EAT => Feeding Solid Food => Topic started by: Bella89 on August 15, 2015, 18:00:51 pm

Title: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: Bella89 on August 15, 2015, 18:00:51 pm
Hi, I saw another thread with the same problem. Didn't know it's such a common thing.
I am trying dinner around noon-with no success since it isn't sweet and fruit with rice in the afternoon.
My DS sometimes does not eat until 11. I always offer breast at WU or later but he wont take it. Formula he would have 2-3 oz.
Do you think I should stop giving him fruit or rather start mixing it with meat or veggies? Carrots with apple he will eat.
The other question is, if I should continue with fruit, should I move it to breakfast ( with water after) if he wonts to skip milk? I know some moms rather give babies fruit before noon.
I know my LO is not even 7 months but I am worried I won't know how to introduce veggies until he is like 10 and I would be like "eat your veggies!"
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: anna* on August 15, 2015, 19:48:37 pm
You don't have to give fruit at all! You could do some sweeter vegetables like peas and carrots and squash.
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: Bella89 on August 15, 2015, 20:34:31 pm
I know I don't have to, but it's just what my DS accepts right now:/
Carrots he likes, squash not, peas we've not tried yet. I noticed him staring at my sweet potato so I gave him some, but I read it has coffeeine so I'm not a fan in bigger quantities.
I don't know how to introduce more veggies. We cannot do carrots only all the time. It wont help his poo either:/
Do you think he will have more if we drop fruit overall?
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: MasynSpencerElliotte on August 16, 2015, 00:40:07 am
Do you mean caffeine? As far as I know sweet potato has none. It was one of my kids fav foods at this age. I did more BLW with my younger two, so we used pureed sweet potato as a sauce on pasta! They for sure liked fruits more than veg but they developed a taste for veg and meat too.
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: creations on August 16, 2015, 07:04:34 am
Sweet potato is one of the most nutritious vegetables you can offer.
Sweet corn or baby corn is sweet too.
It's quite natural for babies to have a preference for sweeter foods, I would also try out stronger flavours too though as sometimes the bland flavours are just too bland.
Mine liked asparagus and Brussel sprouts which have quite strong flavours.

If your LO has started skipping the morning WU milk in preference for solids (fruits) I think I'd be tempted to reduce solids or move it later in the day to ensure a good milk is taken first.  At only 6-7 months you don't want the milk feeds to be dropping off.
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: Bella89 on August 16, 2015, 10:39:07 am
Oh darn, it logged me out so I am writting it for the secon time:/
Yes, I meant caffeine. That's weird, I was sure I read sweet potato has it. But thats great news!! First thing tomorrow I am going to the store:) thank you ladies so much:)

Actually what is going on is my DS refuses anything in the morning, milk or formula. That was the reason I stopped solids in the morning:/ so this is what we have:

6:30 BF, but he takes none
7:30 2 oz of formula or none, water he will take few sips in between
11:00 5 oz of formula
12-12:30 solids, veggies with meat (rabbit, turkey or fish), takes 1-2 teaspoons or nothing. If he pukes I stop right away. That happened with spinach
3:30 5-6 oz of formula
5 fruit with rice or millet, he eats a lot. Sometimes I worry he eats too much. He drinks water after
6:30-7 BF empties both breasts without a problem
11, 1am, 4am BF

I am a little worried that he BF that much during the night, but it's such a hot summer that I can't refuse him any liquid he needs. My gut tells me that maybe this is a reason he is not hungry in the morning. We're training him with sippy but he still chokes sometimes so I'm still waiting with water at night.
So what do you think? Any suggestions?
Thank you all for help.

Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: creations on August 17, 2015, 07:40:29 am
Are the 3 night feeds all full feeds?
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: Katet on August 17, 2015, 08:04:09 am
I noticed him staring at my sweet potato so I gave him some, but I read it has coffeeine so I'm not a fan in bigger quantities.

I think you mean Beta- Carotene, which is actually Vitamin A &  good thing

Have you ever tasted a tiny bit of breast milk or formula, they are both sweet because lactose is in milk & it is a "sugar" so they are naturally used to "sweetness"
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: Bella89 on August 17, 2015, 12:29:45 pm
I noticed him staring at my sweet potato so I gave him some, but I read it has coffeeine so I'm not a fan in bigger quantities.

I think you mean Beta- Carotene, which is actually Vitamin A &  good thing

So I really was thinking of caffeine- thing that keeps me going every day:)! But I obviously misunderstood something.

Are the 3 night feeds all full feeds?
Full feed between 11 and 1am (I used to DF but now I'm waiting for DS to wake up on his own) and 1 more around 4. Today, when it was colder outside, I BF at 11 and 5 for example. The thing is, I am giving formula during the day, so I have less milk during the night. At 11 its ok. But every next feed I have less and less.
Also, in the morning he would not BF, but formula he can take some. Today I waited till 8 and he drunk 5 oz of formula. I hope it's not because it's easier for me to put a bottle in his mouth rather than make him turn towards the breast:/ I don't want to force anything.
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: creations on August 17, 2015, 15:33:17 pm
Are you wanting to drop BF and move to FF or did you want to continue BF?

So are there two feeds 11 pm and 1am or is that 1 feed some time between those times?
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: Bella89 on August 17, 2015, 16:38:38 pm
So basically, when it's hot outside I BF him at 7pm, 11pm, 1am, 4am... sometimes it will be even 11,1,2.30,4, 5.30. Every time he will drink a decent amount. Good enough for me to think that he was thirsty. When he is not thirsty he wakes at 11 and 5. That's also a reason I know it's not AP.

We're trying to get pregnant again, but I didn't get my period yet, so I'm limiting BF to get my cycle back.Complicated :) In the perfect world I would BF again exclusively when pregnant, but that's probably not going to happen. Live is more complicated than that.I decided to wait at least 6 weeks and BF only at night (fr my convenience and because my DS is still handling breast better that the bottle). If that's not going to help then I would probably move to FF in full.That's the plan, but I know how difficult it can get.
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: *Ali* on August 18, 2015, 14:24:20 pm
Have you tried giving him finger foods like green beans or asparagus to self-feed?

Or puree up some veg and mix it in ever increasing amounts with the fruit and rice.

I think he is definitely not so hungry in the AM because he is eating so much at night. It sounds like he may be reverse cycling to get the BFs in at night because he is still getting used to having the bottles in the day.
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: Bella89 on August 18, 2015, 17:34:26 pm
Hmm such a smart kid. He is trying to take me by deceit:)

 I noticed that ready to eat meals for kids in little jars that I'm buying have more flavor and he starts to like them. I don't know what to think of these though. If I have organic veg or fruit I would cook, but I dont know which is better, cooking regular produce or giving him jars.

Anyhow, do you think I should work on limiting BF at night or give him some time to get use to the situation?

Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: *Ali* on August 19, 2015, 21:52:06 pm
Home cooked foods usually have more nutrients and you CN vary the texture and expose baby to more tastes of family foods. Jars tend to have a lot of sugar and not a lot of nutrients. They are ok for occasional use for convenience but the UK recs are to limit their use.

It's up to you what to do about the breast feeds. If you want to keep breastfeeding at all then you probably don't want to cut them much more. I'd give him time to settle into the new routine.
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: Bella89 on August 20, 2015, 10:54:59 am
Thank you!

You probably are right. I noticed he eats a little more, so that makes me want to cook more too. I need to buy conteiners for the freezer. They have these small ones you can fit really small portions.

Today he woke up 7 times I think. I fed him 3 times out of that 7. He went to bed at 8.30 pm and woke up 5.30. That's pretty rough:/ dont know whats going on, but he started crawling, so maybe that's it.

Also, what finger foods would you suggest? He doesn't sit yet, so I feed him on my lap. He eats well with his plastik book in his hands. Do you think it distracts him too much? I kńow Tracy suggests not to mix play and eating time.
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: *Ali* on August 20, 2015, 11:06:42 am
And soft food he can hold in his hand and gum. Vegetables or fruit in finger shapes or wedges like carrot, pepper, green beans,  asparagus, avocado, sweet potato, potato (homemade chips), parsnip, squash, pear, banana, apple, plum, apricot etc. Anything really as long as it isn't too salty or has sugar added.

Can you remind me if he is an independent sleeper in the day and at BT? I'm wondering if it's a prop issue.
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: MasynSpencerElliotte on August 20, 2015, 13:35:03 pm
Might be he needs a bit of a routine tweak, this age is generally when they shift from 3 to 2 naps. Though the crawling could well be the cause too, mine like to wake up at night and practice!

Will he sit in a high chair? Personally I would want to stop with the toys now before it becomes a habit, but totally a personal choice.
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: Bella89 on August 22, 2015, 19:28:12 pm
He doesn't sit on his own yet, so I didn't want to put him in a high chair. But I am planning on giving him sweet pees as finger food this week. I hope he won't choke or anything?

He is on 2 naps for a while now. Sometimes we have a cat nap around 5pm when starting a day at 5:/ more and more often we start a day before 6:/

Today he woke up 7 times I think. All of them crying, which is not normal for my DS. I think he is teething though. He is almost 7 months and doesn't has teeth yet, he was chewing toys all day long.

He's got his appetite back!!!:) i just hope it's not temporary. i'm cooking more to his sweet taste-jams, carrots. He loves it! Thank you guys.

I still have some trouble with first milk feed, he will have like 2oz at 7:30, but eats quite a lot of rice and fruit at 9. I wonder if I'm doing a right thing here doing solids 3 times a day?
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: *Ali* on August 22, 2015, 21:54:29 pm
Sorry, I'm not sure what sweet pees are ??? Sweet peas are flowers so assuming you don't mean that. We have something called sugar snap peas which are green shells with small peas in but not sure that is what you mean. They can be quite stringy I find.  Or do you mean small, round green garden peas? I wouldn't give those at this age as a first food as yes, he may well get one caught in his throat. Unless you plan to squash them. Sorry, I may have misunderstood completely.

Maybe he is t hungry until later in the morning. What if you offer milk again at 9 immediately before solids?
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: Bella89 on August 23, 2015, 07:16:48 am
Yes, I meant garden peas, sorry for that. I will wait with peas then. I gave him banana slices this morning. All of them landed on the floor. None of it in his mouth:/ it was first time with banana though. He seemed not to like it. Will try with something else:)

I missed your question about him being an independent sleeper, sorry. I was worried it might be the case:/ He falls asleep without any trouble when he is tired just enough. Has 2 naps 1,5-3 h each. But he falls asleep with his pacifier. Spits it out after few minutes. He woke up 5 times today. 3out of that 5 I managed to settle him with pacifier,  once with numbing gel for his gums and 1 BF. I feel like maybe his gums hurt and he wakes but cannot fall asleep without a pacifier, since he always needed it. Ooh, i was dreading this moment:( What do you think?
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: *Ali* on August 23, 2015, 08:26:11 am
Yes it could be that the paci has become a prop. Also those naps sound quite long if he is having 2 big ones so it might be worth posting on a sleep board to look at his routine.

I find with banana they can hold it better if you cut it into lengths about a third of the length of the banana and then push your finger down the middle to split it into its 3 natural parts. You can also roll it in baby cereal to make it less slippery.
Title: Re: Almost 7 month old with sweet tooth
Post by: Bella89 on August 23, 2015, 19:16:09 pm
That's brilliant!