ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: corrina01 on October 06, 2005, 06:33:16 am

Title: Question on transition to 4hr EASY
Post by: corrina01 on October 06, 2005, 06:33:16 am
I am currently following the schedule on page 230 of the BW book. 

My DD takes 10mins to feed not 30. My lo can only stay awake for 1.5 hr I am trying to stretch it by 15 mins but cannot succeed. Do I still put DD to bed when starts to yawn or do I stretch A. for 15 mins and then put her to bed. 

I am confused. And she is teething at the moment so she is not taking much food as she keeps chewing on the teat.  She is 15 weeks.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated   :)
Title: Question on transition to 4hr EASY
Post by: Deb_in_oz on October 06, 2005, 07:55:35 am
Hi - you don't need to worry too much about following the "plan" exactly - it is a guide just as any other "daily schedule" that Tracy includes in the books.

if you think your lo is ready (and not just because of her age) for the transition do it as slowly as you need - if increasing A time by 15 min is too much at this stage try 5 min increments.  STILL FOLLOW YOUR BABY'S CUES.  if 5 min goes well try another 5 min increase 2-3 days later.  you will get there in the end but the key things are to still ensure that your lo is getting to sleep when needed and that you still do E/A/S/Y not to worry about exact times...

when olivia was 4 mo and could do A time of 1 - 1 1/4 hrs we started to transition from 3 to 3 1/2 hr EASY and at 5 months we made it to 1hr 45 - 2hrs awake time and 4 hr EASY started to work for us, until then i did not push her, just tried to extend A time when i could see she was able to comfortably stay up longer and still go down easily for naps.  HTH go at your own pace

PS - if she is teething and taking less food she might struggle with extending A time right now if she is not getting enough food to keep her going - you could try offering her a top up after a 15 min break and see if she wants a little more (that is if her intake has significantly dropped off and you are worried)
Title: Question on transition to 4hr EASY
Post by: corrina01 on October 06, 2005, 08:12:36 am
Thanks for the advice. She has gone down to 4.5-5oz per feed to 3.5-4oz per feed.  I will try what you say. She isn't fussing about feeding but I wondered whether her nap times are going to be too long and whether it will affect her nightimes. I am on day 4-7 of the book and I am going to get her up straight on her feed times, no matter what, but if she is going to sleep for 2 hrs everytime I am worried that will affect nights.   :(
Title: Question on transition to 4hr EASY
Post by: Deb_in_oz on October 06, 2005, 08:36:08 am
you'll know soon enough if it affects nights - i would let her sleep and see how she does.

with my 1st she was a sleeper and could do huge naps and never have a problem going to bed at 7-7:30.  even now at 27 mo she does anywhere from 1-3hrs for her nap.
Title: Question on transition to 4hr EASY
Post by: corrina01 on October 06, 2005, 09:10:28 am
Thank you. Thats a relief. I think as long as she doesn't miss out on her feeds and I never let her nap longer than 2-2.14hrs at a time I think that will not affect her nightimes. I will keep trying to extend her activity time by 5 or 10 mins at a time.

Thank you for your advice.   :D
Title: Question on transition to 4hr EASY
Post by: Deb_in_oz on October 06, 2005, 09:35:00 am
you're welcome - that sounds like a very smart plan!

if it starts to interfere with bedtime just start cutting back on her last nap a little, then when she is eventually on 2 naps you could cut back the morning nap a little. but that is all a long way off - for now be happy that she does 2 hour naps  :D  and have a cup of tea/coffee with your feet up.
Title: Question on transition to 4hr EASY
Post by: corrina01 on October 06, 2005, 11:01:22 am
Thank you so much   :D