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Offline Kellyshe

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FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« on: December 13, 2012, 22:00:14 pm »
So I guess started the EASY method without knowing the book or this site.  My daughter basically stopped sleeping during the day around 4-6 weeks (she's now 11 weeks).  I've had little to no "Y" time and little sleep.  I'd say now I'm definitely on a 3 hour EASY but naps are all over the place.  Morning nap is always 45 minutes and then I'm doing another A before she eats (I breastfeed).  Today her naps have all been 45 minutes although I did get her back to sleep on the third one (she's asleep in my arms at the moment).  I swaddle her at the first yawn and go to the kitchen to rock, sway her to sleep (takes 20 minutes usually).  I don't know if I should be parenting her to sleep like this but I'm not sure how else to get her down.

Her night sleep is good some days and not others.  Earlier this week we were getting her down by 8:30, woke at 2 or so, then up at 7/ 7:30.  Last night she was up at 12am and 3am to nurse.  Then she is restless sleep at 4, 5, 6 until she wakes (I'm basically putting the paci back in and rubbing her head).  She seems to wake herself when farting, too.  (The two nights she did the 8-2am stretch we added colief to a bottle of expressed breast milk).

In the morning she seems happy but seems like she'd rather see the world around her than nurse.  When she wakes up I change her and take her downstairs (mistake?). 

I just ordered the book from amazon so I apologize that I'm not totally educated with this yet.  What am I doing wrong?!  I'm so frustrated and would love to have something in place before I go back to work in 3 weeks.


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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2012, 11:33:26 am »
Ok- how long is your A time at the moment? That includes all of the time from eyes open to eyes closed for the next nap- eating, playing, settling, everything.. You need to make sure this it right and then you can start thinking aout doing some sleep training or working on helping her to settle more independantly...
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

Offline Kellyshe

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2012, 15:08:37 pm »
Today she woke at 6:50, closed her eyes again and was in and out until around 7. I immediately nursed her.  I had her downstairs on a blanket on the floor until about 8:16 (first yawn at 8:05, second at 8:16).  I then swaddled her, went to the kitchen, put the microwave fan on and bounced, rocked her to sleep.  First time her eyes were closed was at 8:35.  She opened then twice about 10-15 minutes later ask was trying to put her in her crib.  She woke up at 9:25.

She starts sucking her hands at 9:50 but when I nurse, doesn't nurse long.  I don't know if she's had a full feeding (I'm breast-feeding and she only nursed on one side).  She continues to suck on her hands.  I don't want her waking up often through the night to nurse either. 

Tried nursing at 10:43 and she did drink a little but passed out (I think I nursed her down).  I know she was tired but I couldn't get her back to sleep after she woke from the first nap.  How long do I ket her sleep?  Should I be on a 3.5 or 4 hour EASY?

I just break down in tears that these naps are chaos, I can't read my baby, and the constant inconsistency is getting to me.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2012, 16:23:13 pm by Kellyshe »

Offline Kellyshe

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2012, 15:41:59 pm »

Yesterday looked like this

E: 6:50
S: 8:35 (45 minute nap)
A: 9:25

E: 9:50 didn't seem interested in nursing- not sure it was a full feed)
E: 10:43 - 11:20 (comfort sucking- passed out to sleep)
S: 12:30-1:55 (woke up 2-3x, rocked back to sleep)

E: 2-2:54 (sleeping while nursing)
S: 4:35-5:10

E:5:19 (more comfort sucking/ sleeping)

E: 6:45 (bottle of ebm)
S: 7:45

My husband said she fidgeted from 10-midnight and he was popping the paci in every 20 minutes.  She woke at 12:29am and I put her paci in.  I fed her after 1am.  She fidgeted at 4,5 and 6am.

A: 7:45-8:30 (started wind down after 1hr5-10  min -swaddled and tried the shhh pat for the first time- she cried)

E: 9:55 (doesn't seem interested to nurse.  Too distracted by everything else.
I'm glad the first nap was longer, but why doesn't she want to eat?  An I trying to feed a sleepy baby?  Am I trying to implement a routine and she won't have it?  Am I supposed to just hope she's hungrier in 3 hours?

Could really use some support.

Offline jessmum46

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2012, 19:52:21 pm »
(((Hugs))) I'm sorry things are so tough for you at the moment :(

45 minute naps are a developmental stage that almost all babies will go through and I know they are incredibly frustrating.  Have you ever tried to settle her back to sleep when she wakes at that point?

45 minute naps can also be indicative of over tiredness (OT) or under tiredness (UT) at this age.  Looking at the day you posted, I would suspect that OT has a role to play in your situation.  At 11 weeks an average A time eyes open to eyes closed would be in the region of 1h15-20, so when she was awake for 1h45 before her first nap she was most likely already OT by then.  That then has a knock-on effect for the rest of the day.  You may find that if you can try to have her asleep a bit sooner she may do a better nap for you.

All the above said, I do notice that she seems to be rooting for feeds fairly frequently but only taking small amounts, and then is restless overnight.  Those things in combination with short naps make me wonder if there could be some discomfort such as reflux.  Have a look here to see if anything rings a bell Reflux 101 - General reflux information. If discomfort is a possibility then that would need to be addressed prior to starting any kind of sleep training.

More hugs and let me know what you think x

Offline Kellyshe

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2012, 01:11:32 am »
Thank you so much for replying!!!!!!'s today's EASY

BT: 8:20pm something?
E: 3am something
E:7:30am (but passed back out for an hour)
S: 9:55-10:55

E: 11:35
A (shortened this A cause of short first nap)
S: 12:15-1:18

E: 1:24 (early and I don't remember of she nursed well)
S: 3-4:22

E: 4:25
S: 6:02-6:48

E: 7 something (forgot to look at clock
S: 8:06 (popped off breast)

I looked at the reflux info.  When I burp her, she does spit up a lot but doesn't cry after.  She does have the hiccups a lot (not sure how to tell if they are wet).  There are times she wskes after a short nap crying and when uou pick her up, she burps (no spit up).  Her nose seems to always need to be cleaned out (not runny but congested a little).  When I first got her to take naps, the only way she would sleep was upright on my chest.  She is producing spit now but I thought that may be normal.  She is gaining well (ounce a day as of a week ago).  She is always farting and when she squirms at night, its usually to toot.  Her poop is green (I may have an oversupply issue and may switch sides before the breast is really empty).  During the day, I just feel like she doesn't want to eat much.  Lately she has been refusing a bottle at bedtime (expressed breastmilk). I only figured out last night she preferred the breast (I mean screaming fit with the bottle as if in pain - the i have gas pain cry, Ridgick body).  Now I'm nursing rather than my husband giving her a bottle.  Is it reflux and how would I know for sure?  Get a sleep wedge and see how it goes?  Thoughts?

As for the frequent's me offering the breast cause I feel like she's never hungry (doesnt root much).  She just seems tired.  When she does go on the breast she seems more sleepy than hungry.  And last night between my husband and I taking shifts popping the paci in her mouth hourly (, she wasn't rooting to eat .  Can she go all night without nursing?  She'll be 12 weeks on Tuesday.

Suggestions?  I will try to shorten the A time a bit (today was 1hr 30 and some naps were over an hour.  seems like when the A was 1hr 5-10 minutes, the nap was longer based on previous post above).  Perhaps I'll put her in the bouncy chair for the naps tomorrow, too (or I'm going to hold her on my chest, which I have a feeling is accidental parenting and we are already doing a ton of that (rock to sleep, etc)).

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2012, 12:16:25 pm »
Can she go all night without nursing?  She'll be 12 weeks on Tuesday.
I'd think it would be highly unusual - usually at this age you'd expect a DF plus at least one NF, or two NFs if you don't do a DF.

Perhaps I'll put her in the bouncy chair for the naps tomorrow, too (or I'm going to hold her on my chest, which I have a feeling is accidental parenting and we are already doing a ton of that (rock to sleep, etc)).
The plan of reducing the A time sounds great to me. Given that some sort of discomfort is potentially an issue here, I wouldn't hesitate to do what you need to in order to help her get some sleep.  I will call on some reinforcements who have experience with overactive letdown/oversupply and reflux to hopefully give you a hand :)
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 15:32:24 pm by jessmum46 »

Offline Kellyshe

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2012, 13:52:50 pm »
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Then perhaps we've been sticking a paci in her mouth throughout the night instead of feeding her.  :(. Last night I nursed her at 11 and 2 something with a 6:45 wake up.  Nap started at 8 and I'm at or close to 50 minutes (grant it she's in my arms....I'm afraid to put her down and she wakes at 45 minutes).

So last night was 10-11 hours rather than 12.  I guess this is okay?  Do I keep BT the same time S last night?

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2012, 14:33:57 pm »
Hi there!  Sorry you're having a rough time. 
Here is some information on oversupply/overactive letdown:
With the fussiness if it's not reflux, there's a chance that she's gulping in too much air and/or getting too much foremilk as she nurses (the green poos are a sign of foremilk imbalance and it's causing some of your troubles.  There are some ways to help with that - block nursing is a good one if you think that might be the problem.  Have a look at the article and see what you think.

And yes, 2 feeds at night at her age would be in the normal range or even on the low side.  :)

Offline Kellyshe

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2012, 14:52:46 pm »
If I nurse on one beast per nursing session, how do I know she's had enough milk?  She's content?  What if she doesn't get enough and is hungrier earlier than 3 hours?  I'm not sure what will happen with this once I return to work and have to pump (I was pumping at night and my husband fed that to her in a bottle.  The only time her poo went back to yellow was by using colief, but its a real pain when bf.

Another she's still napping (in my arms), but woke after 45 minutes.  I got her to go back to sleep using the shh pat, paci and rocking (I know, I know).  She's till asleep but her next eat time was 5 minutes ago.  Do I let her sleep but no longer than 2 hours even though this moves the E back?

Offline jessmum46

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2012, 15:34:12 pm »
I would let her sleep up to 2h if you can :)

Offline Kellyshe

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2012, 16:28:31 pm »
She slept for the 2 hours and definitely could have kept going. For this nap, should I put her down or continue to hold her.  I'm afraid of I put her down after 20 minutes she'll still wake at the 45 mark. 

I don't know how I'll ever get her to go to sleep independently.  I desparately need y time.  While at less I'm getting her to nap, I'm having to rock and sway.  I have to use the paci.  I feel like I did everything wrong and this is where at. 

Sorry...I'm just frustrated.

Offline Erin M

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2012, 17:35:20 pm »
If I nurse on one beast per nursing session, how do I know she's had enough milk?
Seeming content is one way.  You can also burp her and put her back on the same side to see if she'll take more.  Breast compressions (Breast compression) are a great way to make sure that she's getting more of the fattier hindmilk which (if that's the issue) will help with the unsettledness. 

The only time her poo went back to yellow was by using colief, but its a real pain when bf.
Were you doing all your feeds with a bottle then?  Or more of them than usual? 

11 weeks is a really rough age for sleep sweetie, big ((((hugs)))).  Will she sleep anywhere that isn't your arms?  Like in a swing or car seat or something like that?  DS was a miserable napper but would sleep amazingly well in the car seat so I'd take him out and about most days just to get a decent nap in.  One of my girls slept in the bouncer, which is easy enough to bounce with your foot while you sit and rest or read or something like that. 

Offline Kellyshe

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2012, 18:49:25 pm »
If I put her in the car seat and take off somewhere, she will inevitably end up screaming in pain as of the motion got all the bubbles I'm her belt to pass to the lower ontrstines.  I must not get all the purpose or she hates the car seat.

I have a bassinet from the pack n play, but still naps don't last beyond 45 minutes.  We have a swing and if put her in it awake, she won't sleep (too stimulating), and if put her in it asleep, I think she still doesn't make it past 45 minutes.

Her second nap only went an hour and she pitched a royal fit when I tried to get her to go back to sleep.  I couldn't deal with it so I out her in that pack n okay napper.  Problem now and yesterday is that since she woke too early from this nap, she would be up almost her entire A time for the next nursing.  I'm finally just realizing this is why she doesn't seem to want to eat (sleepy), and falls asleep while trying to nurse.

What am I supposed to do in that case?  Right now I'm letting her sleep but I'm now the pacifier. accidental parenting mistake after another. 

Instead of shoukd be called HARD (hungry, activity, rest, down/drowsy).  Why is this do hard?  It's killing my confidence.

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2012, 18:54:53 pm »
Agree with Erin - I was ready to throw in the towel at 11 weeks :(  it seems to be a really tough age for many people.  I would absolutely use a bouncy chair/sling to get some naps in, or pram while you take a walk?  Big (((hugs))) from me too. 

If she continues to do 45 min naps you can do EASAS or even EASAEAS pattern to your day, and if you can see she is due a feed and sleep at the same time then feed her a bit early and then change her nappy (very short A time) before putting her down for a nap.

If you try the block feeding as Erin suggested hopefully she will be less gassy and uncomfortable, then we will all be here to hold your hand to teach her independent sleep once she's feeling better.  I did single side feeding from around 4 months and though I was really worried at first, I quickly found that my body adapted and LO was always full up on one side - wouldn't have the second one even if I offered :)

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2012, 19:13:55 pm »
Well, I didn't see the message and she nursed herself to sleep.  I did mire on both dudes again cause she just didn't seem interests.  That's when I realized age was eating during a sleep time. this is at least a definite pattern after th second naps.  I'll kep the feed short next time, swaddle her and get her to sleep.

I will only offer one breast per nursing session (scary!!!!) and see how it goes.  So if she's feeding every three hours, still offer left, next time right breast, etc?  Skip block feeding?

How long before I figure this out?

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2012, 20:14:24 pm »
Well...she nursed until I thought it was comfort sucking.  Popped her off, swaddled, and swayed her to sleep.  I still have he in my arms but one step at a time.  Pot kid needs sleep (heck,  so do I!).

 Hoping she stays out until at least 4 and that puts me back on track.

So, today's easy looks like this:

Yesterday's BT: 8 something
E: 11 pm (this was not a dream feed)
E: 2:30
S: 8-10 (woke after 45/50 minutes but got her back to sleep.  In my arms swaying)

E: 10
S: 11:17-12:17
E: 1:17 but this is close to S that she was falling asleep on the breast and fussy.  Same thing happened yesterday)
A: 2:35 (popped her off, swaddled and swayed)
S: 2:38 and waiting....praying for the nap fairy to have slugged her with sleep dust.  Of course where is guessed my arms.

I do think I will dress her a bit warmer...she very well may be a bit chilly but it's hard to tell.

Based on the easy....are the A times too long?  Is her nap window that tiny?!

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2012, 21:35:28 pm »
Sweetie, did you see this in the earlier post?
Quote from: Kellyshe on Today at 09:52:46 AM
The only time her poo went back to yellow was by using colief, but its a real pain when bf.
Were you doing all your feeds with a bottle then?  Or more of them than usual? 
Don't mean to harass you about it, but it could be a big clue on what's bothering her. 

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2012, 12:08:46 pm »
Last night was the worst.  I am trying to nurse on one side only, and we used the miracle blanker for the first time (no miracle).

Last night
E:Nursed at 7.  In crib sometime after 8.
S: til 10:30

NW around midnight
E: 1:30
E: 3 something
E: 4:30
Woke at 6 something and husband shh rocked her to sleep
Woke before 7 so I figured she's hungry, she comfort sucked and is asleep.

I have been up since 1 am.  Every time I try to put her down she starts wiggling and crying.

Something has got to give be side I'm at the breaking point.  I'm busting my butt each day to get her to nap and I have no Y time.  She goes to day care in 2 weeks.  Is she really going to nap there?

I'm becoming depressed and its getting worse with each short nap and no sleep at night. 

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2012, 12:25:27 pm »
(((Hugs))) honey I'm so sorry it was a tough night again.  It really sounds like there may be some discomfort going on.  Can you answer Erin's question for us?  It might help us figure out how to help you :)

Offline Kellyshe

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2012, 12:47:33 pm »
I was pumping for the last night feed and DH would bottle feed.  That was where we introduced the colief for the first time.  She slept from 8pm-2am-8am not sure she had much in terms of naps that da but when she did nap, it was upright on my chest).  I had 2 nights like that.  Then I accidentally left the colief out of the fridge and not sure it was effective.  The downer to it is pretty explosive poops.  So bottle feeds were with colief (note:  after adding colief to swarm bottle, you have to wait 30 minutes before feeding.  If bf, can give immediately in an ounce of expressed milk and nurse as normal). During the day I would pump an ounce of milk, add the colief, feed her that from a bottle and then continue breastfeeding.

I've stopped using the colief Asti is a PITA and hard to keep up with bottles etc.  also, she started refusing the night bottle. 

She is pretty passed out on me now and was the same last night when my husband rocked her to sleep.  I know I'm bold in the house wearing cotton underarmor pant and long sleeve cotton shirt.  Is she cold and that's contributing to it too?  I have her in a long sleeve onesie, terry material footed sleeper (with sox on under it), and then the miracle blanket.  We do have a blanket folded in the crib so half is under her and the other half is over her (fold of the blanket is at her feet). 

She just woke up (7:45). Lastly, I didn't burp her as well yesterday thinking if she has reflux I would burp in a sitting position. 

I really should not quit my day job!!!!

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2012, 16:38:50 pm »
Called and scheduled an appt with the pediatrician to tonight.  There is absolutely no easy today...I can't read her cues and I'm too tired to fight with her to get her to nap.  I'm nursing her and she's asleep.  Tonight will be Another shambled mess of no sleeping.

It's seriously making me want to quit breastfeeding so DH can pitch in.

Offline Kellyshe

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2012, 01:13:23 am »
She started Zantac tonight.  Typically she's been gaining an ounce a day.  Her last weight on the 7th was 10lbs 11oz.  She's only gained 5oz in 11 days.  :(.

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2012, 02:17:30 am »
Does she always sleep better after that bottle or was it just with the colief?  If she sleeps better after the bottle, I'd say you've got an overactive let down and she's gulping too much air after the feed.  Reflux is, of course, also a possibility -- the meds trial should help you figure out if that's part of the problem. 

Are you able to get good burps out of her after she nurses?  Does she do a lot of quick gulping when she nurses?  When you take her off, do you find the milk goes shooting out or is it more of a dribble? 

How often are you pumping?

Offline Kellyshe

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2012, 02:35:07 am »
The best she slept was after he colief bottle:  she did another 8-2 stint nov 15th And she had 2-3 bottle of pumoed milk that day.  i haven't tried he botgle since saturda, but shes going yo day care for a half day tomorrow so il see how the go.  I was only pumping for that feed in general but there was a day or two when she went long between the feeds that I pumped.  Maybe last Monday and Tuesday. I haven't pumped since.

I was getting good burps and a lot of spit up came with it.  I switched to using a hand towel.  She has done some quick gulping and has come off sputtering and choking.  And only the right side has sprayed before, but not frequently.  I've only sprayed a few times when she pulled off (and once in the shower).  Again, always he right breast.  After she's started nursing for a while its always just a drip.

How wil I know if the Zantac is working? Today's burps were mostly dry, but if she isn't drinking much, there's less to come up.  I go back next week for a weight check again.

I'm half temped to just pump And bottle feed for a day to see what she's consuming.  Bad idea?

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2012, 22:10:48 pm »
It's an ok idea.  If you do have an overactive letdown in addition to whatever else is going on it will help to feed by bottle.  With her sleeping well after more bottles, I do have to wonder about oversupply or overactive let down being a culprit. Do you feel like you have a lot of milk, do you leak a lot?  If you have a fast let down she could be getting a ton very quickly.

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #26 on: December 19, 2012, 23:44:43 pm »
Big hugs xx sorry I haven't been on your thread before now. I could've written your thread (minus the colief) when DS was this age.

She has done some quick gulping and has come off sputtering and choking.
These are all signs of overactive/strong letdown. Have you tried lying back to feed - a bit like this:

I'm half temped to just pump And bottle feed for a day to see what she's consuming.  Bad idea?
I've done this before and it worked really well. All DS' feeds were more balanced (more hindmilk because I'd pump to dry) and the flow was less. It eliminated both oversupply (foremilk overload) and letdown issues and he was so much better.

I'm not sure how much colief is helping or whether its mainly the bottle - colief is basically lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose. You have both lactose and lactase in your milk, so provided baby is getting your milk straight from you, the lactose is unlikely to be an issue unless you are dealing with foremilk overload (where baby isn't getting enough of the fattier hindmilk that tends to come out later in a feed).

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2012, 01:54:51 am » how did you keep up with washing all the pump parts and pumping in the middle if the night?  How do you know if you've pumped to dry?  I swear my right breast will never be dry.  I do breast compression while pumping (more like just squeezing the breast and holding).  The left will get to a point where nothing is coming out but the right still keeps going (not a ton).  I usually stop at 15 minutes as it gives enough volume.  Is that incorrect?

Who knew this would be so complicated!  And my dd would not have the lying back position.  😩I've tried to lean back in the recliner though.  She doesn't sputter as much thankfully.

Also, I know I switch between breasts before she finishes draining so that is definitely why she kept getting too much foremilk.  After keeping her on the same side throughout the night, I get it!  I had multiple letdowns so she would keep going.  And the breast felt really squish after.  It's taken me 12 weeks to fully understand how you know when the first is empty.

Why isn't there like a gas gauge on the breast?!

So hopefully this will resolve the green poo.  Hopefully the Zantac helps the reflux. Hopefully. It leads to better sleep?

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2012, 08:50:44 am »
I've tried to lean back in the recliner though.
This is what I did - got ready to kick back as soon as L was latched and back I went ;)

Well, yes, hopefully is should resolve the green poo and gas and a lot of her tummy discomfort - the green poo when related to foremilk overload is actually a sign the gut has been damaged so best to give it a while to heal. It may also resolve a lot of the reflux symptoms - not saying your DD doesn't have reflux, but I'd have definitely been told L had reflux had I posted when he was 11 weeks old ;) Once all the discomfort is sorted, the sleep should come. You may have to work to get her out of the overtiredness she's accumulated but the sleep will come.

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2012, 09:46:29 am »
How will I know there isn't a foremilk imbalance when pumping?  Is the gut really damaged??  My god I'm tie turning this child

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2012, 10:31:11 am »
It will heal pretty quickly. Been there with the guilts too. I think of it like this: I knew there was something wrong, I asked and I found answers and I worked to fix it. You have asked, you have found an answer (hopefully the right one) and you have already started working to fix it. You're a great mum who cares enough to not just explain away the crying :-*

When you pump, you pump til there's little to no milk coming out. You massage the breast near the chest wall, all the way around to dislodge the fats from the walls of the milk ducts. Best of all, you can see the layer of fat that separates out to make the top layer of milk if you let it sit ;) Swirl to reincorporate and then feed to baby :)

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #31 on: December 20, 2012, 19:55:14 pm »
I've seen the milk separation bit I'd say that top layer isn't very think, meaning it doesn't look like a lot of fat in there.  How thick should that layer be as compared to the rest of the milk in the bottle?

Interestingly, she did hsve yellow poo this morning, but then the next two bowel movements were greenish.  Should I just EP for a few days.

My patience is running thin.  I go back to work in two weeks.  While she is a happy baby, I'm tired of her fighting the breast (mostly on the right breast).  I'm already upset about the lower weigh gain so when she fights the breast, its all that more upsetting.

If I do have an oversupply, how do I tone it down?  Reflux vs oversupply/ foremilk's like what comes first, the chicken or the egg.
How would you go about solving this?  (The kicker here....I'm a scientist.  I spent 12 years in the lab solving problems but with this, I don't know if its because its so personal but I can't seem to find my way out of the paper box!  I need a plan.  Can you help me?  (Eg wait to see how the Zantac goes first so one variable at a time?)

Please help

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #32 on: December 20, 2012, 21:55:06 pm »
The fat layer doesn't have to be all that thick - mine wasn't. If you want to increase it, you can eat more good fats in your diet - avocados are an example.

If you EP for a few days, that will give you the quickest answer re: overactive letdown and/or oversupply. Supply can be down regulated by block feeding. Loads of info and answers to your questions here:

Frankly, I'd attack the oversupply/overactive letdown and the reflux at the same time because there's a little person involved. Get said little person comfortable and then check for reflux symptoms once the OS/OALD issues are resolved and maybe wean reflux meds to see if she remains comfortable. If not, you know you need to keep her on the reflux meds. As a scientist too, I get that its useful to only change one variable at a time to see the pattern but we're not talking about cells in a dish here ;) That's why its hard to find your way out of the paper box - there is an emotional investment here, as well there should be. I need help working out what's going on with L too ;)

Poos will be varied for a week or so and the range of normal does include occasional greenish poos - just not constantly green and mucousy. The scoop on poop!

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #33 on: December 21, 2012, 03:18:51 am »
How thick should that layer be as compared to the rest of the milk in the bottle?
I've noticed this can really vary -- not only by person, but by time of day that you pump.  Evening milk is supposedly fattier than morning milk, so it depends on a lot of factors (not very helpful, I know). 

I'm glad Bec popped on, I thought your LO sounded a lot like hers.  :)

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #34 on: December 21, 2012, 18:07:00 pm »
Ok.  DH and I will be working on EP Saturday through Christmas (glad we weren't going anywhere).

By EP, how will I know that's the issue?  Will the gassiness subside?  What am I looking for?  Will total volume of ebm also be an indicator?  Do I only pump when she wants to eat or can I pump every 4 hours rather than 3?

She was refusing the night bottle.  I hope she's over that.  Also, we use dr brown bottles.  We've always used the premie nipple.  Stick with that or go to level 1?

When she went to day care for a half day and I pumped, I definitely got enough milk for a feeding each time.  If I have oversupply, wouldn't I have enough for 2 feeds from one double pumping session?

Thanks ladies
« Last Edit: December 21, 2012, 19:40:50 pm by Kellyshe »

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Re: FTM stumbling and ready to pull my hair out. Help!
« Reply #35 on: December 22, 2012, 02:52:10 am »
Stick with that or go to level 1?
If the feed is taking more than 20mins or so, go up a level.

When she went to day care for a half day and I pumped, I definitely got enough milk for a feeding each time.  If I have oversupply, wouldn't I have enough for 2 feeds from one double pumping session?
Nope :) Baby is far more efficient at getting milk than a pump, so its not a good indication of how much milk you are producing.

Given her age and that you're about to start pumping at work - I'd think pumping on the same schedule as you will be at work to train your body for that could be a good way to go.