SLEEP > General Sleep Issues

21 weeks, doesnt sleep!! Stick a fork in me, I'm done!! :'(

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Any tips on how to squash the frequent night wakings? We average 8 to 10 a night and I'm a zombie. I've tried to feed only evey 2 to 3 hours, but LO still wakes more frequently than that

i eventually worked on extending her A time... and tried the "sleep training" again every few weeks.
at one point it just started working.


Thank you all for your support!

Any tips on the 8 month sleep regression affecting naps?
Bubs wakes up at about 6.30 or 645 and struggles to stay up past 930...and then only sleeps for 40 or 50 minutes.
Then after 3.5 hr A time, back in for another nap... and she gives me only 30 min. And no amount of resettling helps.
I really want to try and move her bedtime and hopefully get her to wake up a little later. This is probably a question for another thread but I need help coordinating her schedule and that of my two-and-a-half-year-old. I'm hoping to move them into the same room, but won't be able to until I have them on a more coordinated schedule. My older daughter goes to sleep between 7 and 7:30 p.m. and she needs to be sleeping before I can put the baby in. Any tips or advice would be much appreciated

Does she have teeth coming in? Pain meds before sleep time might help her stay asleep. Nothing to distract her from pain when the room is dark & quiet.


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