EAT => Food Allergies => Topic started by: Babyjmum on December 03, 2011, 05:59:45 am

Title: MPI and breastfeeding
Post by: Babyjmum on December 03, 2011, 05:59:45 am
Hi all
DS who is 11 months old has just been diagnosed with MPI. He had trouble with dairy since 6 months and it has slowly worsened until now. I kept dairy away from him for 3 months with a challenge of yoghurt a week ago. The result was large amounts of vomiting and he became very distressed within 30 minutes of eating the yoghurt. He never gets diarrhoea but becomes very constipated. He is still getting over it as he is now still unsettled especially at night with lots of gas.
My question is do I eliminate dairy from my diet?  Apparently I had this exact same problem at his age but as a child of the 70's my mum had no option but to still give me evaporated milk!.
Any advice is appreciated
Title: Re: MPI and breastfeeding
Post by: my3girlsjde on December 03, 2011, 06:35:06 am
You can certainly give it a try. It's pretty tough but worth it if you're going through some challenges still. Milk is such a tricky thing to deal with and it stays in your system for up to 10 days and then his system for another 10 days. I went on an elimination diet and saw a great improvement with E after about 3 weeks.

Make sure to run it by your doctor and keep up with your vitamins if you're bf'ing. And make sure you're vitamins don't contain any dairy. That stuff is everywhere :(

Best of luck. There's tons of support here.
Title: Re: MPI and breastfeeding
Post by: Buntybear on December 04, 2011, 18:02:19 pm
Oh yes I would! That sounds like a pretty strong and quick reaction, maybe even an allergy? Best to get it totally out of his sytstem I would think so he can recover from it. How long do you plan to BF for? x
Title: Re: MPI and breastfeeding
Post by: Babyjmum on December 05, 2011, 00:18:41 am
Thanks for your replies. I guess I will breastfeed for as long as he wants. Dd2 was breastfed until 3 which is a bit long so I was hoping to stop with him at about 2. I have no problem with eliminating dairy from my diet as I like oat and rice milk and wouldn't really miss cheese- trying to lose weight anyway!
I am struggling with ideas to give him for desserts and worry that he is missing beneficial bacteria from yoghurts etc. I am too scared to try soy at the moment. I have switched him to oat milk as a replacer in recipes and dairy/soy free margarine.
I was wondering if I should ask for allergy testing for him?
Title: Re: MPI and breastfeeding
Post by: Buntybear on December 05, 2011, 22:09:13 pm
Hi, If you want to BF for a while yet I would consider taking dairy out - esp if it isn't too much of an upheaval for you  :) As for desserts it was fruit fruit fruit until we trialled soy and he passed. In the UK you can buy oatly cream which you could use to make puddings?

Re allergy testing- has he had dairy directly before? What was his reaction? What did the person who diagnosed his MPI say?

Title: Re: MPI and breastfeeding
Post by: Buntybear on December 05, 2011, 22:10:46 pm
I am struggling with ideas to give him for desserts and worry that he is missing beneficial bacteria from yoghurts etc.

Try probiotoics! There are a few threads on this part of the forum about probiotics and where to get them/which brands in different countries x
Title: Re: MPI and breastfeeding
Post by: Shiv52 on December 05, 2011, 23:11:52 pm
I guess I will breastfeed for as long as he wants.
This is where I am at with my 14 month old who was diagnosed MPI a while back.  I did cut dairy from my diet but since have been able to eat dairy (started with butter then a little cheese and so on) and she is tolerating it well.  She is now eating small amounts of dairy herself but I will keep BFing until I see a better improvement!
Title: Re: MPI and breastfeeding
Post by: MasynSpencerElliotte on December 06, 2011, 00:36:44 am
The result was large amounts of vomiting and he became very distressed within 30 minutes of eating the yoghurt.

This really sounds more like an allergy than an intolerance, we have never had a reaction like this (usually constipation, gas, general tummy aches). 
Title: Re: MPI and breastfeeding
Post by: Babyjmum on December 07, 2011, 04:50:50 am
Thanks everyone.
He has had dairy before at 6 months old. He went ok at the start but he slowly started to get worse with full on vomiting within 30 min of eating. You can see in his face he looks sick and he starts to whinge and cry. The last episode my dh heard his tummy gurgling.

I am worried it is an allergy as each reaction can get worse over time. His diagnosis came from the maternal and child health nurse who is referring us to a dietitian. I will definitely follow this up with his paediatrician but can't get in until feb.

I will have a look around for some probiotics. I have started dairy elimination for me.
Title: Re: MPI and breastfeeding
Post by: my3girlsjde on December 07, 2011, 05:00:54 am
{{{Hugs}}} for watching him go through that.

Not sure if you know this but many if not most lo's do outgrow a true dairy allergy. I don't remember the numbers or stats exactly but something like 95% by the age of 3. I'm holding on to that like a lifeline right now, and E HAS gotten a bit better with dairy as most do.

I strongly recommend you get as much support as you can for eliminating foods and be candid explaining to people especially around the holidays so you know what you can eat.

Still here offering whatever support you need :)
Title: Re: MPI and breastfeeding
Post by: Shiv52 on December 07, 2011, 08:17:33 am
Does sound like it is more serious than intolerance.  Hope the dietician is helpful.  I think bio Gaia probiotics are dairy free xx
Title: Re: MPI and breastfeeding
Post by: tigerlilly905 on December 11, 2011, 02:16:59 am
More ((hugs)). YESSS on the probiotics. I have found Klaire Labs to be the best. I'm not sure if they have them in AU? There's an infant specific probiotic   And also a complete probiotic for adult   Klaire labs is dairy free (as well as free of all other common allergens) 

We tried biogaia probiotics, but I don't find them to be a high enough potency for therapeutic use. xo :-*