Author Topic: need tips for frequent feeder  (Read 1105 times)

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Offline mmmmchoc

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need tips for frequent feeder
« on: November 16, 2005, 08:18:09 am »
I have been trying EASY with my 2 month old son for the last couple of weeks but there are still a couple of things im confused about,

My son is a definate power napper, he usually only sleeps for 30-40 mins at a time during the day,

The thing is im confused about how to work out the eat activity sleep cycle when he dosnt nap for long enough, here is an example of my day:

E: 20 mins

A: 50 mins-1hr

S:30 mins-40mins

but then he wakes up again....

so i try to stretch his feed out so he feeds every 2 1/12 hours (seriously the longest he can go) but then that cycle goes

A: 50 mins

E: 20 mins

S: 30 mins

it gets all muddled up because he is waking early,he is usually so exhausted by the time it is time for his next feed he is ready to go to sleep again.

how do i stretch out his feedings without mucking up the cycle? do i just feed him when he wakes up anyway? that means he is just feeding every 1 3/4 hours...

my son sleeps well at night from 10:30 to 5am and then until 7 so he is doing ok at night but i am seriously at a loss of how to get him to E.A.S on a 3 hour schedule without the nap to stretch out the feedings...

PLEASE!!!! any help would be great.



Offline GraceKellysmom

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need tips for frequent feeder
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2005, 19:59:38 pm »
I had a very big boy who did a 2 hr EASY cycle and slept well at night too. I was happy to feed him 2hrly during the day because that meant he didn't wake up at night!  :lol:  Some babies will do this, and for us it worked.

We were able to stretch feeds when he could stay up for longer than an hour. I just waited until then. He did 2.5-3 hrly around 4 months old, and didn't make it to 4hrly until 8ish months old.

It's up to you to decide what your baby needs. If he needs more frequent feedings, then just work with that until his needs change.
Stacy, Mama to
Grace Kelly 01/03, Maximilian Alexander 07/04, Faith Noelle 03/07, Henry Patrick 12/08
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need tips for frequent feeder
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2005, 00:00:52 am »
My Anna was similar. She slept very short and in addition to that she wanted to nurse often. We were on 2-2.5 hour cycle for the first 4 or 5 months. I am of the opionion that you do what works for you and your baby. As long as you don't feed him to sleep it doesn't matter how long is his EASY cycle. Anna naturally stretched her feedings around 5 months of age and it also got easier later when she started solids.

The only tip I have to extend time between nursings is to get out of the house, have your lo in a sling or baby carrier, that way he is comfortable and close to you and also entertained, so he will forget to nurse. That worked for us, Anna would usually fall asleep in it after a while but she also napped there longer and I was getting ME time, so I could go shopping or walking, enjoy it and still have her with me.