SLEEP => Night Wakings => Topic started by: Nic on October 06, 2006, 09:22:55 am

Title: 10 month old will wake up at same time during the night
Post by: Nic on October 06, 2006, 09:22:55 am
My DD will wake up at 1:00-1:30am for the past couple of night.  She is up for about 2-2 1/2 hours.  All she wants to do is roll over and stand up.  I try PD when she is up but she can't roll fast enough to stand up. I   know that she can self sooth because she does all the time when going to sleep for a nap and bedtime.  I have tried to sing to her and slow dance.  I have even nursed her and she has not went to sleep.  Then I put her in her crib and she stands up.  I seems that she is wide awake.  She has been able to pull herself up for about 4 weeks now.  She was sleeping 12 hours straight at night.  Now she is sleeping in so our routine is out of whack for the day.  Not sure what to do.   Any suggestions?

Title: Re: 10 month old will wake up at same time during the night
Post by: Jaime on October 06, 2006, 19:42:39 pm
is she crying at all during this time or just talking to herself?  if she's just playing, i would actually leave her to it.  sounds like she's quite proud of her new skills & wants to practice.  if you let her practice, the novelty will probably die off quicker, kwim?  if she is crying, the toddler pd is probably your best bet, knowing that it will take a LOT of it before it starts to kick in. 

as far as when to wake up, i would keep that as consistent as possible.  with mine, i was always fine with a wakeup anywhere from 7-8am.  if they weren't up at 8am, i would wake them up then so i could get all the naps in during the day.  (this didn't apply to a sick baby!)

HTH a little :)
Title: Re: 10 month old will wake up at same time during the night
Post by: Nic on October 08, 2006, 15:03:47 pm
She is crying in the middle of the night.  I go in there and she is so excited to see me.  If I stay in there she will play.  But if I leave she will cry until I come back.  (I don't leave her when she is crying like that)  Even when I'm holding her she is crying.  Last night she woke up at 12:00 and screaming.  It was a different cry.  I nursed her and she went to sleep after that.  Maybe she is growing and has separation anxiety.

I try to keep wake up at around 7:00.  But now she is waking up at 6:00.  When she does sleep in until 8:00 it is because we have been up for 2 hours.  I'm still sleeping because I'm tired.  Should I keep my alarm on to be safe on those nights?

Title: Re: 10 month old will wake up at same time during the night
Post by: Jaime on October 10, 2006, 19:59:34 pm
sorry, didn't see this till just now.   :-[ :-[

sounds like you might have a touch of separation anxiety starting.  this may help:

go with your gut on how much sleep she needs (and you too!  ;) ).  what you want to avoid is totally throwing off her naps; otherwise you will have a hard time getting her down on time for bed that night.  IMHO, i think 8am is perfectly fine to start.