EAT => Feeding Solid Food => Topic started by: Liam and Shane's Mommy on February 08, 2006, 02:27:51 am

Title: How much should a 9 mos. old be eating?
Post by: Liam and Shane's Mommy on February 08, 2006, 02:27:51 am
I'm wondering how much others with babies this age are feeding them.  My ds is 9 mos. and loves his solid food.  So much so I never know when to stop feeding him.   I've actually tried to cut back on his amounts as I was concerned solids were overiding his liquids.  He's breastfed but I've been trying to get him to take a sippy cup with formula and he doesn't much like the formula but likes diluted pear juice.

He gets about 4-5 tbsps. of fruit at breakfast with 3 tbsps. of cereal.
At lunch its 4-5 tbsps. of veggie plus maybe a 2 tbsps. of fruit
At supper its 4-5 tbsps. of veggie plus 3 tbsps. of cereal and some finger food like banana or pear.

He bf's still about 5-6 times per day.  I try to bf often as I'm never sure he's getting enough fluids and constipation has been an issue.

Just wondered about quantities other babies this age are eating.
Title: Re: How much should a 9 mos. old be eating?
Post by: erma&elorasmom on February 08, 2006, 04:42:05 am
I have also wondered about how much my 9mo dd should be eating.  I have talked to our pediatrician and some other moms in playgroup w/ same age babies.  Mine nurses about 4-5 times a day, and eats solids about 3 times a day.  She nurses first thing in the morning, then eats about 1/2 jar of fruit with about 2oz. of juice-mixed cereal.  ( she doesn't much like the cereal). She nurses again about 10 or 11, then eats 1/2 jar of fruits and veggies each w/ lunch around 11:30 or 12.  She nurses again in the afternoon around 2, and then again at 5.  We eat dinner about 5:30, and she eats 1/2 jar each of meat, fruit, and veggies.  At bedtime, around 7 she nurses again.  Lately, she has been waking up once in the night to nurse, but I think it is bc she has been sick lately.  Anyway, this is pretty much what all of the other babies her age we know are doing.  They all eat about the same amount of baby food, but they all kind of differ on the amount of liquid they intake.  The dr said that they should be nursing/ taking a bottle about 4-6 times a day at this age.  I kind of just read her cues.  If your baby is having wet diapers every time you get him up from nap or however often you change him, then I would think that he is getting enough liquids.  Also, does he seem satisfied after nursing?  I use this as the biggest indicator for my dd.  When she pulls off from nursing, and tries to climb out of my lap, I know that she is done! :D  Also, I don't like to completely replace a nursing session with solids.  Instead, I try to space her out a little bit by giving her solids shortly after nursing if it is around mealtime.  Then she tends to go about 4 hours between nursing, instead of 2-3 hours! :o So, anyway, I hope that this is helpful.  I  think that we all wonder if they are getting enough.  Good luck!
Title: Re: How much should a 9 mos. old be eating?
Post by: Liam and Shane's Mommy on February 08, 2006, 16:30:33 pm
Thanks.  That was helpful.  Sounds like our babies are on par with the amount they're taking in and the frequency of solids, nursing, etc.   I guess I worry about the liquid intake as I'm heading back to work in a few months and therefore will have to stop dropping the daytime nursing hence, my concern about getting him started on the sippy cup. 

Its only because of his behavior after eating solids that makes me wonder as its not him who wants to stop eating, its me that stops feeding him.  It seems as long as the food was given he'd keep eating.  I've never tested to find out where his satisfied line would be as  I think he would just end up eating too much.

Like you, I nurse before solids so I'm sure he's getting his full of breastmilk.

Have you started your dd on a sippy cup and if so what are you giving her.  My ds will only take diluted juice and didn't care for the formula I was offering. 
Title: Re: How much should a 9 mos. old be eating?
Post by: erma&elorasmom on February 08, 2006, 18:56:10 pm
My dd does not take a sippy cup!  I give it to her with some water in it, but she just plays with it.  It keeps her entertained for quite awhile!  Anyway, I know that they are supposed to get most of their nutrition from breastmilk still, which is why I only give her a certain amount of baby food.  There are times where I think that she would take more solids, but I want to preserve her nursing later.  Also, on the times where she acted like she wanted more, I gave her more and she only took one or two bites and was finished.  Sometimes, they just need a chance for their mind to catch up w/ their stomach.  Well, good luck, and I hope that you figure out something that works!  It sounds like it is going pretty good, so I'm sure it will be fine. 
By the way, do you give him any solids yet, like soft fruit pieces or anything like that?  I was wondering when I could start dd things like that, and I'm not sure what to try first.  She already eats cheerios.
Title: Re: How much should a 9 mos. old be eating?
Post by: Liam and Shane's Mommy on February 08, 2006, 20:27:53 pm
I started with ripe fruit such as bananas, pears, and mangoes. I'd also used canned fruit.  I haven't been brave enough to try cheerios yet.  With my first as well I was always very paranoid about choking and still hold my breath when he gets a big chunk of fruit in his mouth.  I've also tried potatoes but he doesn't like them in any form.