Author Topic: Pu/pd and easy routine at 7 months, am I the sleep prop??  (Read 791 times)

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Pu/pd and easy routine at 7 months, am I the sleep prop??
« on: June 22, 2016, 10:21:01 am »
I posted awhile ago about my lo and sleep issues

Up until starting this new routine I've been getting her to sleep with a dummy and me lying beside her with my arm across her chest to stop her flailing around.

I have started the easy routine with pu/pd as per the baby whisperer solves all your problems age 6-9 months, but am worried I am now the prop.

With pick up out down, am I right in thinking that once you see the baby starting to settle you continue to keep a hand on them and stay quiet and with them until they fall into a deep sleep?

My worry with my lo is that she is used to falling asleep with my arm across her, so is she actually not self settling?

Yesterday morning was awful, 40 mins of awful crying, but she finally went to sleep. However, only for 20 mins, so I then did another 50 mins of pu/pd and she was hysterical. By which point it was 10.50 and time for her next feed. I was sure she was hungry and that was the cause for her crying. However she took 1oz and was then sick. This was after she had calmed down. I then preserved and she managed 5ozs between 11-12.

It only took 15 mins to get her to sleep for 1pm nap and 1 pu/pd. She was asleep for 1hr 15 and woke crying. I did pick up put down for 30 mins and she was hysterical. Again, by which point it was nearly 3pm. So we abandoned the rest of the nap for feed

I put her down at 4.45 for her cat nap as she was exhausted and overtired. It took 15mins, but she fell asleep. Woke 40 mins later crying

Bedtime routine was at 6.15' she was so tired, took 40 mins of pick up put down, but probably as husband was clattering about upstairs 😡 

Woke at 19.20 and I fed her, I did this as she hadn't eaten much at all through the day, My thinking was if I tank her up before I go to bed, I can be confident it's not hunger

Anyway, she was awful all night

11.30. She woke and I fed her (treated this as dream feed)
1.10 woke, pu/pd 15 mins
2.10 woke pu/PD 15 mins
3.30 woke, pu/Pd 1hr
7 she woke unhappy and still very tired (well hardly any sleep in 24 hrs) fed for 10 mins on boob, I thought it would be more considering she had jot been fed since 11.30 night before

This morning she fell asleep at 08.50 for an hour. Woke up crying, but again pu/pod not successful, so nap abandoned and she breast fed and took 3 ozs of expressed bm.

She had been in bed with me in the sleepyhead, and she was waking a lot in the night so moved sleepyhead to cot and me in bed in same room for this new routine, started yesterday.  I don't think she has a problem with being in the cot, as she's in her same sleepyhead, but I'm wondering if me staying with my hand on her until she sleeps is now the sleep prop?

What do you think?

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Re: Pu/pd and easy routine at 7 months, am I the sleep prop??
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2016, 07:11:22 am »
Yes, I do think you are the prop as she is used to sleeping with you and with that physical contact, so PUPD is a way of changing that so she can go to sleep on her own.  I don't recall keeping a hand on LO until in deep sleep being part of that, perhaps for very young LOs learning to sleep independently with shh pat, but not for older ones particularly as that's really the prop you are trying to break.  If you do feel you need to have a hand on her for now I would rapidly over the next few days be reducing how long you keep a hand on, so rather than into deep sleep perhaps just until eyes close, then just until calm, then just for a second or two, then not at all. 

Can you post the EASY you are aiming for?  PUPD needs to be combined with an age-appropriate routine and people often make the mistake when starting out of aiming for a routine that is too young.  The fact you mention a late catnap at 7 months makes me wonder as most would have dropped it by this stage and be on around 3h A time and 2 naps.

With resettling - I am aware Tracy said to continue PUPD for the remainder of nap time but honestly I do think that is way too stressful for you both and (judging by experience here) almost never leads to a resettle.  I would try 5-10 mins max and then get up for some low-key A time instead. 

But overall - it looks pretty good for the first 24h of PUPD, so keep it up!