SLEEP => Night Wakings => Topic started by: nilly on January 22, 2007, 23:26:54 pm

Title: hungrey or just awake?
Post by: nilly on January 22, 2007, 23:26:54 pm
our lo is 3 mn and is able to sleep through the night - he is 17pds and his tummy is definetly big enoughjavascript:void(0);
Smiley this has just recently happened in the last 2 nights that he sleeps for 9 hours before he 'asks' for food.

he does occassionaly wake at night, i sh/pt him back to sleep, last night was an hour before he actually fell asleep, wasn't crying, just fussing, and trying to get himself back to sleep.

at what point is it hunger? I don't know how many nights i can stay up for 1 hour. i don't want to feed him just so i can go back to sleep, or because this is new, will it just take a few nights till he realises that he doesn't need to wake up? any suggestions???/
Title: Re: hungrey or just awake?
Post by: Springbaby on January 23, 2007, 18:05:48 pm
Well, Babies also go through a growth spurt around 3 months, and it is a big one! I remember ds' lasting for a couple of weeks before feedings slowed down again. Personally, I would try feeding him at that age, he is still so young and I don't believe will get into any 'bad' habits yet, although that is just my opinion :) That is amazing that he is such a good sleeper already, good for you! Maybe try to up his intake during the day? 9 hrs is a long streatch for a 3 month old though, I know I'm hungry after 9 hrs! Good luck , and maybe someone else will have more advice for you :)
Title: Re: hungrey or just awake?
Post by: Colin Macs Mom on January 24, 2007, 00:26:35 am
I'm afraid I must agree with Springbaby. It's probably not what you want to hear, but it's quite unusual for a 3 month old to literally go through the night with no feed. Good for you for not wanting to feed because it's easy - that's important. But don't rule it out as a real possibility either. How well do you know his cries? A hunger cry will usually have a dry, coughlike quality to it. Waking shortly after falling asleep again will usually indicate hunger as well.