EAT => Eating For Toddlers => Topic started by: mommy2two on November 18, 2005, 03:27:23 am

Title: 12-month old Pickey eater problems!! Need HELP!
Post by: mommy2two on November 18, 2005, 03:27:23 am
I know this must have been asked before, but I really need support and help...

My dd just turned 1 year and is having a terrible time moving to table food. Here is all she will eat:
Earths Best (jar food) carrots, sweet potatoes and winter squash (not really table food, but she will eat it if I distract her with something in her hands or some cheerios)
bananna (loves it)
cheese, cheese and more cheese
Yo Baby yogart
corn nibblets
grilled cheese (sometimes)

I have tried WITHOUT any luck over and over to give her scrambled egg, waffles, chicken, pasta, rice and mashed potatoes, mac and cheese and other veggies.

When I make something she does not like she has a fit and throws it off the highchair and onto the floor. WHAT SHOULD I DO? Am I sending the wrong message if I respond and get her what she likes to eat? I want her to eat of course so I usually will put out what I know she will eat if she refuses what I have made. Sometimes when I am feeding her a jar of veggies she stops eating and fusses until I get the Yo Baby yogart. I worry that this is the beginning of making a bratty child that does not listen to mommy. Do you think this picky eater business is a phase? Can a child live on cheese and jar veggies?

I am getting really frustrated around meal times. I feel like I waste my time preparing new foods and she refuses them. I know I should probably just go with the flow, but it is stressing me out!

Has anyone gone through this? Can you please share your experience.
Title: 12-month old Pickey eater problems!! Need HELP!
Post by: mommy2two on November 18, 2005, 23:29:10 pm
Can ANYONE help??
Thanks! :)
Title: 12-month old Pickey eater problems!! Need HELP!
Post by: KathyM on November 19, 2005, 16:03:05 pm
I'm afraid I can't really help, but I can commiserate because my ds is the EXACT same way. I still feed him jars of vegetables because that is the ONLY way he'll eat any vegetable. What's weird about it is he likes almost all the different kinds of veggies as long as it is pureed in a jar. He also will only eat grilled cheese...I shredded carrots into his grilled cheese a couple of times, which kinda worked. I've tried so many different things at meal time and he cries and throws it off the tray. He did eat some meatloaf the other day which was a huge deal.
Some other things I thought of....I also spread strawberry cream cheese on toast and soemtimes he'll eat that. Have you tried ds will eat blueberry waffles.
Will your lo eat other fruit besides bananas? My ds will eat pears and peaches cut up and skinned but only if they are really ripe. And he loves applesauce.
I also feel pretty frustrated when I try new things and he refuses, but I just keep trying and hope eventually he'll eat something else???

Sorry I can't be of more help.
Title: 12-month old Pickey eater problems!! Need HELP!
Post by: Fiona (Leah & Kians Mom) on November 19, 2005, 16:57:29 pm
Hi There,
No help only sympathy. My dd ate everything and I do mean every veg pureed until 12 months then that was it. At the moment she is on a diet of weetabix for breakfast, yogurt for lunch and ready brek for dinner and will munch on a bread stick or dry cornflakes and occasionally a rice cake. This has been going on now for 5 weeks. I am just hoping she doesnt decide to give those up either. I have tried everything, cooked everything, finger food, her own bowl and spoon, off a fork, off my plate, eating with her, nothing works so am hoping this phase will pass soon. Good luck,
Title: 12-month old Pickey eater problems!! Need HELP!
Post by: jubee on November 20, 2005, 20:24:56 pm
Just wanted to let you know we have a similar situation here.  Our ds is 17 months old and it has gotten a little bit better with time, but not much.  He eats the same thing everyday without much variation and it drives me crazy too :D   Every now and then he'll refuse what he normally eats and then I really am at a loss! Sometimes he'll surprise me and eat something different, but usually if I make it again he won't eat it.   :evil: He also goes through phases where he seems to LOVE a food for weeks and then oneday he HATES it. I just keep offering and hopefully he'll grow out of it.  Sorry no real advice here.  Just sympathy.  Also he gets more picky when teething.
Title: 12-month old Pickey eater problems!! Need HELP!
Post by: Elmotastic on November 21, 2005, 09:15:05 am
Hi, just to let you know that we are the same, my dd is 15 months and hs to eat nearly the same every day...

For breakfast = 1 weetabix with a little sugar on top (naughty I know, but she won't eat it otherwise!), a handful of dry cereal, a yoghut.  All that if we are lucky!!!

For Lunch = 1 slice of bread, with a slice of ham, a stick of cheese with custard for dessert

For Dinner = Any type of meat, pasta and peas/sweetcorn or beans.  Then some sort of dessert, maybe angel delight, fruit, jelly and ice cream etc

She will then have two pots of pureed fruit as a snack.  She is still breastfed and has milk first thing in the morning, before bedtime and then usually once during the night.

She refuses anything on a spoon that isn't sweet.

I've torn my hair out with this, it's soo frustrating, when she was about 9 months, she started refusing and will only accept finger foods, she used to eat more variation than this, like broccoli, carrots and eggs for example, but now she just pokes them and laughs.  Like the others its worse when she is teething!!!  SHe has also had poor weight gain since this started as well, I think it was about 3 months before she put any wieght on.

So you're not the only one, we have tried everything as well, I just hope that as she gets older she might understand more and try something new!!

I have also started to give her vitamin drops as well, but if she has a good eating day, I won't give her any.
Title: 12-month old Pickey eater problems!! Need HELP!
Post by: mommy2two on November 23, 2005, 04:46:40 am
we have made some progress. All of the sudden my dd is trying new foods! In just one week, she has started to eat waffles, turkey  and mac and cheese! I am so happy about it!!
Title: us too!
Post by: Oakley's Mom on January 09, 2006, 04:28:16 am
anything that doesn't come out of a jar suddenly becomes projectile vomit on the 2nd spoonful!  i have no idea what to do... nearing 11 months old now... every other baby i know over 8 months eats anything off the parents table... i am almost embarrassed to eat away from home...
Title: 12-month old Pickey eater problems!! Need HELP!
Post by: dkjokisch on January 10, 2006, 19:41:35 pm
My dd is the same way.  She has a limited repertoire (mostly cheese, yogurt, pureed veg, animal crackers, pretzel rods).  She is also severely underweight, so every mealtime I am torn between catering to her whims to get her to eat and worrying that I am creating a monster.
Title: 12-month old Pickey eater problems!! Need HELP!
Post by: gogo548 on January 12, 2006, 04:00:36 am
Another picky, or should I say, non-eater here.  I am new to this forum, but not new to the BW book.

I am so stressed trying to get DD to eat.  Let's just say we've had issues from the start.  Now that I finally got her drinking enough milk (including a dream feed), she won't eat solids.  Pedi said she needs 20-24 oz.  Does that sound right?  Honestly, I think it's just too much for her.  sigh...

Anyway, it sounds like you guys are having SOME luck with foods.  My DD also likes the YoBaby yogurt when all else fails.  However, since we're still weaning off formula, I worry about too much dairy upsetting her tummy.  worry worry worry  No wonder I wake up at 3 a.m.!!!

Unfortunately, I don't have any advice, just empathy.  I'm hoping this phase passes soon.

But, I do have a question:  Giving up the bottle?  Am I supposed to be working on that?  She will drink a little from a straw cup, but only about 2 oz.  I'm wondering if I cut down her milk intake if she'll get hungrier.  Oh what to do, what to do.  Sorry for the frantic post.  Let's just say there was a lot of crying around here today, DD AND me.

Title: 12-month old Pickey eater problems!! Need HELP!
Post by: SophieB on January 13, 2006, 10:41:41 am
I might be lazy, but Ellie eats a lot of food that doesn't require much prep - means that if she refuses it, at least I haven't spent hours.

Some ideas:
- vege ravioli (no sauce) cooked and cooled
- cherry tomato
- antipasto vegetables (very strong tasting, but she seems to love them.  You might want to drain off the oil on some paper towel, though)
- snow peas cut into slivers
- smoked salmon (I know, a luxury, but one packet costs me $3 Aussie dollars and lasts around 4 - 5 meals)
- toast with a smear of avocado and then cheese grilled on top

I'll have another think and see if I can come up with anything else.