Mom on November 01, 2005, 02:45:40 am
Hi Beril.

Well, sometimes we are lucky if ds sleeps 2 hours total a day in naps.  I usually wind up with one 30 minute nap, and one 1 1/2 hour nap.  Although the past few days, it seems like the "long" one has gone down to an hour or so.  But ds is sick, so I think that is affecting that.

No advice for you, but my sympathies!  I know when ds does not have even one long nap, he is cranky and tired by bedtime.  It does not make for a pleasant afternoon / early evening!
Title: Any 8 mos old napping 30-90 min per DAY?
Post by: Deb_in_oz on November 01, 2005, 02:53:41 am
Beril - when we have a bad napping day and olivia does her usual 45 min morning nap but only a 45 min afternoon nap (usually 1hr 30) i try to get her to catnap at around 4:30-5pm assuming that second nap resulted in her being up around 2:30 or earlier.

she usually has 2hr 15 total per day but occassionally (and more oftent hese days) is totalling 3hrs or more  :D  and arely hits a low of 90 min  :cry:

have you tried a 3rd nap?? i think if you have a short napper that won't extend i woudl go with 3 short naps so the last part of the day is not hellish.
Title: Any 8 mos old napping 30-90 min per DAY?
Post by: MyBella on November 01, 2005, 03:05:32 am
Actually we have been trying to put her down for a third nap day after day but she won't go down.  I typically try to put her down every two hours (since the naps are always short). 

I think part of the reason is that when we put her down, she stands up in her crib and even though she's tired, she gets really excited and ends up not being able to sleep.  She doesn't cry or anything, she just coos and babbles and plays.

And on the days she sleeps only 30-60 minutes she doesn't have meltdowns or anything, she just gets kind of tired, her eyes look a little baggy, she become more sensitive to loud noises, etc. but overall she's pleasant. 

I'm guessing I have one of those 5% of babies who need very little sleep during the day?