SLEEP => Naps => Topic started by: eeleahc on June 25, 2016, 18:58:01 pm

Title: DREAM FEED: is it normal/ok?
Post by: eeleahc on June 25, 2016, 18:58:01 pm
My DD2 is 14.5 weeks old, every time I dream feed her (around 10:30/10:45), she wakes up AS SOON as I enter the room (like she's anticipating it). If I manage to sneak in without her knowing, when I pick her up to feed her, she definitely almost wakes up to feed. Am i messing up her sleep cycle if the dream feed is barely a dream feed?

(she does fall back asleep mid feed and I keep rubbing her belly to get her to finish... so getting her back to sleep isn't the issue typically, although she can be a bit restless for a few min after i lay her down)

Title: Re: DREAM FEED: is it normal/ok?
Post by: creations on June 25, 2016, 19:11:42 pm
Some people try the DF at a different time, if you can catch her in a different part of her sleep she might be more able to take the feed as a dream feed.  ou could try 20 min earlier for instance.
Mine also always woke for his feed, he would not feed whilst asleep and like yours he anticipated the 10.30 feed. I never had a problem with it tbh, he didn't miss out much sleep, he just had a nappy change, ate and went straight back to sleep. He was fine and I still had the benefit of feeding him before my BT so that his longer stretch of sleep came after that feed.