EAT > Breast Feeding

More spit up?


Caeden seems to be spitting up more after eating. Is this normal? He used to not spit up at all and over the last 3 weeks or so it seems to be increasing. He doesn't necessarily seem to be in pain or anything. It is often a while after eating too - like up to an hour or more. I have been trying to keep him upright for 15-20 minutes after eating but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
Any other ideas or is this somewhat normal and nothing to be concerned about?

Erin (redstarfalling):
Is he still gaining weight well? Does he have any of the other symptoms of reflux (you can check that board for a sticky). A lot of babies spit up, sometimes going through phases with more or less of it.  It might just be that he's moving around a lot more - he's at the age to become more active - even if it's still in one place!  :) If he's not in pain or having extra gas and if he's gaining weight well, then I wouldn't worry too much - hopefully it's just a phase and he'll outgrow it. :roll: If his weight gain ISN'T good though, I'd probably just check with his doctor to be on the safe side.

So far his weight gain seems fine. It was good 2 weeks ago at his check up and he is still gaining I think. I may try and weigh him sometime this week.
What is normal weight gain for this age - 1/2 pound a week? More? Less? Any guidelines here? He was 11#, 12 oz at 2 month check-up. He was 7-11 at birth.

It is normal for breastfed babies to be gaining 1 ounce per day till 2 months and 0.5 ounce per day till 6 months. That would mean your baby is doing great, he gained 63 oz since birth. Now his gain will slow down, also he may surprise you by changing his bowel movements pattern. This is when Anna started having fewer BM's.

Is he moving around more? I mean waving his arms, bouncing himself a little, or trying to roll over? When they learn how to get excited, they can make themselves spit up.

Also, when they stretch out their feedings, they eat more at each feed, so there is more to spit up. Tummy is stretched to capacity.  :lol:


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