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Offline Midgetgem

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Still struggling!!!
« on: February 28, 2013, 15:07:41 pm »
I posted recently about my lo whom I was breastfeeding at the time. LO is now 3 weeks old and I switched to formula when he was about 12 days old. However we re now have different problems and I wondered what your thoughts were.

LO is struggling to nap as well during the day now, waking after 30-45 mins and wont always put himself back to sleep! He can fall asleep independently when I put him down awake in the cot and today he has fallen asleep on his playmat by himself!
On Monday we were out in the car alot and he slept brilliantly in the car seat, didn't wake up and slept for the full 2 hour naps. But then the rest of this week I've put him down in his cot etc and he wakes himself up and wont settle back down.
He wont be swaddled, just fights it. And I start wind down routine when he starts getting sleepy - can tell as he's eyes start dropping and it is usually within 40mins of him being awake.

We are also struggling with lots of baby sick! LO has been sick a few times after his bottle, I think it is because he still has a bit of wind left but I can spend a good 10-20mins winding him. I wind him part way through his bottle and he brings wind up easily, and wind again when bottle finished. But there sometimes seems to be wind left and it makes him sick. We can do about 5-6 clothes changes a day some days! When he is sick he then starts rooting like he's hungry again but do I give him more food or leave

LO is also waking up a few times in the night - even though he is getting about 30oz a day! We have wake ups between 1-2am and 3-4am and then 6-7am. He is only managing to go 2.5-3hrs over night. I am feeding him 3 hourly during the day.

Yesterdays routine went something like this...

E 6.00 - 3oz
S 6.30-7.55
E 8.10 - 3oz
S 9-9.30 woke up fussing, wouldn't resettle so just chilled for a bit
E 10 - 3oz offered 4oz but wouldn't take
S 11.10-11.35 woke fussing/crying, tried settling with cuddles and dummy, checked nappy, tried winding
E 12.20 - 4oz fell asleep, put back in cot
12.55 woke crying again, brought down stairs, cuddle on sofa with mummy as wouldn't resettle
S 1.10 put down asleep in basket in lounge
A 1.30 woke up tried resettling, wet nappy, played on mat
2.00 started fussing, hunger?
S 2.20 started falling asleep on mummy with rocking, then woke up when put down to sleep
E 2.50 - 2oz fell asleep whilst winding
S 3.25 in pram on school run, 3.55 transferred to basket - had good sleep here
E 5.00 -3.5oz with small spit up
S 5.45 signs of tiredness, cuddle with mummy. Whimper cries, had a cat nap in basket.
E 6.20 - refused sleepy
Activity - into massage, into pjs etc then tried bottle again took 1.5oz
S 6.45-8.00
E 8.00 - 4oz
Fussy not settling, possible OT?
E 10.30 3oz fell asleep
S 10.50
E 1.45 3oz settled easily.
S 2.00
Woke 3.30 resettled until 4.30
E 4.30 had total 3oz - given 2oz first but not settling back to sleep given extra 1oz
S 5.20
Then woke up at 6.00am this morning crying and acting like he was hungry again. Put him off until 7am when he had 4oz bottle but was sick afterwards!

Today hasn't gone much better.

Can anyone help with the short naps, sickness or night feeds. I'm worried he has having too much formula but have been told to feed him if he wants it. If he wakes up early from a nap I try to hold off feeding him but them he starts getting tired again when its time to eat/not long after so worried he'll get used to being fed to sleep. Also I'm worried that even with all the food he gets during the day he still isn't managing to go more than 3 hrs over night.

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Still struggling!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2013, 19:12:31 pm »
Hi and (((hugs)))

First of all, I think (and I mean this in the nicest way!) you probably need to lower your expectations a little.  At three weeks old he is not developmentally capable of truly independent sleep and anything resembling a regular routine is very unlikely.  It's also extremely normal to be waking round the clock for feeds - their little tummies can only hold so much.  As he gets a bit bigger he will probably naturally start to lengthen out the time between feeds at night if he is having regular feeds in the day :)

That said, I wonder from what you've mentioned if he could have reflux?  The very short naps and frequent vomiting make me think of it....have a read here and see what you think? Reflux 101 - General reflux information