SLEEP => Night Wakings => Topic started by: B1PZNT49 on January 12, 2006, 17:37:47 pm

Title: 2 questions!!
Post by: B1PZNT49 on January 12, 2006, 17:37:47 pm
could a 3 month old be teething??? dd up at all hours of night moaning for past few nights..drooling rash though around mouth..
also, instead of feeding her now, i've given her a i starting a  terrible fell out a few times and i had to go back to put it in but at least i wasn't feeding her every 2 hours..
what are opinions on soothers in bed? she goes to bed without one, but now is getting it in the night (last night was first night plus naps)...she had used it in car before but not in bed???
what am i doing??????????
Title: 2 questions!!
Post by: Glynis on January 12, 2006, 18:51:58 pm
I almost made that mistake & starting giving Samuel a soother to calm him.  In my opinion, DON'T do it!!  You're just giving her a prop that you will have to take away at some point.  Let her learn to self soothe now, you'll be glad down the road.  Good luck.
(& it is possible that she's starting teething now, though more likely that it's just her saliva glands starting to kick in.
Title: 2 questions!!
Post by: FrasersMum on January 13, 2006, 08:57:00 am
Hi there

Yes is it possible that your LO is teething - can start at any time from birth until 18 months.  In fact some LO's are born with teeth already (not wanting to offend anyone who experienced that - but boy, would that have freaked me out  :lol: )

Re offering a soother - there is nothing wrong with offering a soother if you wish to, particularly if your DD has a strong sucking reflux.  As the pp said though, there is a possibility that you will create a prop that needs to be weaned down the track.  More likely though the extra night wakings may be as a result of a growth spurt, which are common at 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months (I'm not sure if there are any after that!)

You may need to offer DD some night time feeds if she is hungry, and then work on giving extra milk during the day to fill her up so she doesn't need to feed any extra at night.

HTH and good luck!
Title: 2 questions!!
Post by: Glynis on January 13, 2006, 14:48:36 pm
fyi - Samuel has a strong sucking reflex, but has learned to suck his fist/thumb or suck on his lip/tongue (not sure exactly how he does it).  This is far better as he has control of it.  He started figuring it out around 3 1/2 months, if you can hang in there.  He does get a soother in the van when he's upset - I don't think it's fair that he's 'stuck' in there.