Author Topic: Could just use some support... I think our nursing days are numbered.  (Read 16309 times)

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Re: Could just use some support to keep nursing
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2012, 18:06:04 pm »
Ugh, the entertaining older sibling.  ::)
The girls are currently forbidden to talk to James when he's nursing.  They remember...sometimes.

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Re: Could just use some support to keep nursing
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2012, 18:16:37 pm »
Glad to hear you're finding a reason for her fussiness!

You're right on the expense of formula...I'm only using the free samples they sent me in the mail right now. Buying it? THAT'S a whole other thing!

Nursing for 3 years! Amazing!

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Re: Could just use some support to keep nursing
« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2012, 19:49:12 pm »
Amy, you've got SO much going on with Anna at the moment.  Hopefully the teeth will come through soon and that will at least be one thing off the table for a while.

How about trying some hand expressing until you're almost at letdown so she's not so fussy to start with?  And perhaps some pain meds/teething gel (or the amber necklace ;) ) before feeds?

I think that time between 4-5 months is pretty tough.  Lots going on (GS, sleep issues, development).  You're doing fab.  Keep up the good work, mama :)
*** Amanda ***

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Re: Could just use some support to keep nursing
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2012, 20:06:11 pm »
The girls are currently forbidden to talk to James when he's nursing.
Talking is one thing... he climbs up onto the back of the couch and lays there meowing at her, which she finds pretty hilarious. And I have learned to make him go pee before I nurse, or inevitably I will have to take her off and help him go potty. He can't help himself... he is just so jealous for my attention and he can't stand to feel left out of anything.

I've got her on infant Tylenol, but it doesn't seem to be having much affect. A chilled teething ring kept her somewhat happy in my lap for a while today. If she was older and on solids I would give her some frozen peas or blueberries to munch on. Oh well, there will be more teeth. ::)

Thanks again... it feels good to hear that this is a rough time for many, and that we can get past it. 

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Re: Could just use some support to keep nursing
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2012, 00:03:34 am »
Definitely 4-5 months was hard for me with ds2 and 3. I can't remember whether you can give ibuprophen at that age. I find when in full on teething I had to give both that and tylenol. It helps with the inflammation but tylenol just hits pain.
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Re: Could just use some support to keep nursing
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2012, 01:10:18 am »
(((hugs)))) Amy.

I saw Amanda mentioned an amber teething necklace.  If you haven't tried it - do!  It helped Marina SO much.  She has been by far my worst teether, and as soon as we tried the necklace she was much much happier.  A night and day sort of difference.  If you're afraid to keep it on her neck while she sleeps you could loop it a couple times around her leg and put on jammies with feet so she cant' get it off. 

Hang in there!
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Re: Could just use some support to keep nursing
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2012, 01:16:56 am »
Hang in there!  My DS went through a stage at 4 mo that made me feel like I wanted to quit, too.  He is spirited, too
Totally agree with this and this
reflux and nursing was really tough work early on - especially at that 4-5 month mark if I remember.
Hang in there you are doing a wonderful job and BF is hard work sometimes!!! :-* you are so close to 6 months, im sure when you get there you will want another 3 ;) xx

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

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Re: Could just use some support to keep nursing
« Reply #22 on: February 17, 2012, 01:50:55 am »
I saw Amanda mentioned an amber teething necklace.
Yeah, that was my FB status today... asking if anyone had tried one and found that it helped. I found an online store that sells Baltic amber bracelets and anklets, so I have ordered one. Hopefully it helps!

you are so close to 6 months, im sure when you get there you will want another 3
I tend to work in small goals, so that I don't put lots of pressure on myself. My first goal was 6 weeks, then 3 months, now 6 months. After that it will be 8 months, just to get as far as I did with DS. So far she is not a biter, so at least there's that.

Tonight was pretty brutal. She refused to nurse before bed; she was screaming and arching away from me so I just put her to bed. She woke again crying about 1.5 hrs later, hungry because she has missed a feed. She did nurse but it was such a freakin' battle. :( Honestly I was very close to just giving her a bottle but I held firm. Ugh. I know there's a lot going on but it is hard having your baby shove you away like that even though you know she's hungry. :'(


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Re: Could just use some support to keep nursing
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2012, 02:10:35 am »
Huge hugs. DD1 was a refluxer, she is still being medicated for it now at 4 years old. Mot of her feeds for the first at least half part of a year consisted of her screaming and pushing away from me, even after not being fed for the  past 4 or 5 hours. It really does go through you, so I do truly empathize with you there. Also, when AF was due, she would go balistic, would scream her head off anytime she was near the breast. There was a thread on here about it a few years ago now, myself and another member had the exact same issue at that "time of the month". I know you mentioned spotting etc, so maybe this is somewhat of the same thing happening for you?

One thing that helped calm her somewhat was swaddling her and feeding in a rocking chair while drowsy. She didn't fight me as much that way.

Again, huge hugs xx

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Re: Could just use some support to keep nursing
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2012, 02:34:20 am »
More hugs sweetie. You're doing great. Keep at the small goals. I how thwarting necklace workable for touch.
Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

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Re: Could just use some support to keep nursing
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2012, 03:16:56 am »
Amy, this is a classic problem and it WILL get better!  Anna is at that ARGH mark for nursing.  Here's a great article that got me through it with both LOs -

Basically it talks about 4m being a developmental leap for them and they just can't focus to nurse well.  Add that to teething and AF threatening and it's not at all surprising you're having issues!  But you CAN do it!  I know it's hard and frustrating but it will be worth it.  You can get there! 

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Re: Could just use some support to keep nursing
« Reply #26 on: February 17, 2012, 04:39:00 am »
*hugs* Amy.  You have always been so supportive of me when I wanted to quit, not trying to make the decision for me but being a friend who wouldn't judge whichever path I felt was best.  Just take it one day at a time...that's what has gotten me through some pretty crappy days.  We still supplement a bottle or two a day--I pump as much as I can at work, but it's not enough.  And I've realized I'm doing all I can.  I'm okay with that.  I hope you have some peace of mind and know that you are doing a GREAT job!!  It's hard to enjoy being tugged on, pulled on, twisted (yeouch!), and fussed at.

I will say this--more as an "It'll be okay" kind of thing--when my supply went completely away with Aaron and I had to stop bfing after I'd tried to boost it with fenugreek, extra feeds, extra pumping, etc., I realized that bottle/formula feeding could still foster a close relationship between us and that a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders knowing--SEEING--how content he was to FINALLY have a full tummy.

*hugs* that this is just teeth being cruel and that you'll being in smooth waters again soon :-*
*formerly tersaseda*


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Re: Could just use some support to keep nursing
« Reply #27 on: February 17, 2012, 05:35:30 am »
I've realized I'm doing all I can.  I'm okay with that.
I think this is really important too. While BF is wonderful and the best source of nutrition for your baby at the same time there are so many other things to take into account, and at the end of the day you need to be happy and your baby needs to be happy, that is all that matters. If moving to the bottle, or 1 bottle a day relieves that stress or anxiety or feeding issues or complications accd with working then surely that cant be a bad thing. (HUGS) :-*

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

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Re: Could just use some support to keep nursing
« Reply #28 on: February 18, 2012, 12:12:48 pm »
Ugh. I know there's a lot going on but it is hard having your baby shove you away like that even though you know she's hungry. Cry

Lots of hugs.  Totally get where you're coming from.  D frequently pushes me away, but while she's still feeding (ouch - nipples are made to stretch like THAT!) :-\

I how thwarting necklace workable for touch

LOL Vicki - autocorrect strikes again? :)
*** Amanda ***

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Re: Could just use some support to keep nursing
« Reply #29 on: February 18, 2012, 14:19:35 pm »
I how thwarting necklace workable for touch.
Um... ?? LOL!

I don't know what the spotting is; I just assume it's AF even though it has been almost daily for about 2 months now. :-\ DH keeps bugging me to go see our dr but I just can't be bothered when I have two kids to care for and he works really long hours. AF returned full force right at 4 months pp after DS, even though he was EBF and fed for 45-60 min every 2-3 hrs round the clock. This is different; it is spotting of varying amounts and really isn't a period. I dunno. I just wish it would come and then be done.  >:(

She already does get one bottle a day; I can't get anything pumping (I have tried and tried; it hurts and I can't get more than 1-2 oz) so she gets a bottle of formula from DH for her DF. I am actually not anti-formula... I know that when it comes down to it you need a fed baby and a happy momma, so if that means bottles of EBM or formula then that's what it means. And formula is hardly poison! I have a bunch of reasons for prefering to nurse... money is a big one. DH doesn't make a lot of $ and formula would really cut into our finances. Pressure is another; it is pretty common for women at my church to nurse for at least a yr and most go well beyond that. It is actually kind of funny that some use CC/CIO methods and that isn't really frowned on, yet formula feeding is not quite koscher unless you have a good reason. Anyway, I would certainly get looks for pulling out a bottle to feed DD at church. It wasn't an issue when I switched DS to formula because by 8 months he didn't need to feed every few hours and I could avoid doing it there.

I don't mind doing a NF; at this age I know it is totally normal and since that is our best feed of the day I don't actually mind it at all. She is so warm and cuddly and just nurses really well and makes these happy little sighs as she nestles into my neck afterwards... bliss.  :)

Sorry, I am rambling now. I love nursing and I know that if I switch I will regret it. I just wish it was going easier right now. She cut a tooth yesterday and there is another one ready, so I know she is in pain (yes, I am medicating and doing all the chewy toy things). I have ordered an amber bracelet, so hopefully that will help; I don't really believe in these things, but am willing to try.  ::) She also has the cold that DS and I are getting over, so she is having trouble breathing through her nose and is coughing and sneezing. And if her symptoms are like mine were, then she feels run down and has sore sinuses. She is OT from sleeping very poorly lately. So looking at everything all together, it is kinda easy to see why we are having trouble. These things are hard but they are (should be) temporary.

Ok. I guess what I am deciding is that my bottom line is that I am a BF advocate; I think that women should be able to do it whenever and wherever they need to. I have fought for my right to nurse in public and I know that it is the way I want to feed DD in the long run. This is a rough patch and I am just going to have to work through it with her and wait (hope; pray) for things to get better again. If I managed to nurse when DD was two weeks old and DH was in the hospital for his surgery for two weeks while I had both kids at home and recovered from childbirth alone, I can nurse now. I am just earning another gold star to add to my BF report card!

Thanks for the hugs and support, girls. I really, really appreciate it!  :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*