Author Topic: Getting 11 month old to eat more in one sitting  (Read 3536 times)

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Getting 11 month old to eat more in one sitting
« on: December 20, 2017, 00:31:25 am »
My LO has recently transitioned to 3 BFs a day - dropping the lunch feed and going straight to solids as he was waking up from his nap around 12 anyway.

I’m finding he gets bored/tired/full from his food but then an hour or two after is starving.  I always give a variety - so even if he doesn’t like something he has enough to be ull.  And offer fruit and yogurt/mini muffin after he is done.
Today I found myself doing a 3 meals and 3 snacks as well as 3 BFs.  He needed a bedtime snack 45mins after his dinner.  I don’t think it’s a growth spurt just he seems to get frustrated or full quickly.  He does eat a fair amount at each sitting.  His snacks are small eg- a couple of pieces of fruit and a couple of tsp yogurt.

I don’t want to create a snacking habit - as I am still BF so he is taking in food so many times on days like this!

Offline becj86

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Re: Getting 11 month old to eat more in one sitting
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2017, 11:02:56 am »
That sounds pretty normal, TBH, for this age. Their stomach is not that big, think the size of his fist, and solids aren't as calorie dense as milk so when you're mostly on solids at this age, they eat 3 meals and 2-3 snacks. You could offer BF as a drink before/after a snack or meal to condense the feeds but really, it is normal to be either preparing, feeding or cleaning up a meal or snack almost constantly. Even at 6yo, my son is eating 3 meals and 2-3 snack per day so much the same number of food offerings, just without the BFs. At school age, they'll have Breakfast, morning tea, lunch, usually afternoon tea and dinner +/- supper.