EAT => Bottle Feeding => Topic started by: J&Jsmom on November 17, 2005, 11:04:03 am

Title: Teat flow question
Post by: J&Jsmom on November 17, 2005, 11:04:03 am
My DS is 9 weeks old and currently has 2 formula bottles a day and the rest breast. I am using the slow flow teats with just 1 hole in them. However, I've been told that by this stage he should be ready to move onto medium flow teats - with three holes in them. Now I definitely wouldn't go from 1 to 3, but should I move to a 2 hole teat? My concern is that if it is too free flowing, he will get lazy on the breast and not suck properly.

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance
Title: Teat flow question
Post by: Mariek on November 17, 2005, 11:10:35 am
Hi Melissa

If you're BFing as well as bottle I would say that you're right to be worried about the fast flow teats making him lazy - the milk just flows right out of them - no work involved.

Had you thought about trying him with a  Haberman teat? They're quite expensive but very good for combining breast and bottle. A friend of mine combined feeding for both her LOs using the haberman and had no problems switching between the two.

Title: Teat flow question
Post by: Seona1973 on November 17, 2005, 13:07:41 pm
does your lo take a long time to feed from the slow flow teat? If not, you can stick with your existing ones a while longer.  If he starts to take ages to take a feed, gets frustrated or starts falling asleep more during a bottle feed then these would be signs to increase the flow rate. 

I would go to the 2 hole teats first rather than the 3 hole ones as you dont want to overwhelm him with a much faster flow.  There is no law to say that they have to use a certain flow at a certain age, there is only a general age guideline. Some babies will move to a faster rate sooner/later than others.  The alternative would be to try the variable flow teats (they do say from 3 months + but again that is just for guidance)

If your lo takes a bottle ok already I wouldnt shell out on a haberman feeder as they are too expensive to use as an everyday bottle.
