EAT > Bottle Feeding

Switching from breast to bottle, need help.


I am going back to work on August 22nd and am going to be teaching and coaching right after school which most days will turn into 10-15 hr. work days. I am not comfortable pumping at work and would like to start weaning dd to formula. What is the best route? I have a pump and was wondering if I just pump a little bit and add formula to that, will that work? Then eventually just add more and more formula. Will my breasts become engorged if I just pump enough to take the edge off? How does that work? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Loliac,  :D
I honestly don't have too much experience with it as I just stopped cold turkey.  But it sounds like a good plan to me  :D   You might want to post this on the breastfeeding forum as you'll probably find moms with more experience there.

Sorry I can't be of more help.

Loliac - that is what I am doing . . . mixing my EBM with formula.  I decided to slowly introduce formula to my LO.  If I was giving my LO a 4oz bottle I first began with 3oz EBM and 1oz formula.  I am working my way down and we are currently on 1 1/2oz EBM and 4 oz formula.  I have also decreased the amount I pump.  I am now only pumping 2x per day and perhaps between 3-4 1/2 oz each time (both breasts combined).  So far I have taken about 3 weeks to do this.  In about another 2 weeks I plan to have my LO strictly on formula.

I'm thinking I will get still get engorged, but so far this has worked well for introducing formula.

I am weaning lo from breast to bottle also. My original plan, since dd had taken formula before, was to drop one feeding a week. I became very engorged during that time and unfortunately ended up with Mastitis-- :cry: (on the weekend of dd's baptism  :roll: ) I am just getting over it now. So I think loliac's plan sounds like a good one--better than what I tried. Because, now I have a very low milk supply and may end up weaning her faster than I had planned  :? . Since I was on the track of switching to formula anyway, I think I will be fine with it--but I really didn't want to drop it that fast. Oh well.

I think the key is to listen to your body--don't let your ducts become blocked because you may end up with Mastitis.


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