Author Topic: 3 hour cycle at a different time every day...  (Read 703 times)

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Offline nicolas

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3 hour cycle at a different time every day...
« on: March 23, 2007, 03:20:54 am »
Hi everyone,

Question: Is it ok that our 3hr cycle is different each day?  I don’t know if that makes it harder for him. Nicolas wakes at different times each night, and starts his day between 6 and 7:30- sometimes eating at 6 and sometimes at 7. Therefore, our cycle is often at different times. Within reason, should I try to keep the times more consistent?

Here are the 3 bfing cycles our day may follow depending on what time he wakes at night.

 5,8,11,2, 5,7



I don't know if this is necessary, but here is all the other info. about Nicolas Cael, feel free to skip over it if it doesn't help answer the question. Thank you!

-Basics: 4 months old, no lovie, no paci, uses one-arm swaddled at night and sometimes during day, no major milestones or changes in his environment yet.

-Eating: bf only, one side at each feed, usually between 10-15 minutes. Used to be longer, but in the last few weeks he has become more efficient.  I know he’s done when he starts going on and off the breast a lot (and I have already burped him.)

- EASY: started EASY at 2.5 months, before that, he was a snacker who bf to sleep, and often had naps beside me in bed.

-Our Routine:
I can write down what the routine is based on, but it seems like every day it changes a bit. He eats on a 3 hr cycle. Sometimes he naps for 45min, or 1h, and he sometimes does a 2-3hr nap in the afternoon (just started this.) I wake him if he is missing a feeding.

6 or 7am: wake up time. (He often bf at 6 and then sleeps next to us until 7.)
8:30 Sleep (tried to keep him up for 2h, but he gets really fussy at 1.5.)
9:15- E and A
11:00-11:40 Sleep
12:00-1:30 E and A
1:30-2:10 Sleep (recently started doing a 2hr nap sometimes here)
3:00- E
4-4:45- Sleep
Cluster feed at 5 and 7pm, or sometimes 4,6, and 7 if he bf at 7am.

What do you do for A time and how long is it?
Almost always 1.5 hours. He usually shows signs of being tired. If we are doing errands with car, our routine can change slightly.

Activity: Tummy time on bed or mat, talking and playing with body or toys, Listen/dance to music, walks, play mat, errands, park with mommy&me club,  visit dad at office, or grandparents’ house, in swing or vibrating chair when I need to shower, or eat breakfast or lunch and am alone. 

*He goes down more easily for naps than night time, when he cries for 10-15 minutes.

What’s nap routine?
Usually after  1.5 hour of A time, he will start rubbing eyes and getting fussy. We go to room, play soft music, close curtains, sit for a few minutes, then I bounce until groggy and shhpat in crib.

How long are naps?
Until 2 weeks ago, Nicolas only slept for 45 min. max. But now some of his 45 min. naps become an hour, and on 4 or 5 occasions, he has taken a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon.

How many wakes per night?
After df between 10-11pm, he used to wake two more times-usually 3 hours apart. 
For the last 1.5 weeks, he is waking every 2 hours, including an hour and 1.5 hours after going to sleep. (which makes me think he is overtired and may need a cat nap at 5pm instead of 4:00)
I don’t know if the every 2h wakings are bc I keep bfing him during the night, or if it is a result of our new bouncing to sleep prop.


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Re: 3 hour cycle at a different time every day...
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2007, 12:52:06 pm »
Wow!!!!! What an organized and watchful mommy!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

I can say with all certainty that you are doing everything extremely well! It doesn;t matter that the times aren;t the same everyday. The important thing is that he's on a predicatable routine, napping well (and getting better!) growing and happy.

Kudos to you!!!!

- Beca
Beca - Momma of two Mini Dudes ;D
          Wife to the Big Dude ;D

Offline nicolas

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Re: 3 hour cycle at a different time every day...
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2007, 19:23:47 pm »
THanks Beca,
I was wired last night, and decided to go for it with recording his information.  I thought the longer naps was a good thing too. But because he has started waking more frequently at night, someone suggested that the irregular nap times during the day might be causing him to be over-tired. I am guessing that on the example EASY routines, they show some for when a baby starts having long afternoon naps?

thanks for the reply, liana