EAT => Breast Feeding => Topic started by: Swannie on March 15, 2013, 17:41:44 pm

Title: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Swannie on March 15, 2013, 17:41:44 pm
My baby is just about five weeks old and gaining weight very well.  She breastfeeds 8-11 times per day.  Dr. says she may have a  bit of reflux, but not conclusive.

I have a heavy let-down that I thought she had learned to control a bit better but I think we have regressed.  The past few days she has been very fussy at the breast, coming off and on, thrashing and kicking.  Sometimes she briefly gasps and occasionally chokes (horrible to watch). She eventually eats but it is a struggle.  She then spits up a lot after.  While I burp her, while I change her, if I put her in an infant seat/swing and later after I lay her down.  This morning she continued to spit up every time I put her down until two hours after the feed.  The spit up seemed to be fresh milk and at other times curdled milk.  I was eventually able to put her down and she has been sleeping on her own for the past 40 minutes.

She does not appear to be in discomfort after the spitting up.  She gets upset when having a fussy time on the breast, or after gasping, but she seems to recover quite quickly.

I am wondering how much of this is a latching issue (we sometimes struggle to get it right), versus a heavy let-down issue versus a reflux issue.  Or a growth spurt?  Things got worse a few days ago when she seemed to get hungrier.

Any input will be appreciated.  I am tired and stressed out. 
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Fiver on March 15, 2013, 21:08:45 pm

Have you checked out our FAQ's - Frequently Asked Questions & Related Information - Breast ?

Some that might be of particular interest to you:
Reflux or oversupply/ overactive letdown?
Forceful Let-Down Problems
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: *Ali* on March 15, 2013, 21:57:15 pm
Welcome and hugs. That sounds tough.

This FAQ from the reflux, colic and crying board also has helpful info on optimal positioning and non-medical adjustments Reflux 101 - General reflux information

Did your doctor consider prescribing meds? Sounds like some of her symptoms are pretty severe, way worse than my DS2 and we were prescribed infant gaviscon which helped lots until he outgrew it after a few months.

These threads also have some good ideas tips for calming my refluxing LO and Massage, Colic, and recognising various cries info.
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Shiv52 on March 15, 2013, 22:11:29 pm
The spitting up seems like it could be from getting comfortable to feed initially and seems like she could be swallowing a lot of air. My DD2 struggled with my flow in the early weeks. I found hand expressing a bit first and catching the milk in a cloth before latching really helped. Also using different holds helped too. I used one where you position the baby kind of vertical to your body as opposed to horizontal and that helped a lot.

Have a look here as there are some pictures to show the hold I mean.

Hugs to you. You are doing GREAT. I found 5-6 weeks really tough. It's like the adrenaline has worn off of having a newborn  and the sleep deprivation sets in and I was truly exhausted. But after a couple of weeks it evened out.  I really did as little as possible but BF and snuggle my babies at that age. I also found going to bed after the evening feeding session and leaving DH to sort her for bed and then he'd bring her to me when she was next hungry and I'd do the DF in bed then he'd settle her back to sleep. Sucked going to bed so early but for those for weeks getting extra sleep really helped as I did all the night feeds and NWs after midnight.

Do you have her basket or crib inclined a bit?  That helped enormously too.
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Erin M on March 15, 2013, 22:47:08 pm
If you think a heavy let down is the problem, I would try to either hand express or pump until the let down and catch it in a bottle or towel and then let her latch on.  That often helps slow the flow until your LO learns to cope with it a little bit better.  Some ladies also have great success with laid back feeding where the baby self-latches and you've got gravity on your side working against the rapid flow of milk -- there's a video on it here:
Also, you can feed slightly reclined in a recliner or leaned back on pillow.  Are you getting good burps out of her after the feedings?  That's not always the easiest thing when they're this tiny.  Has she had a growth spurt lately?  Sometimes after a growth spurt, your flow ramps up again and takes a little to settle down. 
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Shiv52 on March 15, 2013, 22:48:01 pm

Sorry here's the link. I have mummy mush brain
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: skatty on March 16, 2013, 13:58:12 pm
My girl was exactly the same, in fact she spat up until she was at least a year, hated lying down on her back or front (was a nightmare for sleep  :P) and this could have been caused by my fast letdown but she was also MSPI (milk soya protein intolerant) so i don't know what caused it exactly  :P I remember reading a tip to take baby of the breast for a moment after let down (yes it can be messy  :P) and then reattach. The positive thing is as my dd got older feeding sessions would be done in 5 minutes and so long as I kept my diet soy and dairy free the spitting up didn't use to bother her. Hang in there it will all get better  ;)
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Swannie on March 20, 2013, 14:28:16 pm
I have major progress to report.  Baby and I spent a few days focusing on correcting this problem.   I think we have figured out what works for us.

After reading this extremely helpful website ( we spent two days doing block feeding.  the first day we did one breast per feed but that didn't seem to fully fix the problem so then we spent another day doing two-feed blocks (one breast, two feeds).  The choking and gasping reduced dramatically and as did the spit up.  I ended up overcompensating a bit because during a couple of feeds my breasts were a little too empty for her and she was not impressed.  So I then gave her both breasts to try to get the supply up just a little bit.  This seemed to work.  She is protesting a bit about having to work a little harder earlier in a feed, since the milk no longer plunges out for a long time.  But usually by the end of the feed she is drowsy, if not fast asleep.  We still need to improve the latch because I think she and I developed a bad habit of shallow latching during all of the garden hose feeds these past few weeks.  She does not open her mouth very wide and when she does get on nicely she sometimes re latches mid-way to a more shallow latch.  If anyone has tips on how we can fix this please let us know!

I do not think she has reflux after all because the spit up is mostly minimal now, unless we have a bad feed.

Some other things that we changed in the past few days:
-we abandoned the breast-feeding rocking chair and the breastfeeding pillow.  Neither allow her to be under the breast enough.
-our best place to feed is on the couch, with me slumped back with terrible posture and her slightly on top of me and on a slight diagonal
-at night we feed in bed and try to replicate the posture we have on the couch but it is not quite as good (still way better than the chair though)
-I hold her upright or slightly reclined for 20 minutes after a feed, although I may be able to reduce or stop this soon because the spit up has decreased a lot.  I am going to be cautious until I know for sure.

I am not going to get smug yet, as we still have some work to do.  But I am feeling more positive.  A few days ago I thought we may have to give up breastfeeding but now I think we can continue.

PS- We tried the side lying hold.  It was peaceful and seemed like an amazing feed all three times we tried it.  However, she spit up a lot all times so we don't do that anymore.  Too bad, because it was handy for the 4am feed.  Anyone have any thoughts on why that led to more spit up?
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Fiver on March 20, 2013, 18:21:27 pm
That sounds like a great update, well done!

It could be that when you're lying down together to feed that she gets a bit of wind in her tummy (especially if you're having some issues with a shallow latch where they can end up taking in more air - is there any clicking or anything to go with it?) and where she's burping whilst lying down, the milk is being pushed up.  Both DS and DD, to an extent, were the same.  I used to put a muslin under their heads to try to catch any overflow.
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Shiv52 on March 20, 2013, 21:58:29 pm
Don't give up on the lying down feeding. You may find in a week or two she'll get better. Both mine spewed a bit lying down too. I think they were just so cosy and feeding they took in loads of milk then wind made it come up again. Like Amanda a muslin cloth helped!  NFs were so much easier once I got the lying down feeding sorted!!

Well done you on all your progress. I can't believe I forgot to mention block feeding. That helped a tonne here too!

Hope it all keep going so well! Hugs xx
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: *Ali* on March 20, 2013, 22:01:49 pm
Thanks for the update. Good to hear things are improving :)

If you can get her in a position where she is higher than your breast during the lying down feeding gravity will help you and the spitting up. Maybe lay her on a low pillow? Obviously you need to be safe during the night especially if you are sleepy yourself though.
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Erin M on March 21, 2013, 01:27:40 am
Great! :)
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Swannie on March 21, 2013, 14:48:12 pm
We have hit another roadblock:

Baby is rejecting the right breast.  At first I thought it was a fluke but it has happened the last four feedings on that side.  Whenever I give her the left she latches on fairly well and drinks until full.  When I give her the right breast she cries, fusses and comes off repeatedly.  I end up having to give her the left breast, which she takes and drinks until full, usually falling asleep and coming off with milk dripping down her little chin. (so cute)

Did I mess up my supply on the right side by doing those block feeds?

How can I fix this?

Is it possible to just feed her from the left and pump from the right for later use, or is this a silly idea?  (we have not yet introduced the bottle because I wanted to get breastfeeding well established and this clearly has not happened yet.) I am getting tired of seeing her so upset.

Help please!!
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Fiver on March 21, 2013, 19:03:31 pm
Sometimes LOs will be 'tricked' into feeding from a less preferred side by sliding them across from the favoured side (cross cradle hold) to the other side (rugby ball hold) so they're the same way round.

Could there be a logical reason why she might be uncomfortable physically on the right side?
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: NoonieP on March 22, 2013, 12:15:47 pm
Perhaps your right side is more forceful in the letdown and its more uncomfortable for your LO? Maybe she's figured this it and that's why she is rejecting the one side? (Thus making her a smart little baby!)
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Swannie on March 24, 2013, 19:20:48 pm
My new update is that I have been dealing with a clogged milk duct on the right breast.  Perhaps this was the cause of baby's rejection of the right breast, or maybe a result. 

She seems to be tolerating it a bit better but still prefers the left. 

I have been trying to clear the clog by getting her to nurse on it at every feeding and then hand expressing or pumping afterwards to completely empty it.

How long should it take to clear up and when should I see a doctor if it does not?
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Fiver on March 24, 2013, 19:58:01 pm
If you can use gravity to help you feed as well that will help you out.  So if you get LO lying on a bed and then you feed on all fours above her.  It looks daft, but it does help.  Also if you can get some heat on the blockage before feeding that will help it shift too, along with massaging it under a warm shower.

I'm not expert in clogged ducts, but I believe they usually clear within a few days given the right attention.
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Swannie on March 26, 2013, 14:12:19 pm
Clogged milk duct has cleared/healed.

Now we are dealing with the six week growth spurt....
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Fiver on March 26, 2013, 14:51:10 pm
Good luck :)
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Swannie on March 29, 2013, 23:49:35 pm
things are bad again.  her growth spurt ramped up my supply and now almost every feed involves a lot of crying, for both of us.  when she pops off the breast the milk sprays even farther across the room than it did before.  i had some success with laid back nursing which I tried last night.  but she still spit up a lot afterwards.

i am going to try block feeding again and see if that works.

it is heartbreaking to watch my daughter cry when I am trying to feed her.

i am getting close to giving up.
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Swannie on March 29, 2013, 23:52:59 pm
PS she is 7 weeks tomorrow.
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Erin M on March 30, 2013, 02:57:52 am
I've got a member here whose situation sounds so much like yours -- let me get her to reply, I think her btdt advice would help you. (((hugs))))
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: becj86 on March 30, 2013, 04:44:19 am
Hi :) I was ready to give up at this age too. Still going now at 23 months thanks to laid back feeding and block feeding settling things down.

Main things I found that helped:
*Feed no more than 3hrly (usually DS would root as if he wanted more milk but he was actually gassy and wanting to feed to move the gas along and help him pass it; and when he was tired)
*Laid back feeding for every feed - I have fed lying on a hill in a park, with my bottom at the front of a chair and leaning back as far as I could in a mum/baby room at shopping centres, and mostly in the recliner chair at home where I got DS latched and pushed back straight away.
*Block feeding - I always at least one-side fed but mostly would feed two feeds (6hr) from one side.

How are your nipples?
How are LO's poos?

Hugs xx it really is awful when baby acts as though you're doing something horrible when you're trying to feed :( I promise it *can* get better.
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Swannie on March 30, 2013, 07:02:56 am
Thanks for the advice.  I feel pretty hopeless.

It will feel strange to feed wait at least 3hr between feed when she seems hungry but I am willing to try!

My nipples are a bit sore but not too bad.

I completely emptied both breasts to start the block feeding tonight. 

My partner gave her that bottle of the expressed milk this evening.  She heavily protested but eventually took it.  I then gave her a breast to finish her off.  She cried through that as well.   

During this last night feed she still popped on and off even though my breast was soft and I was laid back.   She spit up a lot too.

She poos with almost every diaper change.  A few big ones per day and then the rest are small smears.  I thought it would decrease by now.

Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: becj86 on March 30, 2013, 07:16:14 am
It will feel strange to feed wait at least 3hr between feed when she seems hungry but I am willing to try!
It felt really strange for me too - after 2 days I was so glad I had, as suddenly he actually went 4hr between feeding cues :o I was amazed, as I had been feeding much more frequently having been told to feed on demand. Thing was I was feeding him when he was hungry, when he was in pain and when he was tired.

Give the block feeding and the lying back a good week or so to make a discernible difference. It could be that she's got reflux as well, but with the oversupply and overactive letdown that can mimic reflux and these feeding techniques could truly be the fix you need. xx
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: eva026 on March 30, 2013, 07:48:41 am
Block feeding helped here too. Hurts though:(
Cabbage leaves in your bra strangely work much better at pain relief than any cold-packs

BTW, mine pooped at every change till about 4mo!

So if you get LO lying on a bed and then you feed on all fours above her.  It looks daft, but it does help.

OMG, rotfl!!!! :)
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: becj86 on March 30, 2013, 07:53:38 am
Quote from: Fiver on March 24, 2013, 19:58:01 PM
So if you get LO lying on a bed and then you feed on all fours above her.  It looks daft, but it does help.
I could never get DS to stay still... he HATED it because it was even more flow than when I was sitting! I had to take care of blocked ducts with hot showers and lots of massage/hand expressing.
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Swannie on April 01, 2013, 15:51:33 pm
We went to a breastfeeding support clinic on the weekend.  We learned that we were indeed overfeeding her.  Now we wait at least three hours to feed her.  The feeds are so much better now.  She tends to only fuss when she needs to burp, or to communicate that she needs more.  Our latches are way better and she spits up much less.  We are very happy!  We started block feeding again and I got my supply under control.  I still have to lean back a lot to help her deal with the heavy let-down, but otherwise meals are going well.

Now it is time to tackle sleep issues!  Sleep is NOT going well.  I will write a post on the sleep board.

Thanks for everyone's help!
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Fiver on April 01, 2013, 19:41:18 pm
Glad you got some answers/confirmation :)
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: Erin M on April 02, 2013, 02:21:23 am
Yay for progress! :)
Title: Re: 5 week old, fussing during feed + lots of spit up
Post by: becj86 on April 02, 2013, 10:33:39 am
Glad you're seeing some progress.