Author Topic: 4 month old started refusing dream feed and waking up at 5-6 am...  (Read 14597 times)

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Re: 4 month old started refusing dream feed and waking up at 5-6 am...
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2010, 13:01:34 pm »
First feed of AR formula was a disaster... Although she took almost 5 oz she screamed worse than ever:( but I'm going to keep trying for a couple of days, maybe she just didn't like the new taste...

It's always something with babies, isn't it? :)

Offline Apsof2010

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Re: 4 month old started refusing dream feed and waking up at 5-6 am...
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2010, 15:39:25 pm »
Laura, I hope you don't mind me asking a few more questions... :)

I prepare AR according to instructions, but I still see little crystals on the sides of the bottle as though it's not dissolved properly. Is it normal?

And it also gets very bubbly from shaking, do you wait for bubbles to settle before you feed?

And how do you warm it up? My DD likes her milk warm. I usually just warm it up in a bowl of water but not sure with this new formula

Thank you!

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Re: 4 month old started refusing dream feed and waking up at 5-6 am...
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2010, 20:56:26 pm »
Reflux can give you good days and bad so don't rule it out on a few good feeds/ days! Yeah for two good nights! Try and keep her upright for a while after feeds, that will help the milk settle. They don't usually do any investigations with babies, it's diagnosed on history and symptoms and usuallu a meds trial - if it helps it's reflux if not think again. If you can get the Dr to agree a trial of ranitadine at a decent dose (at least 2mg per kg x 2 per day - 4mg per kg is top dose) for a few weeks you should know if it is helping or not. Ranitadine (zantac) is safe for babies and has very few side effects so if it isn't reflux you won't be doing any harm in trying the meds.

The enfamil does go a bit bubbly when it is shaken, you can let it settle or try another bottle like Dr Brown's if it's a problem (if you are happy to try another bottle type that is, I know it's expensive). We use Avent bottles and their vari flow teat which is quite a fast teat but suits DD and the teats help the air to escape. I find that some bottles look really grainy on the inside after a feed and then we get some bottles that are totally clean after. I used to notice the grainyness (is that a word ::)) with the comfort formulas too so I don't think it's anything to worry about. It could be the temp it's warmed to, or shaking it a bit longer - who knows!

It's totally fine to warm it in a jug/bowl of water like you used to do - we are very bad and use the microwave but DD will drink it at room temp :-X so we don't warm them that much anyway any more.

It could be the taste she was objecting too, I think it smells a bit better than some formulas! It will take her a few feeds to adjust and it doesn't start working until it hits the acid in her tummy so she will need to have a few feeds for it to start helping her - if that makes sense! Did you use a faster teat - maybe it wasn't flowing fast enough for her if you didn't.

Let us know how tonight and the next feeds go! Sorry I didn't get back sooner - today was a work day, which my daughter obviously knew as she decided sleeping was for wimps last night ::).


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Re: 4 month old started refusing dream feed and waking up at 5-6 am...
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2010, 21:01:34 pm »
9 and 6, oh boy!

Offline Apsof2010

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Re: 4 month old started refusing dream feed and waking up at 5-6 am...
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2010, 22:03:39 pm »
Laura, I can't thank you enough!

It seems like I am the only one in our family who thinks our DD has an issue... My husband thinks she is fine and she just doesn't want to drink anymore where's I see that she is in a great deal of discomfort mid feed and after. She's not inconsolable that's why my hubby thinks it can't be acid because it would burn for longer periods...

Feeds on enfamil are not going great so far, tried the fast flow of our mam bottles - it was too fast for her, then tried variflow boots own brand, the flow seems fine, but the shape of the teat is so different to mam's that she gets confused and doesn't latch on properly...not sure what to do, but determined to give this formula a go and also see how it affects her BM tomorrow. Gave her some water today from her new sippy cup :)

Offline Apsof2010

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Re: 4 month old started refusing dream feed and waking up at 5-6 am...
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2010, 12:55:06 pm »
Just wanted to give an update on us....
AR formula made DD constipated, so we didn't really give it to her for long enough to see a difference...
We took her to a private paediatrician, described all the symptoms, and he said milk intolerance was more likely than reflux. So he prescribed neocate to try for a couple of weeks, and if she doesn't improve, then consider reflux more seriously. So we are now struggling to get this terribly smelling neocate into her :)