ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: Tessy on September 25, 2006, 11:46:43 am

Title: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: Tessy on September 25, 2006, 11:46:43 am
Hi all,

after reading many threads here I made the final decision and I am up for it too. We are going to get rid of the dummy and change to a 4 hrs routine. Looks like my LO is ready for it. (15 weeks old)

Early night waking, every night at 4.00 ish. (so might be habit)
Naps are shorter (becoming the famous 45 mins naps)
BF problems

We have started yesterday and last night was not too bad. Jamie woke up at 4.00 am but after a long shsh/pat session he finaly felt asleep after 45 minutes. Between 5 and 7.00 he woke several times up but I didnt feed him. And guess waht? First feed at 7.00 am. The official start of the day  ;) The problem I had this morning then was that he was very tired after an hour because he wasnt really rested after that night. What do u do then? If I would have put him to bed after first yawn, we would mix up the day routine big time.
The morning nap was then a big pain in the ..... After 45 minutes it was very hard to settle him down again. We finaly managed to get him to sleep for another 20 minutes at the end.

So far so good, we are now in the middle of the 2nd nap and I guess he is waking up in about 15 minutes. Wish me luck I'll get him to sleep again.

Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: * Paula * on September 25, 2006, 19:59:51 pm

Good luck with weaning from the pacci and changing over to the 4 hour EASY.

Keep us posted and let us know how you get on.  We are here if you have any queries.

Paula x
Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: Tessy on September 25, 2006, 20:42:42 pm
Like I already posted in the other Thread, it was really bad at bedtime. It took me an hour to settle him down. The problem was, that he didnt go for his catnap. I had to pick up my husband and was hoping that he might have the nap in the car, where he normaly always falls asleep. But well, without his pacifier it's an other story. Even back at home he wasn't going to nap, just 15 minutes, so I guess he was already overtiered.

I skipt the bath then and fed him at 7 pm. Sat down with him then, played his lullabies and gave him the dummy for some soothing. Like I have read it in the FAQ to wean him of it, I try to give him the dummy a bit but take it away before he finanly falls asleep.
It was AWFUL. He kept popping his eyes and then start screaming like there is no tomorrow. Even on my arms he didnt calm down easy. It was a real nightmare.

But well thats more the paci problem and not about the routine. For the routine I have to say that I think he did quite well with the 4 hrs. He didnt seem hungry before that and was drinking quite well. The problem was the morning nap and the catnap at 5. The 1st nap I guess wasnt good cause he was overtired from the night wakings. How can I keep on the routine if he wakes up so early??? To many hours then to his first nap. Should I let him sleep then earlier or just for a short nap if possible??? But I shouldnt let him sleep after I fed him, right? So when should I let him sleep then?

Thanks for help

Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: * Paula * on September 25, 2006, 20:58:46 pm
If you are having night wakings, you could put your lo down earlier - just make sure he is awake when you put him down, and then start the 4 hour routine when he wakes up.

Once he is completely weaned off his pacci and the night wakings have calmed down and he is sleeping better you can tackle the A time in the morning.


Paula x
Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: Tessy on September 25, 2006, 21:38:15 pm
OOOOFFFFF ... start at 4.00 am then??? That's hard ... lol.

Well we see how it goes this night first. I am still optimistic  ;)

Off to bed now ... hopefully till 7.00  :P

Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: * Paula * on September 27, 2006, 19:34:58 pm
How has your day /nights been?
Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: Tessy on September 27, 2006, 19:48:01 pm
Just wanted to keep you up to date. The 4 hour routine works pretty well. We are still struggling with falling asleep but this is the paci problem. It's hard work but we will make it one day  ;)

One question! My LO is 3 1/2 months old now. My routine is now:

7.00  am wake up and feed
9.00  am 1st nap (1 - 1 1/2  hours in the pram outside walking the dogs)
11.00 am feed
1.00   pm 2nd nap (2 hours)
3.00   pm feed
5.00   pm catnap 30 - 40 min
7.00  pm feed, bath
7.30  pm bedtime (sleeps at around 8.00)

Like you read before I didnt fed him at 5.00 am and waited till 7.00 am to start the day. He was waking up a couple of times between 5 and 7.00 but with shush/pat I settle him down again even he was crying a lot.
Last night he woke up at 5.30 and I fed him. I was so tired and wasn't sure if it's hunger or habit. He took a whole feed and went straight back to sleep.

My question is now, does he still need a feed at that time? Is he too young to go till 7.00? I don't want to start the day at 5.30 to be honest because that would mean my husband would never see Jamie awake then. Should I just feed him less at that time and then a propper feed at 7.00? Or should I keep him waiting till 7.00  ??? ???

Thanks for help in advance.

Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: Tessy on September 27, 2006, 19:49:07 pm
LOL this must have been telepathy!!!! I was just writing my post and then it said that there is a new reply LOL
Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: * Paula * on September 27, 2006, 19:57:31 pm
It does sounds like your lo could be hungry.

Have you tried a cluster feed / dreamfeed, to help yoru DS go longer?

If he takes a dreamfeed, this may help him go until 7:00.

Paula x
Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: Tessy on September 27, 2006, 19:59:47 pm
Oh dear, I forgot the DF on my list.

No of course he is getting his DF at 11 pm always.
Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: * Paula * on September 27, 2006, 20:15:11 pm
Have you tried custerfeeding as well as the DF?

Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: Tessy on September 27, 2006, 20:23:10 pm
No I stopped CF a while ago and just do it when he has a growths spurt. Might should try that again. So I feed him at 7.00, 9.00 and DF at 11!?

Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: * Paula * on September 27, 2006, 20:37:57 pm
For the cluster feed you could try 5:30 after nap, then again at 7 and then your dreamfeed.

Good luck

Paula x
Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: Tessy on September 27, 2006, 20:43:43 pm
If that is not too early then it's a good idea!!! Thanks.

I'll try that tomorrow and let you know how it goes.

Thanks for your quick help again.

Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: * Paula * on September 27, 2006, 20:44:38 pm
Good luck
Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: Tessy on September 28, 2006, 14:01:30 pm
Back again with a new question!!!

Because I got up yesterday late our routine started one hour later and so my LO went to bed one hour later (8.30 pm, slept finally at 9.00 pm). He got a DF  at 11 pm. And slept till 7.00!!!!

Should I take him to bed now always an hour later?? Or is that not enough sleep? Or should I continue to try to extend the hours untill 7.00 am!?

Thanks for reply

Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: * Paula * on September 28, 2006, 18:47:00 pm

That is geat news that he slept unitl 7:00  ;D

It is entirely up to you how you go about it.  Follow your lo's signs, and if it looks like he can stay up a bit longer, then keep him up.  Just make sure you watch his cues, as you don't want him to get overtired.


Paula x
Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: Tessy on September 29, 2006, 13:13:32 pm
So let's see where we are now. I couldn't Cluster feed yesterday because he didn't eat well yesterday anyway. I think he had a upset tummy or something. He was screaming when I tried to latch him on so I was just trying to get some in him.

Anyway he slept till 5.00 this morning and took a whole feed. Then we slept till 7.00 and started the day then. He was quit happy in the morning and went to nap in the pram while outside with the dogs pretty well. The 2nd nap was a nightmare.

Getting him to sleep is getting worse.
I thought it might be too much A time, that he can't go for 2 hours yet so I tried to put him to bed a bit earlier but with the same result. So I think he isn't overtired. I must do something wrong, but can't see it.

Let me tell you what I do. I change him and put him in his sleepingbag, well went back to swaddle again now to have him more calmed. Then we go in the bedroom. I sit down with him and the playmobile plays a lullabie and I sing it to him silent too. When he is calm (which he isnt anymore the last few times) I try to put him in his cot saying "It's okay, you just gonna go to sleep!" (well in german tho  ;D :)) . He starts crying of course (the 2nd day he didn't in the afternoon and I thought I made it!). I try to calm him with shush/pat in the cot (which never works!) then I take him out, sit down and have him on my shoulder doing shush/pat. He goes lunatic, cries his heart out, like I wouldn't even be there. After 10-20 minutes he calms down (so he cries that long in one strech  :o). I wait till he starts staring and his eyes are going heavy then I put him in his cot, do shush/pat and wait a bit longer then he felt asleep. 10 Minutes later all over again for 2 or 3 times.

After 45 minutes he wakes up every second nap and we start all over again. He doesn't wake up again at night time tho. But it took us 1 hour yesterday evening too.

Has anybody got a clue, what I do wrong? Should I continue shush/pat 20 minutes long so he is in a deep sleepo? Wouldnt he wake up and not settle down on his own after 45 minutes anyway? Or should I maybe dont shush/pat as long as I do and put him more awake in the cot?
At the moment I think I do everything wrong and it feels like I have never had him sleeping before on his own. But he was such a good sleeper. Well until I got rid of the paci  ::) :-\

Should I write this problem in the general sleeping area?
Thanks for help again.

Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: * Paula * on September 29, 2006, 19:05:27 pm
Do you think he is ready for he 4 hour EASY?

From what you are saying - it is taking ages to settle him etc - It could be due to the fact that he is overtired.  Were you on the 3 hour or the 3.5 hour before you switched over?
Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: Tessy on September 29, 2006, 20:33:07 pm
I was on 3.5 hours, I was doing the transition from Tracys book. Do you think I should go back to 3 or 3.5? The thing is, he eats much better now on 4 hours and that was such a success.

I am looking for signs of being tired . If he shows yawning or something I always try to put him to bed earlier. So I am not insistence on the 2 hours A time. This afternoon he just had a short catnap of 20 minutes because I had to pick up my husband suddenly. (5.10 to 5.30 catnap). I put him to bed at 7.30 and he went down pretty well!? Midday I tried to put him to bed a bit earlier because I wanted to see if it works better after 1 1/2 hours but it was a fight.

So would you advice to go back to 3.5 hours for some days and see how it goes? Or is it too much changing routines?

Title: Re: Changing routine and getting rid of the paci
Post by: * Paula * on September 30, 2006, 20:35:55 pm
If you are finding that he is not able to handle the 2 hours A time, but that he is not hungry at the 3.5 hour mark, it might be worth while trying for 3.75 and then aiming for 4 hours.

If you think that a cat nap in the late afternoon helps, it might be worth sticking to it.