EAT => Food Allergies => Topic started by: Mydreamcametrue on November 29, 2006, 00:46:32 am

Title: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on November 29, 2006, 00:46:32 am
Hello:  So many people on here have TOLD me over and over to cut all diary from Zach's diet because of allthe symptoms he has had.  I have been so scaired to because we thought he was allergic to Soy and that would mean Rice milk only.  He is already small for his age. 

Well he had a series of blood test done for allergies as well as other things.

All the test were (-). 

I called the dietcian at the Children's Hopsital today to discuss other options, because he is still having abnormal poops and not eating that much.

At first she said that he has all the symtpoms of a gluten intolerance (not allergy).  But she said that would take a lot of preperation and she would have to work with us to get foods that he would eat.  All the things he eats now has gluten in it.

She then said OR you could remove all Diary and try Soy Milk first.  If not improvement in 2 weeks, then we could try the gluten free diet.

So (like everyone has told me Marisa's Mama (Karen), Binxyboo (Michelle), lots more).  That is what we are going to do.  I am sorry I did not listen to you all to begin with, but I was just scaired.

SO AM I DOING THE RIGHT THING??  Should I start with elimanating all dairy (even hidden) and trying the Soy even though at onetime he did show (+) to being allergic?

Thanks everyone, Wendy
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on November 29, 2006, 00:48:43 am
You already know my answer to this, but I'll start the suggestions off anyway ;)

I'd do dairy free, and offer rice milk as his beverage, not soy if he has a positive result before, not that those tests are accurate all the time, but anyways.

We use the Rice Dream brand, calcium, vitamin A, D, & B12 enriched. It comes in original, vanilla, and I think chocolate. I buy it at Trader Joes, the cheapest by far, or else you can get it at any health food store, or the health or bakery section of regular supermarkets.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Lucysmom on November 29, 2006, 02:51:30 am
You also know what my thoughts are on this situation.  ;)

You are doing the right thing putting him on an elimination diet. I agree with what Michelle said about cutting out all dairy and avoiding soy.  However, in the meantime I would do whatever preparation the dietician is recommending in order to eliminate gluten.  My cousin's ds cannot have soy or gluten and she has found plenty of alternatives for him.  Like instead of cheerios, you can do rice crispies.  Also rice crackers.  There is pasta made with corn meal.  All this to say that I would get busy introducing some of these gluten free foods so that if you have to eliminate gluten he is used to the foods and will eat them.

And Rice Dream is even stocked in my little town so I have my fingers crossed you have got it where you are!  Also, Michelle mentioned the chocolate Rice Dream but check the label as the chocolate probably is a dairy item.  There should be a warning label on it stating that it contains milk products if that is indeed true.

I know that if it were me, I would be on the phone with the dietician saying that I wanted to get started with the gluten free diet NOW and would be telling him/her to give me the info I need and get the ball rolling!   :-X  But I am impatient.  It is interesting that they said that he has signs of gluten intolerance.  Did they tell you anything more about that?

By the way, where are you?  I think either the US or Canada but am not sure.

Also, you did not post this on the other thread we have been talking on....  I am glad I saw this other post here as I have been thinking of you and Zach quite a bit lately.  Please don't disappear on us!  ;)

Ok, I need to get some sleep but I was pleased to read your latest message!
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on November 29, 2006, 02:55:03 am
Here's a link
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on November 29, 2006, 02:59:50 am
Melissa:  Thanks everyone.  Yeah I wanted to post it on the other forum, but I forgot what the heck the name of it was (sorry I am sick right now and super stressed).

I want disapper on you, TRUST ME!!!  I need the support.

I have bought some of the Rice Dream Milk before.  I am goign to call the dietcian tom and see if she suggest the rice milk.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mom to M&M on November 29, 2006, 03:23:07 am
I agree, I'd do rice milk, not soy. And focus on good fats in other ways - avocado, flax oil, etc. I also agree that it sounds like possible gluten/wheat intolerance though and might start thinking about that diet too... Big hugs - hope Zach is feeling better soon.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: First Time Mom on November 29, 2006, 05:26:46 am
I'm curious to know what sort of test did they do for the dairy?

My dd had a milk protein allergy, the test they do for the protein is- they do blood work to find the numbers for protein in blood when they are dairy free, then you start to give them milk products, then, even if there is no visable reaction, you do the blood work again so they can compare the numbers pre and post milk. A milk protein allergy will not show up on a skin prick test. We are in the process of giving milk now, dd has had little to no reaction and we go back in another 2 weeks for the 2nd blood work.

By going dairy free I would recommend and and all hidden dairy. 11 months ago when we found out about dd's allergy (she had blood in her stool) I couldn't even have trace amounts of dairy or she would react with runny and mucousy stools and blood (btw, the blood can be microscopic). I was fortunate I was able to have soy products and she didn't react. When I did accidentally have hidden dairy she would react and it would always take about 6 weeks to clear her up.

Good luck to you in finding out the allergy factor, it's not a fun path to change your diet but eventually you get used to it and then in no time they grow older and are over it and you wish that time would slow down!
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: shimzy on November 29, 2006, 13:55:36 pm
Yes I had posted before it sounded like a gluten intolerance. Im sorry you have to go through this.

Here is a link for lots of gluten free recipes for 'toddler' food. Wishing you the best *hugs*
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on November 29, 2006, 17:59:20 pm
Well the nurse called today and talked to me for about 45 minutes.  She went through EVERY single test they had done on Zach.  She did say that his immoglobulins (your immune system) was on the low side.   So she said he will probaly catch every little cold/ virus etc. )like he has already).  She said it was not alarming low though, so by 2 years old his immune system would proably be normal.

The other test did not indicate any food allergies, celiac disease or cystic fibrios.  Also they tested his stool for e-coli, toxins, etc. and all normal.  Also they can tell by the poop if they have a problem digesting lactose, and his was normal.

Also his entire metablic profile was off, but not alarming off.

So basically he is very heathly, some things were off, but not enough to make them think something was majorily wrong.  She did not feel like he had a gluten intolerance.

They do want me to stick with the soy milk and give him probotics.

QUESTION:  Does anyone know of a Dairy Free Probotics? 
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: shimzy on November 29, 2006, 18:11:44 pm
Im just going to post one more time because I dont want to upset you or start a debate. Please just look over the material I am linking to you and seek out a second opinion. *hugs*

"A disorder in children and adults; inability to tolerate wheat protein (gluten); symptoms include foul-smelling diarrhea and emaciation; often accompanied by lactose intolerance"
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mom to M&M on November 29, 2006, 18:19:14 pm
I do agree with Shimzy. Of course you can try the soy milk and see how it goes but I'd be concerned about him tolerating that and still possibly having an issue with gluten/wheat. BTW, I've heard that the only reliable test for celiac anyway is a biopsy (which they would take if they do the endoscopy). And even that would probably only show true celiac, not an intolerance.

We use Nature's Way Primadophilus for Children and swear by it. There is no dairy in it per se, but because of where it is packaged the label says it may contain trace amounts of milk or soy proteins. I heard that Udo's Choice Probiotics for Infants is dairy free - you may want to check into that.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on November 29, 2006, 18:25:02 pm
Thanks Karen, I knew you had suggested a probotic to me before:

Shimzy:  I don't think you are trying to start a debate at all, just looking at for me and my lo.  I do have some questions for you because ME personally was just tested for Celiac Disease (I have every symptom of it).  They did an endoscopy with a bisopy and it was (-). 

The weird thing is when I was a the No Carb Diet (so I was not eating breads, etc.) I felt SO much better. 

Maybe I do have a gluten intolerance and Zach got that from me????????

Just so confusing.  A gluten free diet is a life changing thing. 

Do you deal with Celiac or a Gluten intolerance?

Thanks everyone, Wendy
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Lucysmom on November 29, 2006, 18:46:57 pm
Hi -

I put into google the words "false negative celiac disease" and came up with A LOT of hits.  I thought this was most interesting and pertinent:

What are the appropriate screening tests for celiac disease?

The tests of choice are antibody measurements in the blood, ideally performed before the patient has removed gluten from the diet.  However, patients and physicians must remember that no screening test is perfect, and that the keys to confirming the diagnosis of CELIAC DISEASE remain a small intestinal biopsy combined with the patient’s subsequent clinical response to a gluten-free diet.  Thus, a patient (especially a young child) with symptoms of CELIAC DISEASE should have a small bowel biopsy, even if the antibodies are not highly suggestive.

I got this information off of the website

If you feel better without gluten in your diet, even if you seem to have tested negative via the endoscopy, then perhaps your ds would too.  I  am married to a doctor but medical science is not perfect.  You cannot blindly trust the medical professionals you are dealing with.  I feel like I now sound like a broken record, but doing the elimination diet is the only way to find out what is going on. 

Also, with his immune system being slightly depressed, that seems to also be a symptom/side effect of celiac disease.  I think there are enough red flags here to proceed as quickly as you can with the elimination diet.  It is not going to harm him to do without these foods.  It will hurt him in the long run if he does indeed have celiac disease and he continues to eat gluten and then his small intestine is ruined. 

Just my two cents....
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on November 29, 2006, 19:43:15 pm
That was very interesting Shimzy.

Wendy, your head must be spinning by now, with all this information. I think you should just go all out and eliminate everything ~ dairy, soy, gluten. This may be easier than you think, because a lot of processed foods that contain one contain the others, so even if you were to just eliminate dairy, that product would be a no-no anyway.

I feel it is going to be beneficial to Zach either way, eating healthful foods, such as fresh produce etc. If you yourself feel bad after eating these foods, you could do it together. Zach might also be inclined to eat more if he gets the same as Mom and Dad, kwim?
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: shimzy on November 29, 2006, 19:46:23 pm
Marisa'sMama - we use the udo's choice probiotics as well. especially during cold and flu season along with extra vitamin c

Lucy'smom - I agree. An elimination diet will speak for itself.

Wendy - *hugs* I too follow a low carb diet. I get all the carbs I need from vegetables and I take extra fibre. As the other posters have mentioned, most medical professionals get their information from a book and if something doesnt look 'textbook' symptomatic they brush it off. Im not saying that either of you actually have this disease, but if things dont get in check soon, it will be full blown major problems as your lo ages - or yourself.

Please seek out a second opinion and try the elimination diet. Keep in mind if you try the elimination diet for your lo that the body may go through a period of feeling ill (usually day 3-5) some a little more or less. Its just the bodies way of ridding of the toxins and getting better.

Wishing you the best. *hugs*
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 02, 2006, 03:50:44 am
Hello everyone:  I just needed a few days to take a break from thinking about all this, BUT..... I am just so lost right now and really really thinking that Zach does have a Gluten Intolerance.  The more I read, all the red flags are there.

Update:  We started the Soy milk.  The morning after doing it, he actually had a normal poop.  I was so excited.  He even seemed like he was feeling better.  Well that night....  He has an explosive blow out.  It was diareraha (gosh you think i could spell that by now). 

Well this morning he woke up covered in poop as usual.  It actually leaked through his cloths.  It was green and smelly and like liquid.  He has red welps and a rash on his butt.

Today he was back to his whiny self (even though I think some of this might be his personality) (or maybe not, because I have read that a Gluten Intolerance can affect your moods).  So anyway he had another blow out tonight while eating dinner.  It was again very very smelly and it has tons of mucus in it.  He now has a few little red bumps all over his stomach and the rash still on his butt.

So now I am like SH*T..... More freaken confused.  I want to so so bad, to try the Rice milk, but am SO scaired that he will not get enough fat and protein.  I also really really want to try the Gluten Free Diet, but poor thing, I want him to be able to eat.

So anyhow, I am still researching and if this continures, I am stopping the Soy Milk and trying the Gluten Free Diet for him and myself (as I am the same way with my tummy as he is)...  As far as the milk goes, I am hoping he might take the Alimentum formula again and mix strawberry  powder in it to avoid the bad taste.

Just wanted to give you an update.

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Lucysmom on December 02, 2006, 14:08:29 pm
Wendy -

Quote (selected)
I also really really want to try the Gluten Free Diet, but poor thing, I want him to be able to eat.

Right now, as things are, it does seem like he is eating things.  By this I mean, he puts food in his mouth, chews, and swallows.  However, once it gets into his digestive system, it is clearly NOT being digested properly and he is NOT getting the full nutritional value from the food.  So only once he is not having terrible poos can you really say that he is eating properly and getting enough fat and protein.  I know you feel like he is getting enough now or would be getting less on an elimination diet, but I don't agree with that because of how his food is presently being "processed" in his digestive tract.   

Green, smelly, mucousy, blow out, liquid poos are NOT normal.  He is clearly suffering.  I don't know what else to say as  I have said it all before.  I do hope and pray that you can start him on an elimination diet with the supervision of the dietician as soon as possible. 
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mom to M&M on December 02, 2006, 15:46:35 pm
It sounds like his soy intolerance may be even stronger than his milk intolerance? Like Melissa, I would urge you to speak with the dietician again ASAP and get him on a strict elimination diet. I can't blame him for whining - if my stomach was upset and causing other problems, I'd be whiny too. Big hugs to him and you.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 02, 2006, 15:52:52 pm
Hi Wendy,

I would have to whole heartedly agree with everything Melissa said. If the food that is going in his mouth is coming back out as mucous in his diapers, he is not benefiting from it at all and may as well not be eating it. If he had problems with soy before, it seems as though he still does.

It really does sound as though there is something going on with little Zach, and if it is as bad as you describe, at this point I hesitate to give any advice in case I might say the wrong thing and cause him any more distress than he is already in. I feel that at this point, we have discussed everything and given all the advice we can in all the various threads that are running, and it would be counterproductive to keep saying the same things over and over again. I hope you do find a good medical professional to discuss this all with and that little Zach gets some help soon

All the best,

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Diegos Mama on December 03, 2006, 01:03:59 am
Hi there:

I've been watching your thread here and I've got to be honest with you here.  How can having a child who's clearly not feeling well, having diarrhea, affected with a rash be any better than him not having dairy?

Dairy intolerance is no big deal.  There is a large segment of folks who are dairy free by choice.  Their argument is that humans are not meant to drink another animal's milk.  If you had a wee infant and you were worried about the rice milk not having enough protein I'd get it.  But there's so many options with an older child.

Please, it sounds to me like you're spinning your wheels.  You need to try things one at a time and give them enough time to make conclusive determinations of what's up.  Many children who are intolerant to dairy are also intolerant to soy as was the case with my son.  We were dairy and soy free for TWO YEARS!  And he eats like a champ, is extrememly healthy and eats gobs of protein a thousand other ways.

A dairy free diet is actually a very healthy diet.  I think you're making this into way more than you need to be. 

I also think you need to find a good doctor, that you trust and follow their advice.  You can't keep going around and around lost in indecision, it's unfair to your child.

Pick one thing to try, then give it a go for at least a week, preferably more.  Keep notes, keep a food log, check all labels, become a food Nazi checking every ingredient. IT'S WORTH GETTING TO THE BOTTOM OF!
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 03, 2006, 01:56:50 am
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it. 

When things are better with us, I will update everyone.

I will talk to you all soon (I hope).

Wendy & Zach
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Cassie on December 03, 2006, 04:51:37 am
Wendy.. PLEASE try him on Rice Milk.  50-80% of kids that are intolerant to dairy are intolerant to soy. 

I have weaned P to Rice Milk (he drinks 12-16oz per day) plus solids.  He is doing great.  I am adding rice protein and flax oil to the rice milk to help with calories and protein.  PLEASE try this for a week.  If things don't get better, then move on to restricting gluten.  If you try to do to many things at once it is going to get too complicated.

PM me if you need to "talk".
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mom to M&M on December 03, 2006, 16:54:34 pm
Great idea Cassie - with adding rice protein and flax oil to the rice milk. And I agree - I'd try no dairy and no soy at all for 1-2 weeks (preferably 2). After that, if you need, you can try gluten free. And like Laura said, it's important to find a doctor you like and trust and then stick with a plan to get little Zach better. Hope it all works out and hope to hear good news from you soon, Wendy.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: deb on December 03, 2006, 18:03:02 pm
Wow, if that happened so soon after soy, then LOSE the soy ASAP!!!!

As for the dairy, it may well be the PROTEIN of the milk, not the LACTOSE, that's not being tolerated. Even the casein in soy cheese can cause problems for those allergic to milk, even if they can tolerate the soy, because the soy cheese is lactose-free but not DAIRY-free.

Dairy-free probiotics: found this by doing a web search:
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 04, 2006, 00:58:32 am
Deb:  Thanks for the link to the dairy free probotics.  I am going to check the Natural Foods store here and see if I can find some.

Once again Zach is sick :(  He is on another antibotic, they are treating him for pneumonia. 

I know at this point, some of you think I am the worse mother ever.  But trust me, this is the hardest thing I have ever been through in  my life.  I feel like the doctors are not helping me and I feel worthless.

Today we did see a different doctor though and she did actually act like she really though something was going on.  She is going to review all his blood work results and let me know where I should go from there.  She mentioned having him tested for Cystic Fibrios.  I just hope and pray and pray he does not have that :(

Tom. I am calling the dietician I am working with and going to Rice milk.  The soy obviosly not aggreing with him.  He had diarehha again tonight. 

We are just going to have to make sure he gets fat and protein somewhere else because he is loosing weight.

Wish me the best and I do appreciate all your thoughts and advice.  This is just very hard for me to deal with because I feel like my baby is never well and I would do anything to make him happy and healthy.

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: katriona on December 04, 2006, 01:31:11 am
Wendy, it's obvious that you care so much about your son. I don't think that anyone thinks you're a bad mother. So sorry to hear that Zach is unwell again. Big {{hugs}} for your little guy.

I would encourage you to think hard on the PPs' advice as well -- it all sounds very sensible, and in tried and tested areas such as dietary habits, where there's great precedent set with babies feeling better off dairy and soy, and indeed some people raise their children without these products intentionally, i personally think that aside from the initial leap and dietary modifications, this could be one of the best things you'll ever do for zach.

if switching to rice milk etc. does work, we can all help you find additional means to incorporate fat and protein into zach's diet. and if it doesn't work, well, we know at least that soy and dairy aren't the culprits. it will take a long time for any blood work diagnoses to come back -- please do be firm with your dietician tomorrow and try the switch asap in the meantime.

thinking of you and your LO

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 04, 2006, 02:58:56 am
Could all this be due to the antibotics that he has been on in the past 2 months?  4 antibotics in 2 mos.  That is when all the diarehha started.  Before that though he was extremely extremely constipated (would cry in pain). 

I am calling the doctors in the morning and switching to Rice Milk.  It can only help from this point.

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: katriona on December 04, 2006, 03:08:27 am
it's possible wendy; if so, the probiotics will be a great help in restoring his intestinal flora (fauna?).

as you say, switching to rice milk at this point can only help, if only to indicate whether or not he feels better dairy- and soy-free.

good luck! let us know how things go!
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mom to M&M on December 04, 2006, 13:17:56 pm
Wendy, you are NOT a bad mother at all. Like Stacy said, you just are confused and not getting the medical help your son needs. That's why we're urging you to perhaps find a new doctor and definitely pick a plan of action and stick with it as Zach is obviously in discomfort. All the antibiotics certainly haven't helped matters but that's more a symptom of the problem, not the cause of it - i.e. he keeps getting infections and needing antibiotics because his immune system isn't fighting off illness properly, perhaps because of a food allergy. So the probiotics will certainly help but I'm still convinced he needs a totally soy and dairy free diet, at least for now. The constipation in the past is also a strong symptom of dairy/soy intolerance. Like others have said, we can help you get Zach protein and fat in other ways and if his tummy is feeling better he will likely eat more food to help him gain weight.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 04, 2006, 15:13:33 pm
Thanks Karen: 

I want everyone to know that I have taken in all this advice and trust me have thought it over and over (to the point I can't even sleep anymore).  Your advice is not going in one ear and out the other.  I promise.  It just sucks when the doctors tell you "well, you could do this or that". 

I am starting him on Rice Milk today.  There is a great Natural Foods store where I live and I am going today to get the Rice Milk and I have researched adding the rice ptotien to it.

As you all have said, as it stands he is not getting any nutrients anway (fat) so the rice milk can only help.

Just wondering for the ones that do use rice milk, if you add rice protein to it, what brand do you use? 

I have researched MLO Protein and also Naturade Vegetable Protein - Soy Free. 

I really do appreciate you all!  Thanks! Wendy
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mom to M&M on December 04, 2006, 16:26:03 pm
Great to hear with the rice milk - just make sure stick with the rice milk and NO dairy or soy (you have to read labels really closely) for at least 2 weeks - it can take that long (or longer) for all the milk and soy proteins to get out of his system. I'd also recommend speaking with the manager at the Natural Foods store - they often are really knowledgeable and may have good recommendations about which rice milk and which proteins/fats to use. Good luck and definitely keep us posted.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: deb on December 04, 2006, 17:45:53 pm
I didn't add any proteins to either girl's drinks as they were getting plenty from other sources, including dark meat chicken (which also has more fat than white meat) and some beans too (they make good finger food and if you get them canned and rinse them really well they're easy to prepare, set some aside for LO and put the rest in with other foods).

I also wanted to add that at least at Whole Foods they have pamphlets you can pick up right in the store about this-free and that-free diets to help guide shoppers with special food needs; your health food store manager or staff mgiht have them or be able to help you directly.

Also - milk and soy products go by lots of names, like casein is a milk protein, and soy lecithin might be an issue depending on the degree of sensitivity. If you do a Web search for milk allergy and soy allergy, you can find lists of ingredients that can contain hidden soy and milk. That's how I found out that maltodextrin, a filler in some products like vitamn and other supplements, is actually a corn product (so Josie has to avoid it).

Keep us posted - you are NOT a bad mom, you have a confusing situation and medical advice which is giving you NO direction AT ALL. I would seriously consider finding someone who will be more definitive with you. Your little guy needs help, not a wishy-washy doctor.

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 04, 2006, 20:33:53 pm
Riley and I wish you and Zach the very best.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: katriona on December 06, 2006, 05:59:51 am
Wendy -- I'm trying to keep track of the posts, but don't think I'm succeeding. How's it going with Zach? Is he taking to the rice milk? Any change in his diapers? Temperament? Thinking of you two!
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 07, 2006, 00:54:23 am
Well so far so good with Zach taking the Rice Milk.  I mix rice milk, cocunut milk (for the fat), rice protein and strawberry nesquick to make his milk.  He has been drinking it right up.

Someone told me though, that Rice Protein is not a "Complete" protein.  You still  have to add other protein sources (meat, eggs, beans).  Zach will not eat any of that (maybe some eggs, but we have a very hard time with most meats).  He will eat hotdogs and turkey lunch meat (but I'm not sure if it is enough to count). 

Anyhow, so tonight I bought some ready made Alimentum formula (that he used to be on) and mixed cocunut milk and strawberry syrup in it and he drank it :-0

So now I am wondering if he should jsut drink the formula and not worry with the rice milk right now until he starts to eat better.

Either way, I know he will atleast take the rice milk now :-)

Also YEAH.... NORMAL POOP!!!  It is amazing.  2 normal poo's today.  No mucus, not runny, no huge blow outs, just normal!

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 07, 2006, 01:02:18 am
Glad to hear he is doing better.

But you know the formula is not dairy free, so if you are doing a dairy-free diet, I don't see how that will help.

Will post more later, off to make dinner for my own lo!
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mom to M&M on December 07, 2006, 01:16:07 am
I agree with Michelle, Alimentum is not dairy free - simply that the milk proteins are broken down/predigested. You're better off with the rice milk and TBH, I'd skip the rice protein. Especially if he will eat eggs, hot dog and turkey lunch meat. That sounds like a good amount of protein and keep in mind that their protein requirements are not high at this age. I'd try just mixing the rice milk and coconut milk and leave out the Nesquik and rice protein. How is he feeling?
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 07, 2006, 01:28:47 am
Here is what Riley usually eats:

All fruits and vegetables, pureed or finger food, dried fruit
Cereals, crackers (usually wheat thins)
Meat like chicken, turkey

That's about all I can think of. But while the list in itself does not sound great like that, think of all the combos. Tonight he had squash, sweet potato, green beans and tofu for dinner. Yesterday he had a great soup made from the dinner we had in the crock pot. I am thinking that I like his food to be as close to the natural state as possible, so while he gets crackers and even will eat some French Fries off our plates when we are out, for the whole, I want him to eat healthy food like we eat.

I think definitely at least during the elimination diet, I would keep it simple. Offer the Rice Milk as his beverage, give him fruits, veggies, things that are good for his body, staying clear of the processed food. KWIM?

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 07, 2006, 01:36:16 am
Yeah I was wondering about the formula, because it is not dairy free, but he handled it good as a baby.

I am going to research what the actually requirements are for protein at his age. 

Karen:  You asked how he was feeling.  His cough is so much better and he seems to be feeling very good.  He is playing more and talking so much.  He looks better too.  I am sure we will see so much improvement in the next week or so, once all the milk and soy is GONE....

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 07, 2006, 01:38:48 am
He might handle it fine, but he idea of the elimination diet is to take it all out, and then you can start reintroducing after a few weeks if you want to experiement eg Riley can tolerate yoghurt but not milk.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 07, 2006, 03:06:51 am
Stacy, can you go and copy that out anyway. As well as that link to Dr Sears that you posted somewhere a while ago.Thank you!
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 07, 2006, 03:42:43 am
Thanks Stacy, I will go over to the toddler forums.

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: deb on December 07, 2006, 21:59:20 pm
Please double-check the ingredients in the Nesquick - it wouldn't surprise me to find dairy AND soy both hidden in there. :( Also, that stuff tends to be loaded with sweeteners, refined sugars and high fructose corn syrup. If he's got an imbalance in the intestinal flora, the sugars will feed the yeast and make it that much harder to restore the balance.

This diet stuff can be hard, I know!  :-\ BUT I figured better to put out a quick note than have anyone find out later the hard way, KWIM? :)
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 08, 2006, 01:17:14 am
Thanks Deb.  I have double checked the ingredients and checked it with the list that I have printed of what to avoid.  I did not see any thing in it that he could not have.

BUT, you are right about the sugar.  I will see if he will drink it without the strawberry nesquick. 

I told the dietcian this and she said it was fine because of the extra calories, but then again she is the one who told me that we did not need to avoid all dairy and soy, just the milk.

Of course I did not take her advice on that end. 

BTW:  Zach is MUCH better.  He did poop this morning before he woke, but it was actually normal.

And he had a rash that spread all over his "privates"  and HATED taking his bath.  Well now the rash is gone and he did not want to get out of the bath tonight :)

He has been in such a wonderful mood too....  He seems SO HAPPY!!!!

Does anyone know how much protein he actually needs?  Today he ate about 1/2 hotdog (for meat/protein).  That is all. Does that sound like enough?
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 08, 2006, 01:26:04 am
Glad he seems better. The advice you get from Zachs healthcare providers sounds dubious at best..

Stacy posted all the daily requirements yesterday in that other thread. You will also find portion size info in the stickies on top of the Eating for Toddlers forum.

What kind of foods do you offer Zach on a daily basis?
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: deb on December 08, 2006, 01:37:18 am
BTW:  Zach is MUCH better.  He did poop this morning before he woke, but it was actually normal.

And he had a rash that spread all over his "privates" and HATED taking his bath.  Well now the rash is gone and he did not want to get out of the bath tonight :)

He has been in such a wonderful mood too....  He seems SO HAPPY!!!!

Oh, I'm so glad to hear it!!!! I've been watching to see. The rash may well also have been an external yeast infection, so with that gone he'd be lots more comfortable.

For protein, you can try rice and beans together; Natalie actually LIKES Cuban black beans and rice. LOL It's an easy thing to do to just get a can of beans from the store, rinse REALLY REALLY well till all the foamy stuff is gone (helps them make less gas), and cook with rice (brown rice is best, even though it takes longer to cook, has more nutrition and fiber brown). We also made a salad with 3 cans total of black beans and black-eyed peas (1 can of one kind, 2 of the other, didn't matter which), some garlic, onions, diced sweet pepper, and about 8 ounces of Italian dressing (again, either check the ingredients or make your own from scratch). Josie found it was a WONDERFUL finger food (although Natalie's not fond of her veggies LOL) and the rest of us eat it with a spoon, scooped with corn chips, or on lettuce as a salad. YUMMY! (It's called Mississippi Caviar and there are a number of variations out there.)

Eventually there's also eggs and nuts, but there are also seeds in the meantime. You could try mixing some flax seeds in with cereal if he'll take them, or mixing them with meatloaf or meatballs before baking them - YUMMY! :) Sunflower seeds can also be tasty in meatloaf/meatballs, and they get nice and soft from cooking PLUS they have extra oils/fats for good calories. :)

OK, time for me to think about going to bed - trying to shake a cold before a really LONG weekend here and at our church. Thanks for the update! Hope it keeps up! :D :D :D
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 08, 2006, 02:25:27 am
I did print that info. Stacy posted.  Sorry I forgot about that. 

Deb:  This is VERY helpful info.  thanks so much.  My little one has some issues with chewing, so everytime he eats beans in the past, they of course come out whole.  But then again that is when everything was coming out whole, so he proably would be fine with them now.

I am going to try that 3 bean salad.  I bet he would like that as finger foods.  He does not rice (i guess the texture), but I could puree it in the blender.

Michelle:  Lets see what do I offer Zach on a daily basis.  Normally this is what he will eat:

- He was eating eggs every morning (but has been refusing them now)
- Any fruit (he loves fruit)  We stay away from apples though (always gave him diaherra).
- Vegetables:  Green Beans
- He loves snacky foods:  Fig Newtons, Graham Crackers, Saltine crackers
- Popcycles (yeah I know bad..., but he loves them as a treat)
- I made some pudding with cocunut milk and he will eat it
- Fish sticks
- Hot dogs
- He loves bread, but of course now I am very careful about what is in it.
- I made some Zuchinni bread and he loved it

I would not say he is a "picky" eater.  He will try anything, but he just does not eat much at all.

This is what he ate today:

Wake: 5 oz. of the rice milk mixture
Breakfast: 1/4 piece (not even half) of organic chicken/apple sausauge.  2 bites of eggs
Snack: 1/4 cup of the pudding with cocunut milk, graham cracker
Before Nap: Ate 1/2 pear
-Drank more milk through out the day
- Nap
Lunch at 3:00: 1/4 of a turkey sandwich (It was half a sandwich and he ate half of that).
Snack: Graham cracker
Dinner:  Really did not want anything, but did eat about 2 bites of watermelon and 2 bites of hotdog.

I don't think this is much at all.  Maybe it is??? 

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 08, 2006, 03:07:32 am
The portion sizes that they eat at that age are small. I constantly have to remind myself of that. Even when I read what typical adult portions should be it is always far less than is what's in my mind.
It looks like he eats very regularly, more grazing than anything, but somelo's do better like that.

This is what Riley ate today:

Breakfast: Wholegrain cereal mixed with 5 ounces of milk and half a peach. milk (4 ounce offered~ not sure how much he drank)

We don't do a morning snack as lunch is so early since we moved to one nap

Lunch: 8 ounce yoghurt, green beans leftover from yesterday

Snack: little box of raisins and 3 wheat thins

Dinner: About 1/3 cup brown rice, peas and carrots as finger foods
          1/2 peach

Milk before bed and water in a cup throughout day. This was a good day for Riley
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 08, 2006, 03:36:14 am
I hates pasta.. Never has liked them.  Of course we are staying AWAY from cheese, etc.  for now.  May re-try it in a month or so.

I am going to try the avacode and puree it.  Good Idea.

He will not do any meats (hamburger, roast, chicken).  I think it is the texture. 

We start feeding therapy next week, so we are going to work on all this. 

I am going to go tom. and get some flax seeds also to mix in stuff and some natural hotdogs, bologna etc. at the natural food market.

Better get my butt to bed.....  This computer has taken over my life ;-0  There is just SO much usefull info. now...  I have no idea  how my parents did it with out a computer or other people to talk to through out the world.

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 08, 2006, 03:55:29 am
Yep, up to 20 times before thinking he might never eat it
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mom to M&M on December 08, 2006, 13:01:49 pm
Glad to hear he's starting to feel better! As you know, Marisa doesn't eat much (quantity or variety), yet continues to gain weight - so hard to add much there...
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: shimzy on December 08, 2006, 13:48:56 pm
Be careful with cold cut type meats, they most always have milk products in them and/or some type of soy protein.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 08, 2006, 13:57:13 pm
Well he ate the eggs today.  I was determined to still offer them to him and he ate a whole scrammbled egg :) 

I did find a lunch meat that is soy/milk free.  Oscar Myer Oven Roasted Turkey.  I does have soy oil in it (i think), but he is fine with that.

Stacy:  Thanks for letting me know about the hotdogs.  I will have to check that out when I go.

Still doing good here.  He actually woke up this morning and was not covered in poop :)  :)

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: shimzy on December 08, 2006, 14:34:17 pm
 :D Thats great!

This is a great website for source information on a gluten/milk/soy free diet.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: katriona on December 08, 2006, 15:04:43 pm

i'm so, so glad that zach is better. his nappies are proof that you're doing the right thing! imagine how much better he feels  ;D not to sound like broken record, but i'd echo the others, and say just keep things simple at the moment, and as close to nature as you can get. even though he's doing so well, you never know when a sneaky ingredient can sneak in sneakily.

i'm going to let you ladies in on my guilty secret, especially as zach is only a month older than my LO (and i don't think i can get away with it much longer). sometimes i'll cook a meal for DS (say, sweet potatoes mashed with fish and broccoli). the little tink won't eat it even though it was a favourite last week. i still have several jars of stage 2 babyfood left over, and have found that if i open a jar of say, peas and brown rice, mix it all up with my rejected gourmet dish, and reoffer it, he'll chow it down. maybe it's the remembered taste; maybe it's the altered texture. who knows. and like is said, i certainly won't be doing it when he's 3 years old, but for now it works.

i also take some of the baby oatmeal desserts and mix them with yoghurt, rice krispies and chopped fruit for a "sundae." the good thing with the baby food is you know it's as plain as plain can be, with a minimum of added fillers.

oh, and i know organic is a little spendy, but i do try and find it for DS, simply because the cost of verifying each ingredient as organic means that the manufacturers omit a lot of the crap. a box of annies mac and cheese has four ingredients in it, readily pronounceable, compared to all the stuff in the regular store brand... in this vein, i was about to offer DS a rice cake the other day, and saw on the packet that they had MSG in!  :o

good luck. i'll be thinking of you and zach, and looking for updates.

were you able to speak to the dietician this past monday? is anyone willing to see you in the short term?

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 08, 2006, 16:36:40 pm
shimzy:  thanks for the website.  I have also bought a book called Celiac Disease, the hidden epidemic.  I have been doing ALOT of reading about Celiac Disease or at least a gluten intolerance.  Mainly for myself at this point. 

Katy:  I love your ideas with the baby food.  I am making spegetti tonight and I know Zach will not eat it because of the noodles.  I am going to puree it in the blender and see if he will eat it that way.
I agree with the organic foods.  That is all the baby food I gave him as a baby.  I know buy organic fruits because he eats so much fruit.  I don't care about the price of the stuff.  I am so used to spending so much on his food anyhow.  He was on the Alimetnum as a baby and that was $25.99 for a small can.

Keep all the ideas coming. 

Talk to you all soon. 
The dietician still has not called me back.  I am going to try  her again today. 
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: katriona on December 08, 2006, 16:58:20 pm
except of course we don't call it baby food. we call it "pea sauce"  ;D
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 08, 2006, 17:55:33 pm
Uhhh yuck, pea sauce. 

I just gave Zach lunch and mixed a Stage 2 Jar of baby food with cinnamon applesauce and added some thick-it to it.  He ate the whole thing.

Thick it is wonderful.  The pharamacy has to order it for you.  It like I guess corn starch.  They use it a lot with older people that can't chew anymore and kids to thicken the foods.

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Colesmom on December 08, 2006, 18:03:43 pm
Hi-I've been reading this post with interest as I'm doing research and am going to start my DS on a dairy elimination diet this weekend.

saw the mention of flax seeds and thought I'd suggest grinding them in a coffee grinder ( or other processor ) if you have one.  I read that they absorb better if ground.  Just a suggestion!

Glad to hear your lo is feeling better.

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mom to M&M on December 08, 2006, 18:04:33 pm
Be careful with Thick It - it's a modified corn starch and causes diarrhea in some...
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 08, 2006, 18:35:23 pm
Ohhh, thanks for letting me know.  I did not know that about the thick it. 

Hi Traci:  That is a great idea about grinding the flax seeds. 

BTW:  Does anyone know if they has taste to them?  I was going to make some Zuchinni bread and wanted to hide them in there.

What are you lo's symptoms?  These ladies told me over and over to do an elimantion diet, but I was getting so many mixed messages from my doctor's.  Finally we did went no Soy or Dairy and WOW, I can't say enough...  I just love everyone on here!!!! 
I will have to try Zach on some soups.  I bet he would like that. 

Stacy:  Would you mind sending me the recipe for the minnestrone.  I bet that is yummy.
And how about the Corn Chowder, does that have milk in it ?  (I could always replace it with rice milk).
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 08, 2006, 18:43:24 pm
Soups are great. You can get flaxseeds already in a powdered form at Trader Joes too by the way.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 08, 2006, 18:50:21 pm
Thanks Michelle.  As soon as Zach wakes up, I am heading to the Natural Food Market to get some.  We don't have a Trader Joes, but we have a Ukrops and Ellwood Thompson's which I know is similiar.

I was just reading about flax seeds and how it can help repair the intestional lining (interesting).

I am getting probiotics for myself to start also.  Already started them on Zach.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: deb on December 08, 2006, 19:06:25 pm
Another good healing oil is coconut oil. It's highly saturated, but it's still a "good" fat, actually really healthy. And if you're worried about fat intake, FWIW I have put LOTS of butter on veggies (plus olive oil) and eaten them with foods cooked in lots of coconut oil and I LOST about 25 pounds from when we started using that stuff! (I had WAY too much baby fat left from my PG's!)

There are also some studies about possible anti-viral qualities to coconut oil, even some research about it being used in AIDS patients. I don't have a link handy but somewhere I probably do, and I think I also posted it here somewhere....?

You can get it in jars at some natural food stores, or you can order it online as well.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 08, 2006, 19:13:12 pm
I sware what would we all do if we did not have one another to share advice with?  You sure as h*ll cannot depend on the doctors.  Makes you wonder sometimes.  US, as parents, take the time to research and research this stuff and talk to one another.

Like in Zach's case, It just goes to show your mother instanct is better than what any doctor knows.

I'm gonna get some cocunut oil also.  That is interesting that you lost all that weight and ate all that fat.  I need to lose about 5/10 pounds and I would be back to where I was.  I should stop drinking mocha coffee everyday and I am sure that would do it...

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mom to M&M on December 08, 2006, 19:15:41 pm
Deb - what did/do you use the coconut oil in?
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Colesmom on December 08, 2006, 19:17:12 pm
Hi Wendy-Cole's symptoms aren't too severe, and that is why it has taken so long for me to FINALLY get off my bum and do this (at the prompting of Marisa'sMom-thanks Karen!) Anyway, he has frequent (3-4) BMs a day, often but not always soft.  He's on his 4th ear infection and always has a runny nose.  He has rarely slept through the night, regardless of several attempts at sleep training.  Although he's okay on the growth curve, he is pretty skinny (24 lbs at 20 months) and still fitting in 12 months pants.

so, I picked up an all natural ear oil today and Udo's Probiotics.  Will get Rice Dream tonight and voila-off we go.

I sure hope i can remember not to hand him a cheese string at snack time ::)
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mom to M&M on December 08, 2006, 19:19:57 pm
Good luck Traci - keep me posted. Will be thinking of you and sending sleepy thoughts your way...
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 08, 2006, 19:28:14 pm
Someone on here said that repeated ear infections can be do to a milk intolerance/allergy.

I say it is worth the try.  I wish I had listened to Karen, Michelle and everyone else that kept telling me to try it.  

Just be sure to watch for the hidden ingredients.  If you are going to do it, better off not doing any dairy at all.  Get some cocunut milk when you get the rice milk.  I got the brand Goya (Asian section).  One can is like $2.00, but I don't care.  I have been putting 2 oz. in with 8 0z. of rice milk (2 0z. oc cocunut milk is 8 or 9 grams of fat). Also make sure he is getting protein in another way.

I have read that the rice protein is not a "complete" protein and is bascially pointless unless within the same 24 hour period you add a legume or a seed in the diet.
Here is some info. that I found on the Food Allergy website.

Rice milk with coconut milk, in theory, helps cover the bases because of the increased fat. (You're looking to approximate 8 g fat/8 oz, which is what whole milk is.) The thing with the protein is you need complete proteins, whether they're from animal sources (meat or egg) or combinations (grain + legume or seed). They do not have to be at the same meal, just within 24 hours of each other. The following are just examples, look for Mel's protein combining primer for specifics, but my understanding is that if you have something like rice protein at 8 am, as long as you have sunflower seeds by 8 the next morning, you body will find all the amino acids it needs (freed by digesting the foods) and put it to good use. If you DON'T have a complement by the next am, then it's not "used" and doesn't "count." So it's important to create that "whole" protein.

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Colesmom on December 08, 2006, 20:36:19 pm
Thanks for the tips Wendy (especially the coconut milk!).  To make it easier the next two weeks, I'm going to avoid as many packaged foods as possible.  I think he'll be eating quite a few beans (saw the black beans ideas earlier on in this post), fresh fruit/veg etc.

I think I forgot to answer your question re: taste of flax seeds.  ummm, kind of gives things a richer/buttery flavour if you ask me. HTH
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: deb on December 08, 2006, 23:17:07 pm
You can eat the coconut oil from a spoon - some people just eat a spoonful a day for medicinal use. We, on the other hand, COOK in it: eggs, sausages, whatever you can fry in a pan, you can fry in coconut oil. I just breaded and fried some catfish this evening in coconut oil - YUMMY! The oil comes out less "greasy" feeling and almost silky, if that makes sense, at least if you use a high-quality expeller-pressed oil. It's great for sauteeing and when you're done cooking you can pour the oil right out onto the veggies you just cooked! :)

Another GREAT benefit of coconut oil is that unlike olive oil, which breaks down at high temps into less desirable substances (Omega 9's? I forget the specifics any more), cocnut oil is incredibly stable at really high temps and has a really long shelf life. Oh, and it is rich in lauric acid, the only other significant natural source of which is.... (drum roll)... BREAST MILK!!! :D
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 09, 2006, 01:35:49 am
Thanks Deb.  I am going to get some Cocunut Oil tom.  I just bought some Canola Oil to fry his foods in, But YUm that sounds so good to fry fish and then pour the oil right over vegetables. 


I wanted to let you all know I talked to the dietcian at the Children's Hospital.  She said that she was impressed because I have done so much homework.. LOL  Anyway.. I asked her about the Brown Rice Protein not being complete with all the amino acids.

She contacted the company and they told her and E-mailed her a list with all the complete amino acids in the protein and it is considered a "complete" protein.  It is MLO Brown Rice Protein.

Traci:  I wanted to let tell you what she told me about the cocunut milk.  (Sorry, I did not know earlier).  She said just to be careful with how much you add to the milk because sometimes it can make it more dense for the kids and they will not drink as much.  I was adding 2 oz. to 8 oz. of rice milk and in the past 2 days he actually did drink a lot less.  So tonight I made some without any cocunut milk and he drank 6 oz. within 5 minutes.  :-0 

So she said to add maybe 1/2 oz. or 1 oz.  I would try it and see what works for you.  Maybe Zach just does not like the taste of it.  I went and bought 6 cans of it tonigt.  But that is okay because I made vanilla pudding with it instead of milk "yummy".

I am going to get some of the cocunut oil and just put in almost thing he eats.

Oh and last thing.  I am going to do a food diary for the next 3 days and E-mail it to his dietcian.  She is going to do a food anaylsis for me to make sure he is getting the proper nutrients that he needs.  I will share with you all once I get it.

She said that he only needed 10 oz. of protein a day.  He is 16 months at 21 pounds.

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 09, 2006, 01:44:12 am
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 09, 2006, 03:17:29 am
YUM these sound so good.  You cook like my hubby does.  I am a good cook, but have to have a recipe to follow.  My hubby can just "throw" together a gourmet meal... 

Any other recipes, please share :-).  Sounds so easy.

I am going to have to check the stock out, for some reason I think that is on the NO list.  I think some have soy protein in it. 

Well off to bed.... TIRED and need my sleep so I can COOK all day tom.  :-)

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: deb on December 09, 2006, 03:22:20 am
Easy meal for us here: a salmon fillet, some frozen veggies (I like broccoli, but green beans and/or cauliflower and/or carrots work too). Place in the center of a sheet of foil for each serving - one fillet, veggies for each person - season to taste, pour coconut oil over all, bake for one hour - it's easiest to put the foil packets onto a cookie sheet. Enjoy! :)
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: deb on December 09, 2006, 16:16:17 pm
The coconut milk naturally has some coconut oil in it, at least I'm pretty sure it does (so does actual flaked & dried coconut), but they aren't the same thing. The oil is ONLY the oil, nothing else. It's solid below about 75-76 degrees F and liquid above that.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 10, 2006, 01:07:01 am
I went and got some cocunut oil today.  The only place that I found it was in the organic section.  It came in this little jar and was solid.

I know this sounds SO gross, but I took a baby jar food of squash today and heated up 1 tablespoon of cocunut oil.  I mixed it all with some applesauce and grounded flax seed.  he gobbled it right up :-0.

Tonight I made fried catfish with the cocunut oil, steamed vegetables.  I gave him 2 choices.  I took it all and pureed it in the blender and then I put some on his plate (whole) and cut it up. 

WELL.. He refused both...  I take it he did not like it at all.

All I have to say is that I KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO HAVE A TODDLER IN THE HOUSE NOW.  OMG.  I guess because Zach did not feel so good before, he was never really "into" anything.  He just bascially whined all day and really did not do anything.

Oh boy oh boy.. He is into EVERYTHING now...  I am so tired. 

He has just been the happiest little thing. 

Still normal poo[s.  Well tonight he went and it was a very very strange color (like a light green).  Just weird looking.  But no diaherra or mucus, so I am SURE it is normal. 

Well better run and clean the kitchen, make cookies :)  FOR ME, and relax!

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: deb on December 10, 2006, 01:49:46 am
All I have to say is that I KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO HAVE A TODDLER IN THE HOUSE NOW.  OMG.  I guess because Zach did not feel so good before, he was never really "into" anything.  He just bascially whined all day and really did not do anything.

Oh boy oh boy.. He is into EVERYTHING now...  I am so tired. 

He has just been the happiest little thing. 

WOW! :D Even though you're tired, that's probably the best thing to come out of all this. Toddlerhood is quite the fun adventure when they're feeling good and into things. ;D

YAAAAAY!!!!! :D :D :D
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 10, 2006, 01:59:12 am
I OWE IT TO YOU ALL!!!!  If it was not for all your support, who knows what route the doctors would have sent me in next.

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: deb on December 10, 2006, 02:33:58 am
Hey, that's why there's a BW board! :D :D :D

Truly, I've received so much good advice and support here, so much helpful information and links to even more - I truly don't know how I would have survived without it!

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you, and keep us posted - we're cheering for the both of you, you know! ;)  :-*
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: katriona on December 10, 2006, 04:00:12 am
bless him, wendy. just think how much better he's feeling! i'm so, so glad that you've followed this course. maybe the docs will learn something from YOU and your persistance!!!
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Colesmom on December 10, 2006, 18:09:23 pm
Hi Wendy-Yes, the first time i made Cole's milk I put in two teaspoons (not sure how many oz. that is...of the coconut milk and he wouldn't drink it.  Added more rice milk and he did.  I am finding the coconut milk a bit of a pain thick when refridgerated that to mix well i am heating his milk a bit.  Not a big deal I guess...unless I want to take it with us.

yesterday went well, although we attended a b-day party and I wasn't prepared for them to have pizza!  It was at 4pm...not lunch, not dinner...anyway, I let him have pizza and cake.  I know, what's the point of all the work, right?  Well, back on track.

I don't want to highjack your post, just wanted to say that ALREADY his nose seems less runny :-\  Not sure if I'm just imagining it or wanting it :P  He did have soft BMs today, and it looks like the beans he had for dinner kind of went through him.  We haven't had a lot of beans,so that could be it, and maybe I just gave too many.  Will have to check out Stacy's toddler serving sizes.  sometimes it seems that cole will just eat and eat and eat.

Our sleep wasn't any better, but I think it was more due to overtiredness than food last night.

I have a Q, but I'll start my own post. glad to hear things are going well Wendy!

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 10, 2006, 19:26:01 pm
Traci:  It's okay, you can post  your question here.  All these ladies on here were the ones who helped me the post.  Or you can start a new post and see what responses you get.

I think this post has turned into a learning experience anyhow.  Maybe we should re-titled it The effects from going Milk/Soy free.  Does anyone of the Mods know how to do that or think that is a good idea.  That may be able to help a lot of people who are looking for success stories from going milk/soy free.

Once you get the whole thing down, it is SO easy to avoid milk and soy.  Like someone had told me before, it really IS NOT a big deal at all.  I kept thinking it was going to be so hard.  There are a ton of foods they can still eat. 

Zach is still doing AWESOME.  Another morning with no poop up to his neck :-)  And his mood is just shocking.

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Lucysmom on December 10, 2006, 19:40:53 pm
Wendy - I just want to congratulate you on moving forward with the elimination diet!  I was a bit worried you were going to get annoyed at me when I kept on repeating that advice over and over again, but I thought that your doctors were giving bad advice!  And WOW!  They certainly were!!!!!!!!!!!!  >:( I cannot tell you how incredibly happy I am to hear that Zach is now truly a happy, mischievous little toddler!   ;) ;D  And I am so proud of you for learning so very much about this new way of eating and being so willing to share this knowledge with others.  When I read your posts now I "hear" a woman empowered and it just makes me smile!  Great job, Wendy!!!  ;D
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 10, 2006, 20:11:15 pm
Melissa:  Aww thanks so much :) 

I was not getting at all annoyed by everyone telling me over and over.  I will now do the same thing to help others, because I know IT DOES WORK. 

The doctor's were not giving me good advice at all.  They are right on a lot of things, BUT YOU AS A MOTHER KNOWS YOUR CHILD BETTER THAN ANY DOCTOR OR ANYONE.  You mother instanct is the best thing God has given us.

I just really appreciate everyone and the support.  I really hope I will be able to help others learn from my experience.

Well off to outside, it is actually 60 degrees here today in December :-)  WOW, better enjoy it while we can.  We are going for a bike ride.  Zach loves to ride behind the bike (we have an enclosed pull cart thing), can't think what it is called.  He gets all snuggly in there with his blanket and off we go!

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mom to M&M on December 11, 2006, 16:06:13 pm
Wendy, I'm SO GLAD to hear how well things are going and ecstatic that Zach is starting to feel better and be a happy little camper. Kudos to you for doing this and I hope things only continue to improve. FYI, it's possible that the milk/soy intolerance was a big factor in his reflux - so maybe if he's still doing well in a few weeks you might want to speak with  his doctors about weaning the Prevacid?

Traci, glad to hear that Cole's runny nose is starting to improve - definitely keep us posted!
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 12, 2006, 01:03:50 am
Hey Karen:  We acutally weaned Zach off prevacid about a month ago.  The only reason why is because we thought "maybe" that is why he was having so much diaherra.

At the time, it still seemed as he needed it, but NOW I rarely see or hear him spit up.  :)

Kinda bad news here, but maybe not.  Zach woke up covered in poop again.  My husband got the joys of changing him.  Of course I asked what did it look like, etc.  and he was like " I have no clue, I barely could change him"... 
He now has a rash all over his butt again, BUT I think it is because he must have pooped in his sleep and was sitting in it for a while.  He never woke up, but at 2:00 in the morning, I woke up and opened his door and I thought I smelled poop.  So must have been. 

Other than that, he is still a very happy baby.  Gosh he is in to EVERYTHING :-0

We start feeding therapy tom. morning.  I will let you all know how it goes.

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 12, 2006, 01:09:01 am
Good luck tomorrow!
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: katriona on December 12, 2006, 03:49:02 am

we had an unusual night-time poop one night last week as well, and poor DS got diaper rash that woke him up at 5.30am. no going back to sleep for him after that diaper change. i put a thick layer of zinc oxide based diaper rash cream on him now, just in case.

fingers crossed that it isn't repeated for either of us! normally i can set my watch by theron  :D

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 12, 2006, 17:22:57 pm
The diaper rash is gone.  i put a really thick layer of Destin on it last night before bed.

Feeding Therapy went great today and I got AWESOME news.  It looks like we are not going to have to go.  She is going to wait until the dietician reveiws  all his intake for the last 3 days, but she said he is doing GREAT!!!

YEAH.. I am so happy
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 12, 2006, 19:58:16 pm
That's great! So they think he is eating enough? What about the not chewing issue, has that been resolved too? Can't wait to hear more!
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 12, 2006, 23:41:44 pm
I had to share these pictures of Zach.  He actually had his very 1st spegetti dinner tonight :-) 

He never liked it before, I guess because we pureed it or cut the noodles up very very small.  Well tonight he reached for a hand full off my plate and loved it.  He ate so much!!! 

The other pictures are my new pet doggies!!!  LOL  Daddy and Zach both got in the dogs kennel.  Funny...  Daddy barely fit..

*I will post after this more details about the therapy.  I need to get back downstairs!

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 12, 2006, 23:44:13 pm
He looks so happy! ;D
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Lucysmom on December 13, 2006, 13:30:39 pm
Great pictures!!! ;D  I love the one of him and his daddy in the dog crate.  Too funny!!!  Your dh seems like a really lovely guy who adores his ds.  Nothing sweeter than that!

So yes, we need more details about what the feeding therapist said!  As a mom of a picky eater I always want to learn as much as possible from others' interactions with feeding specialists.  So any and all information would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!!!

Because of what you posted earlier about Zach's protein needs, I think I am going to try to get Lucy in to see a dietician in the new year.  I just am having so much trouble getting her to eat anything fattening or with protein in it.  So thanks for sharing that info as well.

Lots to do but just wanted to say hello and tell you what a gorgeous little HAPPY boy you have!!!  ;D
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 13, 2006, 17:47:11 pm
Hey everyone:

the feeding therapy went well.  She just focued on getting him "used" to being there.  At first he threw a very very bad tantrum.  He would not get in the high chair, he screamed and held his breath.  I told the therapist "He does not want to get in the high chair" and she was like "WELL HE HAS TOO".  So finally we got him in and he cried and cried and threw the toys. 

After 3 minutes (seemed longer to me), he calmed down.  We did not focus on eating.  She just wanted him to get used to her and for him to know she was not going to hurt him.  He probaly was thinking he was getting another shot or something.

She set a timer for 15 minutes and rewarded him with toys and t.v for sitting nicely.  We would play with him for 2 minutes, then take all the toys away, after about 30 seconds (if he was good), he got the toys back and we made a big deal about it "GOOD JOB ZACH FOR SITTING NICELY". 

This is they way the program works.  They use "positive reinforcement" for eating.  So once he does start to eat there, if he takes a bite then he gets a toy, etc. 

BUT, at home he is NOTHING like that.  He climbs in his high chair (well booster seat) now.  You ask him does he want to eat and he goes right over to his chair.

But the GOOD NEWS is, I showed her what he has eaten for the past 3 days and she was SHOCKED.  She said that is better than 99% of her cases.  She really did not feel  like he needed the therapy at all.

The dietician there is doing a food anaylsis for me to make sure he is getting the proper Fats, Protein, Calories, Nutrients.  If so, then we will not have to have the therapy :) 

I will have all that info back today, so I will deft. share that with  you all.  I will post what she sends me. 

I think the main thing I need to do is STICK with foods that I know he will eat and work on increasing the quanity.  I have been trying new foods with him, like organic un-cured turkey dogs.  He refused them.  I have to say they were pretty nasty. 

Once I get that info. I will post.

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 18, 2006, 03:16:54 am
Any news from the dietician?
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 18, 2006, 03:25:41 am
Hey there:  I was getting ready to post.  I just checked my E-mail and heard from the dietcian.

Zach is 16 months old and 21 pounds.  This is what she says he needs on a daily basis:

1000-1100 calories
11-39 grams of Protein
23-32 oz. of fluids (includes fluids from foods)

She caculated over his 3 day results (I am assuming an average for the day) is 1215 calories, 35 g pf protein and 22 oz of fluids. 

His calories and protein are GREAT.  A bit low on fluids.  She recommends at least 4 0z. of juice or water a day. 

Also he is low on Vitamin E, K and Potassium.  She said if I could not get him to eat vegetable and fruits high in these vitamins, to try a half of a Children's Complete Multi-Vitamin with Minerals in it. 

BUT.....  I did do a post in the Solid Foods Forum about JUICE PLUS.  Has anyone heard of this?  Check out that post I did.  I am wondering if I should just give him this.

Other than that, things are still great here.  Zach is even starting to gain weight.  Unbelievable!!  He is also eating like a horse.  He does not eat the healthist things, but he wants something to eat every 5 minutes (either a cracker or cookie) or something.... 

And he LOVES his rice milk..
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 18, 2006, 03:26:47 am
Here is the link to the other post:  I hope it works.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 18, 2006, 03:30:54 am
That's amazing Wendy. I am sooooo happy for you and Zach. You sound like a different woman lately, so happy and empowered!!!

I will check that link out, I am toying with the idea of giving Riley a vitamin myself. I may ask his paed for a recommendation. What does he eat for protein? I am sure Riley doesn't have such a good intake as Zach. I think wheatgerm had vitamin E and can be added to things. Will he not eat bananas for potassium?

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 18, 2006, 03:42:33 am
Yeah, I thought that was ALOT of protein in one day.  I am sure she is caculating the MLO Brown Rice Protein that we put in Zach's milk.  A tablespoon is like 7.5 grams of protein. 

The only meat Zach eats is hotdogs and fish sticks (ocassionally). 

I am not to sure if she was "accurate" with the amount of protein, but I am not worried about that.

Oh you could try to give Riley Peanute Butter or I give Zach SUNBUTTER.  He could not handle peanute butter for some reason, but the sunbutter he handles fine.

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 18, 2006, 03:43:58 am
I will have a look for that next time I am shopping, thanks!
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mom to M&M on December 18, 2006, 21:54:21 pm
Glad to hear how well he's doing and eating!
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Diegos Mama on December 18, 2006, 22:32:25 pm
Oh, such great news. I'm glad that the rice milk is working!  It's really  hard to realize that the elimination diets aren't that bad until you've started them. I bet you're noticing great improvements in his demeanor since he's feeling better.

Great job!
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: shimzy on December 18, 2006, 22:48:08 pm
Wendy, Im so glad things are improving for Zach and for you. {hugs}  :D
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 19, 2006, 20:27:54 pm
Hey, I was thinking of you last night...when I was trying to figure out protein for Riley's diet. I was wondering as regards the feeding therapy, and the fact that you don't have to go now as he is reaching daily requirements. Is a diet considered good because the basic nutritional requirements are met, regardless of from what sources they come? eg most of Zach's protein comes from the rice protein you add to stuff, not from actual foods he is eating per say.Just wondering...Protein is our struggle group. Most of it comes from yoghurt. The other sources can be hit or miss on any given day. I must talk to his paed about all this
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 20, 2006, 01:10:20 am
Hey Michelle:  I have learned that the feeding therapy and the dietcian is HAPPY as long as he is meeting his daily requirements.  I don't think they really care how they meet it.  You would be really suprised on what they recommend for calorie boosters. 

You kow I was going to say that you would not have to worry about Riley because he is drinking soy milk, but that is right he is on Rice milk also.

Will he eat  hotdogs? 

I still wonder about the rice protein though and here is why:  This is from a different site.

The thing with the protein is you need complete proteins, whether they're from animal sources (meat or egg) or combinations (grain + legume or seed). They do not have to be at the same meal, just within 24 hours of each other. The following are just examples, look for Mel's protein combining primer for specifics, but my understanding is that if you have something like rice protein at 8 am, as long as you have sunflower seeds by 8 the next morning, you body will find all the amino acids it needs (freed by digesting the foods) and put it to good use. If you DON'T have a complement by the next am, then it's not "used" and doesn't "count." So it's important to create that "whole" protein.

I buy the MLO Rice Protein and the company claims that it does have all the essential amino acids in it.  Don't know how after reading that... 

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on December 21, 2006, 01:31:00 am
Wendy, is there protein in coconut milk?
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 21, 2006, 01:45:01 am
I don't think so, let me go check:

OH YES there is.  2 grams of protein for 2 oz. 

So then that means with 8 oz. of rice milk and 2 oz. of cocunut milk, they would get 3 grams of protein, 9 oz. of fat.  So almost the same as whole milk (4 grams less of protein).

At first I tried putting like 4 oz. of cocunut milk to 4 oz. of rice milk   :-\   Zach would not drink it at all, or he drank a lot less.  The dietcian told me to only do 2 oz. of it and now he drinks about 4 cups a day!!!

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 22, 2006, 01:07:29 am
I sware I think Zach has gained about 4 pounds.  His little legs are getting big and he is actually getting a 2nd chin now :)  :)

DH and I were joking tonight and said that next time we go to the doctors they are going to say "good grief, what have you been feeding this boy".   LOL 

No joke, he has gained lots of weight.  I am so happy. 

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mom to M&M on December 22, 2006, 01:53:57 am
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: deb on December 22, 2006, 12:07:46 pm
YAAAAY!!!!!  :D :D :D :D :D

How's THAT for a Christmas present? :D
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 26, 2006, 02:04:55 am
:(  Bad news everyone.  We are now back to square one :( :(  :( 

Zach was put in the hospital Friday night.  He woke up Thursday night covered in vomit.  He threw up proably 20/30 more times and had diaherra so so bad. 

We went to the E.R. Friday and they admitted him in the hospital for dehydration.  I thought we were going to have to spend Christmas there, but he started to do a little better.  we came home late Saturday night.  Sunday he was still really bad and we thought we were going to have to take him back, but today he has done great.

He actually managed to eat something and not throw it up.  It was the first thing it ate in 4 days, so you can imagine all the weight he gained is now lost plus some.

He had a bad intestional virus. 

So now we are taking things slow again.  He had his first cup of his rice milk today and held that down.

I am NEVER ever leaving the house.  We were part of a weekly play group and I am not doing that anymore either.  I am going to have to settle him until he can get better.

We just got over pnemonia :(

I was just online and wanted to let you know that.  I am going to bed now, I am so exhausted.

Hope you all had a good Christmas!

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: deb on December 26, 2006, 02:21:44 am
Oh, you poor dears - ALL of you!!!!

Many many {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} - and I hope you're not reading this because you're all SLEEPING!

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Lucysmom on December 26, 2006, 02:27:32 am
Hi -

I am so sorry you guys had to go through this!  :'(  Back in April Lucy ended up in the hospital for 2 days because of dehydration from a gastro-intestinal virus (rotavirus).  It was nooooo fun and so very exhausting.  So like Deb said, I do hope that you sleeping now!  It took her a while to start eating again, I just followed her lead.  As you already know, fluids are the most important thing and then you can move onto the BRAT diet when he is up to it. BRAT is bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast (I am sure they told you that - sorry!) and he can tolerate all of them except I think apples, right?  Anyway, I am just rambling on here but you are over the worst of it and he will be back to eating when he feels up to it and will gain back all of the weight he lost.

Much love and hugs to both of you!  :-*
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mom to M&M on December 26, 2006, 16:07:34 pm
 Wendy, I'm so sorry to hear that Zach was so sick. Marisa also just got over rotavirus (DH and I had it too), as well as an ear infection. She has just started eating again after losing about a pound. I know it's so disheartening and you just want to lock them away, but if he enjoys the play group I'd restart it again when he's back to himself - I think once he's more established on the probiotics and dairy free diet he'll get better at fighting stuff off. Big hugs - hope you all feel good soon.
Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on December 27, 2006, 02:07:23 am
Thank you all for your prayers, thoughts and support.

Zach actually was doing better, but threw up today while he was napping :( 

He had an egg at breakfast and I think he just over did it.  So for the rest of the day he just got fruit, crackers, and bread.  He seemed fine after that.

He also had a normal (well almost normal) poop :) Makes me happy because he has had about 30 diaherra diapers.

He was tested for rotavirus while in the hospital and it was (-).  What ever virus it was, has the same exact symptoms as rotavirus though.

Thanks again everyone and I am glad that Marisa is better Karen.  It is tough when you already have a picky eater and then this happens.

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on January 24, 2007, 02:17:17 am
Just wanted to update you all because you have been so helpful through this all.

We had out appoitment with the Immunologist today.  They did a complete history on Zach.  They also did another allergy skin prick test for Milk, Soy, Eggs, Shellfish and tons of enviromental allergies.  All were (-)  :)  BUT... of course that does not mean intolerant.

They also repeated his blood work to check his antibody level and to make sure he is benefeting from his immunizations.  We should have those results back soon.  She said we may have to give him his shots again (another round of all those shots at 2 mos, 4 mos, 6 mos, 12 mos. etc.)  YIKES.. Well she said another Booster shot.  She did say shot, not shots.. So maybe it is just one shot to help with his immune system.

Anyhow I asked about the cystic fibrios and she said she would be really shocked if he had it.  (This is a doctor who specialises in the immune system and auto-immune diseases).

So now for the best part (or I think).  She said that from all his symptoms it really sounds like he is deft. MSPI.  I say that is the best part because FINALLY a doctor aggres with what I have been saying along. 

She did say that if we wanted a true diagonse that we could do an endoscopy with biospies and go from there, but she did not see the need to put him through that.  She said that if he did not improve with the milk/soy free diet, then it could possibly be EE (Eosinophilic esophagitis). 

If we wanted to do the bisposy to see if it is EE, then we would have to introduce milk/soy back into the diet for a few weeks and then do it.  I asked my husband if he really wanted to do that and he was like "NO I do not want to give him Milk".

Anyhow, the reason why she was convinced that it is MSPI is because we had started to give him cheese and products with cheese in it again and he is back to being his fussy uncomfortable self.  She said she was actually glad that we had tried milk in his diet again before coming to the appointment, so I don't feel to bad about that.

So we are officially MSPI now and she said we could do a challenge test once a year if we wanted to.  But not again for 1 more year (since we just did one).

Just wanted to let you all know and I feel very confindent that this has been his problem all along and finally my husband has heard a doctor say so also!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: THE TEST RESULTS ARE IN - Am I doing the righ thing?
Post by: binxyboo on January 24, 2007, 02:25:21 am
That is great that you finally have your answers,and that your DH was there with you to hear it.I am relieved that it is not something more serious.