SLEEP => Naps => Topic started by: Colesmom on August 29, 2005, 14:22:46 pm

Title: recognizing mantra cry
Post by: Colesmom on August 29, 2005, 14:22:46 pm
Hi Everyone,

My DS is still struggling through 45 min. naps and i want to be sure i'm not rushing in.  we ditched the paci last thursday and i'm afraid that we used it so much i can't distinguish his cries :(   anyway, if he's crying when waking, how much time should i leave him for so that i can practice recognizing whether it's a need me cry, or a mantra cry?

i just went in after a minute.  he didn't look too distressed.  his face wasn't red, but his cry started to escalate a bit so I went in.

any hints on how you pick up on this?

had another long night for those that are following my progress.

two more Qs while I'm here.  If he's becoming mobile (almost 5 mths) should i get rid of the wedge?  it might prevent him from getting back into a comfortable position?  also, how early can you introduce a blankie?
he woke at 4 saturday night and 3 last night so i'm not sure if i can use the wake to sleep method to prevent this????  when he woke he was on his tummy and that's why i had to go in (cried).  saturday at 4 he cooed and babbled and sucked before crying for help.  at least i didn't rush in that time!

thanks so much.  I'm sticking to it.  DH messed up his sched this morning by letting me sleep too long and poor DS was 20 minutes past nap time grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  i haven't had time to explain to DH the premise behind this madness as he's studying for a big exam and works long hours.

oh well.  things are slowly looking up. i'm exhausted but I know consistency is key!  I CAN DO THIS :D

Title: recognizing mantra cry
Post by: Matthew's Mommy on August 29, 2005, 20:54:22 pm
Hi there..

It depends on the age.  How old is your little one?

There are many types of cries. The protest cry, the fussy cry, the falling asleep cry, the mantra (over and over sound) and then the I Need Help! I Can't calm down type of cry.

You pick up with the I need help type of cry.

As you get used to doing pu.pd, you'll be able to distinguish the types of cries. Hang in there.. you're in the thick of it right now. It will get better!
Title: thanks for the response
Post by: Colesmom on August 29, 2005, 22:28:08 pm
I am a fool.  I was doing shh/pat wrong since Thursday and only clued in today.  I was shhh/patting him to sleep (becoming a prop).  Now I realize how to use shhh/pat and PU/PD and I already am better at distinguishing the cries after two naps.  poor guy.  I think things will improve quickly though because although i did mess up, i have been extending his night and day sleep.  anyway, gotta run and get him up from his catnap.

thanks again.
Title: recognizing mantra cry
Post by: Matthew's Mommy on August 30, 2005, 01:43:56 am
Don't worry about it!  The great thing about young infants.. they have short memories!

Take care, and let us know how it is going!