ACTIVITY => Activity Time & Toddler Activity => Topic started by: nona on August 14, 2007, 20:09:20 pm

Title: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: nona on August 14, 2007, 20:09:20 pm
you know if you are at target or the grocery store and no stroller? ok, i know i should've gone beforehand but its so hot here and i have to drink tons of water! we were running errands!

i had to hold my LO in my lap while peeing - neither of us were very happy about it!

 ;) ;D ;) ;D
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: Ennypen on August 14, 2007, 21:24:45 pm
Do you know I think I would do just the same! Now Woo can walk its a lot easier.. he'd have to come in the cubicle with me lol..

H xx
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: jennyh on August 14, 2007, 22:00:49 pm
done it myself :-[,the only way.i didn't know what else to do either :-\
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: mari on August 15, 2007, 18:22:46 pm
I've done it.  What about this though.  I'm in Morrisons and I have a double buggy and 1 child walking and Alex (toilet training) needs a wee, so the only option is to take her to the Disabled one which we can all fit into together, buggy aswell, I wouldn't dream of leaving any otside and Alex is too young to go in alone.  We did the business and we all trapsed out of the toilet, only to be confronted by an elderly man who told me off for using the disabled loos when I was clearly able. 
I explained that there was no other option and went on my way, did my shopping and left.  As I'm loading up the car, the cheeky old sod was loading his car too.   Guess where he was parked???  In the baby and toddler car parking spaces.  As he clearly had no toddlers I had no option but to remind him where he should park his car.  ;)
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: binxyboo on August 15, 2007, 21:03:39 pm
LOL Mari  ;D

When Riley was younger, he would sit on my lap if the occasion arose, now he can walk so he just comes in with me, but I don't like it as he is always opening the door, so it's kind of half-squat, trying to keep him out of mischief at the same time!
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: nona on August 15, 2007, 21:05:52 pm
ok guess this is one of those things that everybody does but nobody talks about! next time, i'll have my LO wear shoes so maybe he'll stand against the stall then i can just scrub his hands after. of course, he may decide to crawl which would be completely disgusting!
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: Caroline-Charlies Mummy on August 15, 2007, 21:27:38 pm
now he can walk so he just comes in with me, but I don't like it as he is always opening the door, so it's kind of half-squat, trying to keep him out of mischief at the same time!

Yep - everytime ::)

Trying to do a wee while stopping a 2 year old escaping/throwing all the toilet roll on the floor/crawling underneath the door/finding stuff on the floor and playing with it :-X, is an aquired skill :D
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: binxyboo on August 15, 2007, 23:53:31 pm

Thanks for starting this thread. I feel more "normal" now about our bathroom exploits!
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: *holly* on August 16, 2007, 02:36:54 am
Caroline, Imagine it with a preschooler and baby in tow as well!!

Heather, I had to giggle!  I'm an expert at that!  I can also change a babies diaper on my lap at the same time!   ;)
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: zed on August 16, 2007, 02:52:01 am
Mari, that is totally hilarious! 

I can't stand old people who can't mind their own business and then think they own the entire world.  That really gets my goat.

My solution to the gotta go but where do I put my kids.  I also use the handy cap stall and in most places around here, that is where the change table is.  So, I strap my 1 year old to the table so he can't move and inch.  Then I tell my 3 year old to stand in front of the table and tell the baby no if he tries to break free.  If I am really quick on the Lou it all goes well.

I was at the Dr.s office last week with both kids and couldn't use my usual tacktics so I sat the 3 year old behind the door, (it has to be the cleanest place, I hope) and then placed the baby between his legs and then told my 3 year old to hang on firmly and don't let go.  then I added but don't hurt your brother.  That worked OK too but I had to be very quick.
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: JennŠ on August 16, 2007, 14:15:00 pm
Mari, what did the geezer say about his parking spot? 
Mum 2 bb, Love your solution!!!!!!  Don't hurt him?  LMAO!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: zed on August 16, 2007, 19:43:17 pm
Yeah, the don't hurt him part didn't go quite as planned.  baby squirmed free then started to fling the garbage can around.  3 year old was freaking out.  I had to convince him that we would all wash our hands and that it was going to be ok (all while peeing into a cup for a prego test)

I know you're going to ask.  Yup positive.  Due March 08
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: Bryony on August 16, 2007, 19:50:50 pm
Mum2boo bear - wow, congratulations, how exciting!

I've had to use the loo while my LO was in the Baby Bjorn - it was pretty tricky getting my jeans undone underneath the straps  :o

Anyone got any suggestions how to get me and my LO changed in the swimming pool? Our local pool is an old Victorian one with individual cubicles around the edge and you can't take a buggy beyond reception. There is no changing table and nowhere to sit - just a cubicle.  I've only been once - we loved the pool  but the changing bit was such an almighty challenge (trying to get my wet cossie off while holiding a wriggling baby, then trying to put Katie's nappy on with one hand while holding her in the other arm and a bent knee...) that I have not yet summonned up the courage to go again  :-\

Sounds like you lot are very resourceful - any bright ideas?!!!

Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: nona on August 16, 2007, 20:14:54 pm
we had a similar problem w/ swimming lessons but i got a very small, cheap umbrella stroller to put cade in while i change. it is very tiny and easy to carry.  ??? otherwise, i had to let him crawl on the floor while i changed....

since then i don't even bother changing myself. i just wear a suit and a swimsuit coverup. i put cade in his swimsuit before i go (praying for no poopy diapers) and then change him into his diaper after swimming. we went swimming the other day at the local pool and i just changed his diaper on the lounge chair. can you lay her on the ground w/ a changing mat and change her there? it doesn't bother me to change cade anywhere i have to!

Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: zed on August 17, 2007, 00:21:10 am
Wow, it sounds like going to the pool is quite the challenge.  Were you singing the Mission Impossible theme?  I would have been, probably even out loud with everyone laughing at me.

I had the similar experience at the pool the first few times I went too.  This is what I did.  I got the bigest towel I could find and then swaddled my LO in it so he couldn't move an inch.  I mean I did it really good, I am surprised he was able to breath.  To keep him from crying I then played the most ridiculous game of peek a boo ever.  He seemed to think the whole thing was quite funny.

I had a friend who did the same thing with the towel but she left her LO hands sticking out the top and then would give her LO a bottle.  That worked great for her b/c after swimming her LO was always starving.  I think she would stand on the loose end of the swaddle instead of tucking it under so that her LO couldn't roll over.

I hope you have many more fun trips to the pool.  Just wait until you have two LOs to go with.  Then it get really interesting.  Especially when there is hardly enough room to change for just one person in the stall.
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: nona on August 17, 2007, 00:38:17 am
those are hilarious tips!!!! 

what if you had a back pack type of holder thing that you can put your Lo in while you get halfway dressed???
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: zed on August 17, 2007, 02:11:40 am
what if you had a back pack type of holder thing that you can put your Lo in while you get halfway dressed???

That I have never tried.  I don't see why you couldn't do a trial run while still at home.  I think that it would probably work really well; as long as you're talking about the kind of carrier that you use for hiking.  You know the ones with the metal frame.  The snuggly style I don't think would work b/c you'd have to hang your LO on the hook on the back of the door.  I don't think the hook could handle the weight.  I most certainly wouldn't try anyways.

However you might be onto something.  Those hiking carriers even have a diaper bag that attaches to the frame so you could have your diapers and stuff really handy.
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: nona on August 17, 2007, 02:13:59 am
The snuggly style I don't think would work b/c you'd have to hang your LO on the hook on the back of the door. 

LOL! yes, def the backpack not the snuggly!
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: Bryony on August 17, 2007, 07:32:37 am
 ;D ;D  LOL

thanks for all the great suggestions - and apologies as I feel as though I highjacked the original thread  :-[

They won't let us take buggies/strollers into the pool (or even outdoor shoes) as the floor around the pool is wet and they don't want mud and stuff ending up in the pool.  And the floor in the cubicles is too wet to put your LO down on.  But I really like the idea of the backpack - I have one but haven't used it yet as Katie isn't quite big enough.  But it has a stand so you can put it on the floor - so that would definitely work.  Just have to pad it out with towels etc so she doesn't slide out.   :)

Heather - so do you go home in a wet swimsuit too?  I thought this was what I was going to have to do last time, but then found a changing table in the corridor so wedged Katie on that with my hip while I stripped off in full public view  :-[  It's a 20 minute walk home andI *really* didn't fancy doing in my cossie.  Especially with the post-baby belly.

I can't imagine doing it with two LOs!!!!


Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: mum101 on August 17, 2007, 07:38:25 am
Now DD is older I can use the usual public toilet and she'll stand in there, but without fail she will touch something yukky! 

I take an alcohol hand sanitiser just for those memorable occasions!!
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: **Clare** on August 17, 2007, 09:58:57 am
I didn't really take the boys anywhere as babies without a stroller but if I did I guess the only option would be to put him on my lap!! Some toilets have these really cool pull down chairs with straps for the babes to sit in! But guess the baby would have to be sitting properly!!

I always have the buggy or a trolley and always use the disabled toilets, to me there's no other option.  I will not leave them where I cant see them even if its outside the cubicle door... theres no way I could do it!!
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: nona on August 17, 2007, 12:19:09 pm
i always use the handicap stall or i use the family restroom.

Bryony  - yes, i go home in a wetsuit. first, i get cade all dried off and changed. then i dry myself off and throw on a swimsuit coverup. i just bought this coverup that is terry cloth so it is like a towel but looks cute!  ;D. i the first time, i tried to change and it was a nightmare so i just try to get cade in a dry diaper. so sometimes we leave and he just has on a diaper. 

ok cade just woke up so really need to get him!
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: zed on August 18, 2007, 05:22:45 am
I take an alcohol hand sanitiser just for those memorable occasions!!

LOL  I do this too.  When I PTed my DS, I would go into the public bathroom armed with Lysol disinfectant spray (to clean up other people urine off the seat), a folding potty seat (the thought of my precious LO sitting directly on the seat mortified me), my own towel (I can't stand those air dryers) and just in case there was no soap, hand sanitizer.  And of course lots of Big Boy treats!  The size of a bag I carried for all this was absolutely hilarious!

You should have seen the looks I'd get from other people!  Quite often I left the public john cleaner than when I arrived.
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: Serenity on August 30, 2007, 20:06:28 pm
Fridays are my errand days.  When I go grocery shopping I have to use a buggy.  My baby is 8 months old and over 20 lbs, so the carrier doesn't work as I used to take that in the stall with me.  I've gotten to where I just take him, buggy and all, into the handicap stall.  Running errands with an 8 month old makes me feel handicapped.  I've just perfected my "bite me" look in case anyone says anything.  Lol.  You should see how people in the bathroom look at me as I am coming through with my buggy.
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: nona on August 30, 2007, 20:26:31 pm
i would do that but most of the stores say "no merchandise" in the i can't take the cart in with me!
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: nwmm on August 30, 2007, 23:39:13 pm
I use the bathroom before I start shopping.  If I have to go and I have merchandise I eithrt leave it by the bathroom or ask customer service to watch the merchandise while I/we go.
Title: Re: how do you use the bathroom in a store w/ a baby.....
Post by: NoSleepBaby on October 29, 2007, 20:31:17 pm
Since Lucas is barely 5 months old I still use his car seat when we go shopping.. I just take it in the stall with me.  Always is interesting when the Handicapped Stall is in use and I have to use the regular one.  Its a struggle having to get him in there and walked over the car seat and try to get the door to shut...