SLEEP => Naps => Topic started by: cwolff on September 21, 2005, 19:58:03 pm

Title: I shouldn't be complaining but I'm concerned
Post by: cwolff on September 21, 2005, 19:58:03 pm
Now we just got back from vacation, so this could be some of it.  But even right before the vacation, Rachel started taking one long nap in the morning and one long nap in the afternoon.  With a catnap as either the first morning nap, or the early afternoon nap.  She still won't catnap in the evenings.  Now what I mean by long is 2 - 2 1/2 hours.  This morning it was 2 1/2 hours.  Yesterday afternoon she slept for almost three hours, awakening at 4:40pm.  We normally put her to bed btw 7pm and 7:30pm, so I figured it would be fine to have that long a nap because she would then be awake for almost three hours.  Tried putting her down around 7:30pm,and she just kept jolting awake, and spitting the paci out and talking.  Finally i decided to feed her, because she last ate at 5pm, and then she went to sleep.  I don't normally do the bottle before bed, I should have done it right after her bath, but I figured she would go right to sleep.  Sometimes if I feed her before bed she won't eat a thing for DF.  I've also been letting her wake me up to eat instead of doing the DF at a specific time because she just won't eat.  Anyway, we had an awful night of wakings.  So I'm wondering if the long naps could have anything to do with it.  I know there's a host of other things I need to be doing.  Like getting back to doing the DF at a specific time.  Doing that tonight.  And keeping her up more during the day, we're working on 4hr easy and 2 hour awake.  But even if she has a long nap in the afternoon, if she's up for a good period of time until bedtime, isn't that OK?
Title: I shouldn't be complaining but I'm concerned
Post by: Meg's Mom on September 23, 2005, 01:32:10 am
I am not totally clear on your question or concern, but in reading your post i was actually thinking that 3hrs of A time is a lot for a 4mo old.

Then on the other hand she just had a huge nap and is going into a long night sleep.

So i would say if she is fine (happy, not overtired, getting enough sleep over the entire day when you add it all up and sleeping well at night) then if it isn't broke, don't fix it.
Title: I shouldn't be complaining but I'm concerned
Post by: cwolff on September 23, 2005, 01:53:28 am
Sorry, I tend to babble.  My concern is because she has been waking up a lot after putting her to bed, and then she has been waking at 4, sometimes 5 am and is hard to put back to sleep.  i wondered if her napping lengths might have something to do with it.  But tonight will tell the tale, because she didn't nap well all day long and she's been up for 2 1/2 hours.  Hope she'll sleep!  Wish me luck!
Title: I shouldn't be complaining but I'm concerned
Post by: Meg's Mom on September 23, 2005, 03:08:56 am
LOTS OF LUCK  :wink:
Title: I shouldn't be complaining but I'm concerned
Post by: cwolff on September 24, 2005, 01:32:23 am
An update, Last night sucked.  She kept waking up and finally I gave the monitor to DH and went to bed.