SLEEP => Night Wakings => Topic started by: wishing on March 25, 2006, 12:50:19 pm

Title: Baby Gotten into bad habit- how to break it?
Post by: wishing on March 25, 2006, 12:50:19 pm
I posted a couple of days ago, but I now realize what teh exact prob is. My dd is 7 mos old next week, and was previously sleeping at least 1 6-7 hr stretch. Starting three weeks ago began waking up O/N- she was teething and had a major illness.

At first I thought maybe she was hungry, but now I realaize it is habit. She goes to bed at 7 pm, wakes up at exactly 12 10, 2 07 am and 4 11 am. I could literally set an alarm clock by it.

So last night I tired NOT bfing her to sleep when I went in at 2 am, and she woke right up... hyper as anything. She fussed as I tried to rub her back to get her to sleep, and then started crying hysterically to nurse. She finally had a HUGE BM and at that point it had been an hr and I ghave up and nursed her,

 How do I break this habit? Should Iget someone else to go in? She will also take a bottle- should I start adding water to one to wean her off it. I think I have set it up so she IS in fact hungry but only because I trained her that way:(

  What is my next step?
Title: Re: Baby Gotten into bad habit- how to break it?
Post by: teezee on March 25, 2006, 22:18:33 pm
i wouldn't stop the night feedings cold turkey if she is now used to having them b/c it does sound like she has replaced some of the calories she was getting in the daytime at night.  you could start watering bottle down every few days a little bit more and it will be a natural transition for her to start eating more during the day. here is the link to that thread - good luck with it and keep us updated how things are coming along.  btw - depending on how much your lo is taking at night - it may be a long process so be patient but know it will come to an end!...took over a month to get my dd there but was so happy i stuck with it in the end!