EAT => Bottle Feeding => Topic started by: patrice_f on December 04, 2012, 14:52:45 pm

Title: Moving from 3.5 hr to 4 hour EASY routine - feeding issues?
Post by: patrice_f on December 04, 2012, 14:52:45 pm
My 17 wk old daughter was on the 3.5 hour EASY routine and was showing signs of being able to tranisition up to 4 hour EASY so I started her on it this week.  I had assumed she would drink more on each of her bottles on the 4 hour routine (to compensate for the one less bottle she is now having than on 3.5 hour EASY) but unfortunately she isn't drinking any more. On the 3.5 hour EASY she would drink anything between 30-35 ounces a day but now on 4 hour she is only drinking 25-30 ounces (i.e. the 1 bottle we dropped is missing). I am wondering if she is eating enough on the 4 hour EASY and if I made the transition too soon?  I was afraid she would wake during the night for the missing feed but so far she hasn't and only wakes to have her dummy replaced so maybe the drop in ounces may not be an issue?

I would appreciate some guidance on what to do! Thanks

Title: Re: Moving from 3.5 hr to 4 hour EASY routine - feeding issues?
Post by: *Kara* on December 06, 2012, 23:26:48 pm
Did you increase the amount she is offered at each feed?
Title: Re: Moving from 3.5 hr to 4 hour EASY routine - feeding issues?
Post by: esterretje on December 07, 2012, 08:45:05 am
@Kara I am breast feeding, so it is not possible to know exactly how much he gets. I am taking extra time for feedings, making sure that he eats as much as he wants/can. This morning I fed him a bottle of expressed mm and he ate 190 cc, which is what he would need for 4 hour easy.

General update
DS has been a bit whiny the past 10 days. Also there have been night wakings for a week, where he normally sttn. He has a cold that is bothering him. Also as mentioned in replies a gs and a developmental leap. I noticed that he could handle longer a-times. At first I wanted to wait until he felt better, but then I felt he needed the change. I transitioned to 4 hour easy in steps. A bit faster than I have seen advised on de forum. No 5 minute increases, he could handle more. but I do look closely to see if he can handle what we are doing. Actually the morning has been 4 hours mostly for quite some time now. Then I changed the afternoon to 4 and kept that for a few days. Since two days we are on a full 4 hour easy and so far so good. Yesterday he had longer naps and for two nights now he has sttn. Hope this continues!
Title: Re: Moving from 3.5 hr to 4 hour EASY routine - feeding issues?
Post by: *Kara* on December 08, 2012, 05:19:55 am
Wondering if your post was meant for your own thread in EASY :)