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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #150 on: May 11, 2011, 21:11:03 pm »
Sara - I too offer my DS something else but usually only one other option and then I stop there.
Yes, I'll only do one alternative, too.

I found a really yummy version of homemade chicken nuggets, and they're healthy, too!  They're baked and sound a lot like Karen's.  Will see if I can find the recipe...

Karen--will have to come back with what he'll eat later, too :)
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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #151 on: May 11, 2011, 21:39:08 pm »
Keira, I bet you can find some picky toddler help in the BW Toddler book.  I read it, but I can't remember what it said!  :P ::)
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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #152 on: May 11, 2011, 21:48:44 pm »
DS won't eat any veggies, but we always put them on his plate and tell him it's yummy.

We put them on his tray and then eat a few pieces off it ourselves, all while making a big production of swallowing, rubbing our stomachs, and telling him how good it is.  We are a little bit nutty (and desperate) over here :).  This typically does not work LOL.
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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #153 on: May 11, 2011, 22:24:17 pm »
Well bad night here. Chalking it up to teeth (PLEASE let him not be getting sick again) - he had half a small chicken nugget (homemade), two sweet potato fries and maybe two bites of raisin toast with dairy free "butter". Thankfully he also had a Plum Baby pouch of blueberry, pear and purple carrot. We were going to take DD out for ice cream tonight (usually I bring along some cookies for DS since we don't give him dairy) but think I'll just send DD and DH - no dessert for him!

Here's our food list:

- waffles (whole grain, all natural) toasted with Earth Balance spread
- pancakes
- dry cereal (Kashi heart to heart is a favorite)
- toasted whole wheat bagels with margarine
- challah french toast
- grilled cheese (goat's cheese) on enriched bread
- pizza (homemade with goat's milk mozzarella and lots of chopped veggies under the cheese)
- pasta (penne is a big favorite - he likes it with red sauce or bolognese shoved inside the noodles)
- chicken nuggets (healthy ones and only sometimes accepted)
- cereal bars (Trader Joe's ones - only sometimes likes)
- sweet potato fries (sometimes)
- freeze fried bananas or strawberries
- homemade fruit smoothie with lots of fresh fruit blended with diluted juice and either tofu or avocado (he drinks a lot of this every day)
- applesauce
- pistachio nuts
- Ella's kitchen or Plum Baby pouches (I buy the fruit/veg mixed one - he has one most days)
- chicken noodle soup (sometimes)
- raisin toast with margarine (sometimes)
- oatmeal (rarely)
- bananas (sometimes, not the norm)
- apple slices (sometimes, not the norm)
- baby carrots (will eat one or two occasionally)
- goldfish crackers
- animal crackers
- chocolate chip cookies (once in a while treat)

He used to do yogurt before he went dairy free but the soy stuff is pretty nasty and he doesn't like it. Doesn't really drink any "milk" anymore either since we took his bottle away about 5-6 weeks ago.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #154 on: May 11, 2011, 22:34:04 pm »
OK just felt his mouth and the two eye teeth he's been working on for a while (top left and bottom right) have poked through. So no wonder he didn't really eat dinner. 15 teeth down, 5 to go...
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #155 on: May 11, 2011, 23:55:39 pm »
Have to dash but thought it might be helpful in terms of ideas if we all post what our LOs DO like to eat? I can come back with that later!

Here's our list:

-soya yoghurt
-spaghetti sauce and meatballs

That's it.  Everything else won't be touched, or if it is, it's spit right back out.  Grrr.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2011, 00:00:14 am by Keira »

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #156 on: May 12, 2011, 00:01:34 am »
Meatballs are a GREAT one! You can make all kinds of "sneaky" ones like adding sweet potato puree and/or carrot puree, chopped spinach, etc. Same with spaghetti sauce - all kinds of chopped or pureed veggies can go in there. Fruit or veg purees can also be mixed in with yogurt.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #157 on: May 12, 2011, 00:29:06 am »
Well, both boys actually ate some dinner tonight which was a pleasant surprise.  We had cabbage rolls, which is not new but for some reason tonight they both decided it was a good meal, lol. 
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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #158 on: May 12, 2011, 03:51:39 am »
Here's our list:

-Veggies: broccoli or carrots if they're really soft and mushed up into a casserole; will do veggies if they're blended up in a smoothie/fruit juice (so masked by sweet)
-Fruits: pretty much anything except cantaloupe or watermelon (though he likes to pretend he eats it ???); apple is hit or miss; and he won't eat everything all the time, it comes and goes.
-Grains: Any, be it pasta, bread, pastries, pancakes--he eats pancakes for breakfast more times/week than anything else.  We just give them to him plain.  Won't do cereal that much any more, and does not like oatmeal/wet cereal.
-Meat: Sometimes some chicken, but only mushed up in a casserole, or in the chicken nugget variety.  Will eat ham if it's in a kolache...sometimes.
-Other Protein: Will only eat egg if in french toast or in a kolache.  Will eat peanut butter (always liked it, but he used to break out if we gave him any).  Haven't tried nuts with him yet.
-Dairy: Will eat cold or melted cheese, but only that with milder flavor (mild cheddar, monterrey jack, colby, mozz.); will sometimes do string cheese; sometimes will do yogurt.  He LOOOOVES the Gerber Yogurt's his favorite snack.  Doesn't drink milk at all anymore.

Writing it down like that, it looks like he eats a wide variety; our thing is he eats very simple food, save for a couple of casseroles here and there.  He is just very set in his likes and will not try new things.  We get a solid "Nope!!" when we ask if he would like a bit of whatever.  So, yeah, simple, straightforward foods for us.  DH and I joke that he should live in Italy when he's older bc he asks for pasta all the time!

Anyways, I was reading up on picky eaters in TPWSAYP.  She has a lot to say, and breaks it up into 6-12mo issues, 1-2yr issues and 2-3yr issues.  It's chapter 4 if you have the book.  It's a really good chapter, lots to think about.  I won't write out everything, but here's are some excerpts I found interesting re: the last 2 groups:

From the 1-2yr section:
     "Sometimes the problem is not all solids but a particular kind of food--say, peaches.  If your toddler isn't very adventurous about trying new foods or seems "picky" at this point, and rejects certain foods, it's because children now start showing distinct preferences for certain foods.  It also might mean that he just needs a little more time to get used to the new flavors and sensations in his mouth, and that you have to be persistent (but relaxed) about offering unfamiliar foods to him. 
     Some children are, in face, picky eaters--they don't like a big variety of foods at this stage and they never will.  And some also require less food than other kids.  What may seem "normal" for one child is too little or too much for another.  If a child doesn't want to eat all his food, allow him.  Otherwise he can't learn when he's full.  In my experience, if a baby is on a good routine, he'll eat.  A picky eater will even try new solids.  Just try two teaspoons of a new food--that way, you're at least introducing it to him.
     My rule of thumb is to give a new food four days in a row.  If your child doesn't eat it, give it a rest and try a week later.  If your child doesn't like a huge variety of foods (see "fad foods," page 166), don't worry about it--some adults don't either." (pages 155-156)

From the 2-3yr section:
"Young children are particularly prone to food fads, both in the behavioral sense and also in their selection of foods.  They will select a certain food of a few preferred foods and eat them for a long time, refusing to eat anything else." (page 166).  Here Tracy mentions that her daughter Sophie was/still is a fad fooder, and that Tracy herself felt she was, too.
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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #159 on: May 12, 2011, 10:52:03 am »
Interesting Sara. And what's a kolache?
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #160 on: May 12, 2011, 12:27:09 pm »
I have been wondering about the kolaches too from your avatar.  ;)

I'm pretty sure F's list is short:
Veggies - will munch on a few here and there but it's always different.  It's not that he seems to not like them, he just doesn't want to eat most of the time!  ::)
Fruits - does pretty good in this department although does get bored easily.
Meats - only really eats chicken, maybe a bit of pork on occasion or ground meat.  Again, depends on his mood.
Grains - not a big fan.  Doesn't care for pasta or bread.  Will nibble but usually just throws.  ::)
Dairy - likes mild cheese, not melted though.  Won't eat yogurt because he will not let me feed him, and he can't do it himself yet.

I bought him a proper straw sippy and am so excited that he is drinking smoothie that way.  I kept trying with an open cup and it was hit or miss.  Sometimes he'd drink it but most of the time he would smack it away.  He is so rude when he refuses!  :P
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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #161 on: May 12, 2011, 12:59:02 pm »
ok thought I would join the list:
veg - only peas and corn.
fruit - only strawberries apples and only sometimes (He did have an orange phase, but thats over)
meat - hotdogs (is that meat) some chicken depending on how its cooked, hamburgers and sometimes steak (this is probably his best dept)
grain - sometimes bread, lots of cherrios, sometimes pasta but only plain, although once in a while with spag sauce
cheese - only in a grilled cheese. He will only eat yogurt tubes (and now "baby yogurt", the brand I give O.)
as I look, he isn't that great, but I always give him whatever we are eating for dinner and he has to eat something cause I don't do separate meals, he usually does.
as for milk, we have to bribe him... drink your milk and you can have dessert... so bad, but it works, and he is starting to ask for milk now, so maybe it is working? He is more particular about the prepartion, nothing can touch, the spices, cutting of the food etc. I think that is normal?
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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #162 on: May 12, 2011, 13:31:10 pm »
Kolaches are, well, in short...amazing ;)  There's lots of different kinds, though I think the Texas (probably American as a whole) version is different than the actual Czech version (where the originated).  It's mainly a Texas thing, I've found, since there is a huge Czech influence here.  So, for us, it's a thick bread stuffed with all sorts of savory things, like sausage, eggs, cheese, BBQ beef, bacon, ham, etc.  Lots of combos.  Here's a link to my favorite chain (makes my mouth water just thinking about it!):

Sometimes he'd drink it but most of the time he would smack it away.  He is so rude when he refuses!
I giggled a bit here...just the kind of thing where you want to chuckle and strangle them at the same time.  Their personalities are pretty cute at this age.  Good luck with the straw cups!  My nephew will only use those, too.  *fingers crossed*

oe--If you have TBWSAYP, Tracy talks about little quirks with food not touching other food, etc.  Maybe it could help you out?  That's good about the milk, though...personally, I see no harm done.
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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #163 on: May 12, 2011, 16:40:11 pm »
Kolaches sound delicious!!  :)
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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #164 on: May 14, 2011, 11:52:42 am »
I'm a little late with this, but this our list:

Fruit - will not eat anything cut up.  Has just started to even pick up things like blueberries and strawberries (sadly, I consider this a mini success).  They're out on his tray once a day so I'm hoping that eventually he will just start.  He will eat pretty much any fruit puree though.
Vegetables - same deal as above, except refuses most veggie purees
Meat - chicken nuggets, sometimes regular cooked chicken, was loving meatballs for awhile, but won't touch them anymore, ate a few pieces of hotdog the other day, but hasn't tried it again
Dairy - LOVES yogurt, LOVES cheese
Grain - LOVES cheerios, sometimes bread, multigrain rice cakes, pancakes, french toast
LOVES scrambled egg, potato and cheese bites, french fries (health(ier) ones)
Not working with a lot here! Sadly (again), I was so happy the other day when he reached into a chip bowl and ate a Dorito-like chip.  Obviously there is no nutritional content from that, but he doesn't like so many things that most kids like so I was happy.  Sigh!

Oh - for anyone in the same situation as me with a child who really only eats chicken nuggets and only eats other meats here and there -- I have been buying the Perdue Whole Grain Baked Chicken Nuggets (they also make them in cutlets and fingers).  There are no fillers and at least they are coated in whole grain breadcrumbs and are baked, so I feel a little better.  They are actually pretty good!
(formerly samsmommy3312010)