Author Topic: How many feeds are sufficient to ensure that the milk intake is met (11 MO)  (Read 1287 times)

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Offline Palmira78

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Hello! My 11 months old is currently nursing 3 times a day. I have offered him already some yogurt, also formula in a glass, and he likes them.
I am considering to reduce one of the feeds due to personal reasons. Should I substitute it by formula or yogurt? What should be the standard intake? Is 3 times per day sufficient?
Since my LO is close to one year old, I wonder how many times a day he should be drinking milk. I know that in every country the recommended portions and directions vary, but I just would like to have an idea. Also, he is 11.5 kg, and I have no clue regarding how many ml is currently drinking.
Many thanks in advance :-)

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If he's having 2-3 BFS a day and eating a balanced diet I wouldn't worry about drinking a certain amount of cows milk. 3 portions of dairy is advised here but that includes cheese and yogurt as well as milk on cereal etc.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011