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Offline pjs mom

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Nothing has worked
« on: November 21, 2005, 16:08:19 pm »
We have tried all the advice we have received - thanks to everyone!!  But nothing has worked.  Our 7 1/2 months old is still not sleeping day or night.  He is an angel baby during the day, and far from that at night!!  I am lucky if I get 2 40 minute naps a day - one at around 9:30 and one at 1:30.  He has been on EASY since day 1 - his schedule is as follows:

7-7:30 - wakes and plays quietly in his crib for 1/2 an hour or so. 
7:30/8 - Breakfast - 4 oz, 4 tbsp cereal & fruit
9:30 - up for nap.  Goes down easily on his own without paci or any help
10- usually awake, and nothing will get him back down.  Not crying, just ready to get up and play.  If I leave him in his crib though, he gets really mad and loud
11:30 - 7 oz
12 - lunch - meat, veggies & fruit
1:30/2 - up for nap when rubbing his eyes.  Never last more than 45 minutes, and cannot get him back to sleep.  Usually spend until 3:30 trying everything.
3:30 - 5 oz
5:30 0- dinner - 4 tbsp cereal, veggies & 4 oz
6 - bath
6:30 - 5 oz and bed.  Put his in his crib awake and he talks to himself for a few minutes then off to sleep - no tears at all.

After 6:30, it is a guessing game.  SOme nights sleeps until 10, then starts to stir so we give him a bottle (7 oz).  Other nights he is up every 40 minutes to an hour screaming, and often we cannot resettle him until we give him his bottle (any where between 10 and 11).

After the DF, he either sleeps until 7 in the morning (a very recent thing), but usually is up every hour.  We are no longer giving hinm the pacifier, and try to calm him by rubbing his chest and if need be doing PU/PD.  I am desperate for sleep, and for some time during the day to get some things done.  How can I get him to nap and sleep at night???

Offline branwen

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Nothing has worked
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2005, 02:06:25 am »
Hi there-

HUGS to you!

This is a tough one and I'm not sure I have good advice for you, but I will try! :wink:

My first thought is to be more consistent with the PU/PD, and to do it the same way every time and do not give in.

The dreamfeed doesn't really sound like a dreamfeed anymore but more like a demand for a bottle/comfort/prop situation.

How much is he eating during the day?  Perhaps you could try upping the day bottles and even solids and see if it makes a difference and then decrease the dreamfeed to say 4 oz and see if it is really hunger or habit?

Tracy says sleep begets your little one is probably desperately overtired- as you are!!!  One thing I would really try to work on, using PU/PD is to extend those naps during the day.  You might see an improvement at night.  In the am, you can try putting down for a nap only an hour after waking.  When us Jan/Feb mom's were at this point a lot of us started doing this and it really helped extend our first am naps.

Do you have a clear wind down before naps?  This really helped my lo settle into naps.

Is there any change in your routine, situation, etc?  Any illness? Teeth?  Beginning of separation anxiety, or peaking?
Mama to Eirwen 1/22/05