SLEEP => Naps => Topic started by: Mulberrybag on July 02, 2016, 20:29:17 pm

Title: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Mulberrybag on July 02, 2016, 20:29:17 pm
Hi all

My 3 month old is resisting napping.

Previously he would nap downstairs next to me in his sleepyhead (a bit like a little bed) but a few weeks ago he started becoming too distracted by looking towards the windows and the noises so I started putting him in his crib where he sleeps at night.

About 3 weeks ago his naps deteriorated.

He has 1.5 hour awake time. I've tried shortening to an hour and it makes no difference.

His easiest nap is his first in the morning but it's short, sometimes 20 mins but half an hour after he wakes he's in a state, over tired and crying. Same happens if I go for a walk at that time.

Midday used to be 2 hours. It still is if I go out shopping but I can't do that every day!

Last nap - failure. Ends up crashing on me after crying and crying for 30-60 mins.

His bedtime routine is good. He sleeps 7.30/8 - 6. Quick feed then back down until 8am. He is dream fed at 11pm but doesn't take much.

I don't know where to start - I know I need a routine like the bedtime one to wind down but don't want to feed him in his room then put him down for a nap as I've never done that to now or should I? I'm so confused and at wits end!

Other than the overtiredness he's such a happy baby.

Thank you xxx
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Bella89 on July 03, 2016, 10:38:24 am
Hi there,
so sorry you are going through these struggles. We all feel tired and a little challenged during that time. Sending you good vibes.

With LOs that are overtired, I found it useful with my DS to catch 1 good nap (like when you are out shopping) and start a routine then. Because you are right, you need to guide your baby into a nap.You can do this by creating a wind down routine and route him to a good timing.

1. At this time he will be more and more distracted by environment, try closing curtains, shades, holding him for 5-10 in silence in a chair. You can sing a little, but few minutes in the dark in silence can help before you put him down.

2. It would be helpful to see your whole routine in an EASY format:
8:00 WU
8:15 bottle or breast? How many oz?
9:30-10:00 nap

It sounds like he doesn't have any feeding problems. It's more like of a distraction problem I think.

Have you tried adding 15 min to his A time?
After 20min nap, do you come in to resettle?

Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Mulberrybag on July 03, 2016, 14:49:21 pm
Thank you so much for your reply.


8am: wake up
8am: feed. 6/7oz
8.15-9.30: activity, kicking around, chatting etc
9.30-10: nap. Sonetimes wakes and very upset as don't think he's slept long enough.

11am: feed. 6/7oz
11.15- 12.30: activity
Crying with overtiredness. Wouldn't sleep. Ended up going for a walk so he could get 20 mins.

2pm: feed 6/7oz
2.15-3.30: playing in garden
3.30-5.30 nap.

5.30: feed.6/7oz.
5.45-7: playing
7 - start wind down

7.15: bath
7.45: final feed. 3oz.

8: sleep. Slept until 7.30am with dream feed at 11.
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Mulberrybag on July 03, 2016, 14:51:08 pm
Forgot to put location of naps.

9.30-10: walking into village where I live

3.30-5.30 - on me. Cried when put down.

Failed midday nap was in his crib.
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Bella89 on July 05, 2016, 14:20:17 pm
Got it!
Sorry for delaying a reply, but my DS is having his own sleep trouble no matter what I do:/

HOot to hear he had that long nap in the afternoon. I know it was on you, but he had some rest and as you said he was OT.
At 3 months it is common that babies still need us lots.

It's more about trying to create a routine now. You're good on that. You have your own EASY.

I have 2 suggestions.
1. Are you willing to add 15 min of A time to his first, morning A?
2. Have you tried Shush/pat method. A way of resettling baby when cries or wakes up?
Here is more about it?
Shush-pat - How to
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Mulberrybag on July 05, 2016, 16:55:04 pm
Sorry to hear about your sleep troubles too! Is there any end in sight?!

I think he can go to 1.45-2 hours A time. We tried yesterday and he napped so much easier!

Yesterday he had:

2 hours A
Nap for half an hour

1.5 hours A
Nap for 1 hour

2 hours A
Nap for 45 mins

2 hours A

I was a bit worried about the morning nap being so short. The most he ever has is an hour. This morning it was 45 mins.

If we are out midday ish I find he will sleep for 2 hours..

How Much nap time should I aim for?

I've read about sshhhhh pat. Is it the back you have to pat as I find that tough if he's in his crib.
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Bella89 on July 06, 2016, 21:06:37 pm
What do you do... It's a rollercoaster isn't it :)

I think aything anything close to 1.5-2 h is a solid nap, but it's not like all of them know how to take a nap like this right from the start. I would continue for at least 4 more days if you feel like it works and maybe the nap will get longer.

When you are out different things can help settling back to sleep. Noise, car etc. shush/pat kind of provides that at home.

Yes, ideally you pat the back when LO is on the side or belly, but many moms also rub back, rub cheeks, rub forehead, hold hand... Depending on what works.
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Scottishmummy on July 07, 2016, 13:45:51 pm
Re sh-pat- I couldn't pat mine in the cot- partly because it's impossible to pat the back when they're lying on it and partly because patting actually kept them awake! I would sh and hold them (arms and legs like an extra swaddle) and that helped settle/ resettle in the cot
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Mulberrybag on July 09, 2016, 17:25:29 pm
Thank you so much for your replies.

He's now going 11 hours at night and having a 30-45 min nap every 2 hours wherever he is, often on his playmat and nods himself off. Are the naps too short? He wakes up happy , carries on playing and no crying
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Bella89 on July 10, 2016, 05:18:17 am
Happy wake ups usually mean UT.
Do you think you could add extra 15 min to his A time?
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Mulberrybag on July 10, 2016, 12:35:19 pm
I could try to but he's been nodding himself off on his play mat with no intervention from me so he's sort of dictating his own A time.
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Scottishmummy on July 10, 2016, 15:44:00 pm
Could you time when he's nodding off and do a quick WD & get him into cot to sleep there? He might either be over stimulated falling asleep mid-play or have trouble transitioning to the next sleep cycle if he's waking and is in the light & surrounded by all his toys?
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Mulberrybag on July 10, 2016, 19:44:27 pm
We tried moving him into his cot but he wakes exactly the same and screams as if he doesn't want to be there. We'll try again this week. He has slept over an hour after nodding himself off so he can do it. He's not crying between naps any more with tiredness like he was before and has been like clock work at 2 hours A time he will fall asleep on his mat. It's not ideal but he's so much happier than when he was going upstairs to sleep.
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Scottishmummy on July 11, 2016, 19:59:56 pm
A happy baby is much better, and makes for a happier mum too  :)

It's up to you where you want him to nap.  He's still pretty young and if the play mat is working, it's working. You might find that as he gets older, he gets too busy to fall asleep there and you might want to revisit cot naps then.

I wonder what it is about the bedroom that's upsetting him? Does he settle for nights there? My DD cries if I take her to her room for a nap too early.  You could maybe try taking him there at 1hr50 A time, doing a very short WD and into cot and see what happens?
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Mulberrybag on July 14, 2016, 21:23:24 pm
Thank you so much for your reply.

He settles amazingly at night and sleeps 12 hours. He doesn't fight it, gets dressed after bath, bottle with daddy and bed.

Daytime he screams and won't settle. If I somehow manage to get him settled and leave the room he'll wake up crying. He was much better napping in there up to 10 soon as he stated sleeping through the night he won't nap in there. It's so odd!

I thought about waiting and then doing his naps in his big cot in his own room instead of having one battle then another one a month later.
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Bella89 on July 15, 2016, 07:47:47 am
Could you post your day once more. I wonder if it's the timing that is getting on his nerves :p

Or maybe the room is too bright? I have that now with DS. They say to give a child a perfect surrounding for a nap, but when he is 1,5yo and won't sleep in the summer because the day is long it's getting to you, you know ;]
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Mulberrybag on July 22, 2016, 20:32:35 pm
He's now 16 weeks.

Thursday example day
Wake up 7am
E: 7oz
S: 8.30-9.45

E: 10am 7oz
S: 11.30-1.45

E: 2pm
S: 3.30-4.15 the most difficult nap

E: 4

6.30 nappy off time
7 bath
Bed by 8

Dream feed 11pm

Sleeps 11-12 hours

His awake time can go to 2 hours

All naps are him falling asleep himself on his play mat.

The afternoon nap can be tough and he need consoling on one of us
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Scottishmummy on July 23, 2016, 09:18:45 am
At least he sleeps at night, that makes the days feel better I think.

Yes worth trying in his big cot to get him used to it.

What's his typical routine like now?
Do you do a wind down before naps? A good consistent WD helps LOs to get more ready for a nap.
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Mulberrybag on July 23, 2016, 16:28:39 pm
No wind down as such he just falls asleep where he's playing and I know I need to remove him etc but when I've tried he has a meltdown at going into our bedroom where he sleeps at night as he's still in with us. Thought about trying his big cot in his own room next month which is a bit new to him and he may not get so distressed.
His pm nap is so so tough, he gets very upset and then crashes

Any tips?
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Scottishmummy on July 24, 2016, 12:53:36 pm
I have always found the last nap the trickiest to get.  They are tired from the day but also already had 2 good naps. TBH, I have often APOP-ed it in buggy, sling or car, more so with my 2nd child as it usually fell at a time we were on our way home from somewhere or trying to prepare a meal.  It's the first nap they drop & also important to get to BT without getting OT, so I have never been too bothered about AP-ing it.

Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Mulberrybag on July 24, 2016, 19:40:59 pm
Fab thank you! I've been really beating myself up about the location of his naps and hoping in the next few weeks to start him having them in his room.
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Scottishmummy on July 24, 2016, 21:05:45 pm
It sounds like you're trying your best for him and that's all you can do.  Hopefully he'll start settling for naps with a different room and cot.  Could you try quiet play in that room around the time his nap is due to get him used to sleeping there..even if it is on the playmat at first?
Good luck
Title: Re: Overtired 3 month old
Post by: Mulberrybag on July 25, 2016, 20:10:06 pm
That's a good idea! I'll try that. I get so worried about missing the window I think that'll be a nice esse in.