EAT => Breast Feeding => Topic started by: Newbie mum on August 08, 2016, 15:29:50 pm

Title: 19 week old ready for solids?
Post by: Newbie mum on August 08, 2016, 15:29:50 pm
Hello, my 19 week old is EBF. Born on 50th percentile then moved up to 75th percentile, then 81st and now near 90th (he's very long so all in proportion). He likes his milk! and will drink both boobs at each sitting. He's very content in-between feeds.

For the last week he will wake up during his second nap of the day hungry, have a full feed semi-awake and fall straight back to sleep to complete his nap. A few days ago I gave him a bit of baby rice before that nap and he slept through without waking. I am wondering if he needs to start solids? He can sit up well and takes and swallows from a spoon. When I gave the baby rice he got very upset when he thought I was taking the bowl away and was very excited to eat it.

He has also started waking twice over night, previously waking once and needs a full feed to go straight back to sleep each time.


0800/0830 wake up
BF 0900
Nap 2 hours after waking for 1+3/4 hours
BF, (maybe two BFs with hour apart)
Nap 1+1/2/ to 2 hours after last nap for 1+3/4 to 2 hours (will wake during this one for a feed if not had baby rice)
Ready for sleep 2 hours after last nap. I don't know whether to put him down at this time for a cat nap or to bed?
He can sleep for 6 hours in a block but sometimes will only sleep until 0200 and then wakes again at 0500.

For the last 3-4 nights he's woken cooing at 0500 and needs a full feed to go back to sleep.

What do you think?

Sorry there are a couple of questions in there. Hope it all makes sense!
Title: Re: 19 week old ready for solids?
Post by: jessmum46 on August 08, 2016, 18:51:14 pm
It sounds to me like his calorie requirements are increasing (normal at this age) - really there are different ways to handle it and it is up to you what you feel is best.  WHO advice is EBF for the first 6 months, however I would caveat that by saying that is advice designed to cover all countries and circumstances and in the developed world we largely have access to clean, safe, nutritious foods which may be introduced earlier.  In fact several places use 4-6 months as a guide, and some are preferring the slightly earlier introduction as there is some evidence that delaying things too long actually increases allergy risk.  He's over 17 weeks which I'd consider a minimum for solids, and has some other developmental signs which suggest he may be ready.  HOWEVER - he is getting adequate calorie intake from milk, albeit more often, so there is no great rush if you would prefer to wait.  The other thing to consider is that the solids you introduce earlier on are often quite low in calories compared with milk.  They add bulk, and add to the feeling of fullness, but may paradoxically lead to more wakings for milk to make up the calories if he feels too full in the day. 

I started my DS at 5 months, he was barely making 3h between milk feeds and waking 2-3 times at night and was just grumpy and HUNGRY.  It made a big difference for him, not saying it would for yours though and I wouldn't want to sway you one way or the other.  Follow your instincts and I'm sure you won't go too far wrong x
Title: Re: 19 week old ready for solids?
Post by: zissi on August 08, 2016, 19:59:46 pm
I would be inclined to wait a little longer as the WHO recommends exclusive BF for the first 6 months. and it sounds as if he is doing great with EBF. around that age they sometimes start waking a little more again, wonder weeks and sleep regression. so it may not have anything to do with food at all. I think we started both times with BLW at around 5.5 months.I think BLW is a great way of weaning babies as they will experience proper food from the beginning on and also as they can regulate their intake by themselves. what do you think?
Title: Re: 19 week old ready for solids?
Post by: *Ali* on August 08, 2016, 20:19:49 pm
If you think he is hungry at nap time then I'd offer an extra breastfeed before the nap to top him up.

He probably also needs an increase in A time as 1.5-2hrs is on the low side for a 19wo. Some of the wakings could be down to UT.
Title: Re: 19 week old ready for solids?
Post by: Newbie mum on August 09, 2016, 04:38:28 am
Thanks for all of your comments and suggestions. It's 0530 and I'm breast feeding after having already fed him at 0045, so he's fed every 4 hours or so over night which isn't great. Does that indicate/suggest anything? I know he can sleep 6-8 hour stretches so this is a change :-(
Title: Re: 19 week old ready for solids?
Post by: *Ali* on August 09, 2016, 05:57:31 am
It's cometely withing the normal range to have 2 NFs at this age. They go through so many growth sputs and developmental stages. Could also be that he is undertone so waking more easily and once he is awake he realises he needs to eat.
Title: Re: 19 week old ready for solids?
Post by: Newbie mum on August 15, 2016, 02:35:34 am
Thanks for all of the replies, I've pushed his A time back which he handles well.
He seems in a rut of waking 0200-0330 and then again 0300-0330 for a feed and then awake for the day at 0830. Twicw he's woken at 2330 ish had a feed and gone without the 0200 feed until 0630/0700 so tonight I stayed up until 2300 and did a dream feed but he still woke at 0300 :-( He's such a good weight do u think I should let him sleep and offer water at his first wake up Incase its habit now?
Title: Re: 19 week old ready for solids?
Post by: *Ali* on August 15, 2016, 19:48:40 pm
No. He's way too young to be given water instead of breastmilk. EBF babies don't need anything else until 6mo. At 6mo you can start offering a few sips of water with solid food but it should be in addition to his milk feeds, not instead of them.

If he's only waking once or twice at night to feed then he is doing great. That is well within the realm of normal for his age. I would just be led by him and wait.
Title: Re: 19 week old ready for solids?
Post by: Newbie mum on August 16, 2016, 12:29:49 pm
Fab, thanks *Ali* if he's within the remit of 'normal' however broad that is I'm happy and will keep being led by him. Just had a bit of a wobble/wonder as people keep telling me how big he is (he's long too). Thanks x
Title: Re: 19 week old ready for solids?
Post by: Newbie mum on August 21, 2016, 03:38:32 am
Hello, he'll be 5 months old in two days and he's first night wake is becoming earlier, tonight 0030 and I'm feeding again now 4 hours later).
He's not lasting as long between breast feeds in the day either as is hungry and gets hungry when he sees us eating.
He's the same size if not bigger than my friends babies who are 3-6momths older than him and weighs at least 18lbs (8.2kg at last weigh in a few weeks ago).
He needs something else so should I add some formula or go down the food route??
Title: Re: 19 week old ready for solids?
Post by: jessmum46 on August 22, 2016, 07:08:32 am
Honestly you will get different opinions depending on who you ask :)  Personally although I am fully aware that WHO advice is exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, and would support anyone who wished to do that, the recommendations for introducing solids vary between countries and 4-6 months is generally acceptable in many places.  I started DS at 5 months - he was hungry and showing other signs of readiness in terms of his ability to sit, co-ordinate hand to mouth etc.  If you are unsure chat with your health visitor or doctor about it - but ultimately it's up to you.  I have to say personally I do disagree with a blanket statement that EBF babies need nothing else until 6 months as I believe that in this, like many other things (sleep, development, personality etc) all babies are different - though I fully respect the choice of anyone who does this.  I EBF my first to 6 months, and fully intended to do so with my second but he did need that earlier introduction as an addition - and continued to enjoy his breastfeeds too until we weaned at just over a year (my choice).  There's no magic switch that turns on at 6 months to make solids 'acceptable' if that makes sense?  There will always be different opinions and thoughts though - you do what you feel is best for your baby.  I'm sure if you wish to keep up the EBF to 6 months before thinking about introducing anything else Ali will have some fab advice for you as ever xxx
Title: Re: 19 week old ready for solids?
Post by: *Ali* on August 22, 2016, 21:53:14 pm
Isn't the 6mo recommendation that because that is the age by which most digestive systems will be mature enough to handle other foods? It doesn't matter about his size, his digestive system will still be that of a 5mo.  It's also the age by which babies will show all three signs of readiness for solids. Those signs include being able to sit up unaided, able to pick up food and take it to their mouths and the disappearance of the tongue thrust reflex.  Breastmilk is going to provide better nutrition than any solids you can give him at this age. You can just feed him more often if you feel he is hungrier. It doesn't mean he needs a different food, just more of it.

If you choose to introduce something else then that's up to you. I wouldn't like to recommend either. Maybe think about what you want long term regarding BFing. If you plan to BF him for at least a year then you will not need to use formula at all and probably want to avoid it so it doesn't harm your chances of successfully BFing  as long as you'd like.