EAT => Feeding Solid Food => Topic started by: Mandy.kamal on October 11, 2016, 10:53:07 am

Title: Horrible grunting....constantly
Post by: Mandy.kamal on October 11, 2016, 10:53:07 am
I can't seem to figure this out. After starting solids my DDs night sleep was really disrupted. Now the more solids I give, the worse it's gotten and now she grunting and fussing during the day.

She's not really all that constipated. Sorry if this is too detailed, but her poo has never been thicker than the consistency of peanut butter. But she's constantly grunting. Like in pain, not a new noise she's learning.

Nursing her is the only thing that can soothe her which has made nights horrible. She wakes up once to eat (as early as 1:00am or as late as 5:00am) and she's also EW and begins grunting the second she wakes.

She was on reflux meds but I weaned her off a month ago per her peds recommendation. Wondering if the grunting is reflux pain, her body just digesting, or constipation.

She LOVES solids. She loves feeding herself and will just eat and eat and really enjoys it. I'm wondering if I need to pull back on the amount and add more liquid in (I bf so I have no clue how many ounces she drinks a day)

How much solids is recommended at 8 months? All 3 meals? How many ounces per meal?
Title: Re: Horrible grunting....constantly
Post by: creations on October 11, 2016, 15:23:00 pm
The grunting sounds like possible reflux to me, if you are sure she isn't just experimenting with sounds or trying to sit/roll and is grunting from the exertion of that.
Although my DS had silent reflux and I can sometimes spot symptoms from what others describe, I am not all that knowledgeable on it. Hopefully you'll have some more eyes stop by for ideas.
Just wondering, does the grunting stop if she is upright, sitting or held upright?

At 8 months 3 meals is normal, yes.  Almost impossible to say how many oz though. Some LOs have really got into solids at this age and are happy with small tastes of various foods whilst others are very much into their solids meals and will eat a large portion.  The general advice is to follow LO's lead, my own ate lots, he really loved solids.  You don't want milk to drop dramatically but you'll have to judge this based on how many times and for how long she nurses for.
Do make sure to offer a cup of water with solids meals too.
Title: Re: Horrible grunting....constantly
Post by: Haribo2012 on October 11, 2016, 18:17:12 pm
I'd say it's reflux playing up a bit, DS2 has been off his meds 5.weeks now and I've noticed if certain foods don't agree with him he kind of grunts and coughs.

However has coincided with teething and crawling so NW could be any of the above for us.

Mine has 3 meals, and 3 day bottles of 6-8oz plus milky puddings, natural yoghurt etc.
Title: Re: Horrible grunting....constantly
Post by: Mandy.kamal on October 11, 2016, 23:39:47 pm
Thank you ladies.

I do feel it's reflux too. Just not sure if I should get her back on meds. Disappointing bc I thought solids was supposed to help.

Nursing soothes the grunting usually which is another sign of reflux for her. Ugh. I feel like we are going in circles.

I agree though- at this age it's teeth too. And right now she's going through another leap.

I don't mind all the other stuff- I just don't want her in pain. Her ped doesn't want to go back on meds yet. She thinks it's more constipation grunting and said no starchy foods as all. Only fruits and veggies for one week.

If that doesn't help I may push for meds?
Title: Re: Horrible grunting....constantly
Post by: creations on October 12, 2016, 09:50:08 am
In my experience docs do like to try alternatives for a week or two, or even longer, but if you really feel it's the reflux then maybe suggest you have a trial for a month to see if it helps?
FWIW solids don't always help, some are worse on solids.  I think solids went down easier than milk for my DS but he still stayed on his meds until he was 2yo and has been back on them a few times since, he's 5 now and still have flare ups from time to time. I can see he doesn't need permanent meds any more but we can also see when he gets the reflux symptoms, the bad night sleep, hiccups, excessive swallowing, hear the refluxing although there is no spit up, etc, and he is almost instantly helped by the meds so it seems very clear to me.  It is harder with a little baby I think as we have to guess so much.
Title: Re: Horrible grunting....constantly
Post by: Mandy.kamal on October 12, 2016, 11:30:34 am
You're absolutely right.

I'll give it a week without starches to please her doc and then will push to be back on meds. She was on Nexium after Zantac plateaud but may start back up with Zantac?

She's been extremely fussy and up a lot at night on top of the grunting but I think that part is the developmental leap and teeth.....these kids ;)
Title: Re: Horrible grunting....constantly
Post by: Lolly on October 12, 2016, 12:32:16 pm
I agree with reflux being the cause - don't forget that teething makes reflux worse too. I would imagine the Dr would rather trial zantac first and it may work enough to get through this.

Title: Re: Horrible grunting....constantly
Post by: Haribo2012 on October 12, 2016, 17:36:12 pm
Teeth have a lot to answer for!!
Title: Re: Horrible grunting....constantly
Post by: Mandy.kamal on October 14, 2016, 19:26:57 pm
I bet it is the teething then. That makes the most sense!
She's drooling a ton, fingers in mouth, red gums....

Hoping that's the cause and not solids.

She just starting side/tummy sleeping and doing much better these past 2 days because of that!
Title: Re: Horrible grunting....constantly
Post by: Haribo2012 on October 14, 2016, 20:02:29 pm
We've had terrible nights and tooth 4 is popping through!
Title: Re: Horrible grunting....constantly
Post by: Mandy.kamal on October 17, 2016, 11:54:55 am
I hate that for you but it's reassuring to hear.

Mine will not stop crying and grunting!!
Title: Re: Horrible grunting....constantly
Post by: Haribo2012 on October 17, 2016, 12:42:00 pm
We are having very similar behaviour, we're also mid wonder week x