Author Topic: Questions on implementing EASY for a 3-1/2 week old w/ digestive probs  (Read 1122 times)

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Offline Lauras

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My daughter is 3-1/2 weeks old and I just started implementing EASY.  I read Baby Wise during my pregnancy and started a routine right off the bat.  But turns out my daughter wasn't "text book" and what I found was that Baby Wise provided no solutions for babies that aren't text book.  My daughter did great with her daytime schedule at first.  She fed every 3 hours like clock work, had a bit of awake time immediately after and then slept for 1-2 hours in between.  She didn't do well at night though and I was up many nights.  Now, she's doing a little better at night once I get her down (waking up twice between her 11:00ish feeding and her 7:00ish feeding) but she's not going down easy for daytime naps and sometimes doesn't sleep more than 45 mins.  And, she's pretty cranky during her awake time.  Her schedule yesterday went like this:

6:45 eat, 7:15 stared into space, 8:15 nap until 10:00 :)
10:00 eat, 10:25 sponge bath, 11:15 nap until 12:00 (up and down throughout nap) :(
12:30 eat, 1:00 swing, 1:30 nap until 3:40 (woke at 2:00 and 2:30) :(
3:40 eat, 4:15 hardly awake, 4:30 nap until 6:30 (good nap) :)
6:30 eat, 6:50 bath and prep for bed, put down at 7:30 but she woke 3-4 times until like 8:30 >:(
9:20 eat, back down at 9:45 :)
11:00 dreamfeed (though she was pretty awake) back down at 11:45 :)
2:20 eat, back down at 2:40 :)
4:40 each, back down at 5:15 :(
First morning feed this morning at 7:45

Is this pretty normal for a 3-1/2 week old on this program?  Any suggestions for helping me put her down?  Problems may be gas or acid reflux - I have her on gas drops 4x per day but notice she's also crying during feeds sometimes which suggests acid reflux.  When I put her down, she sometimes crunches up and tries to pass gas which aggravates her.  She also wrestles loose from her swaddle and then scratches up her face during these episodes making her more upset.  Generally speaking, morning through early afternoon suck and then she's a little better until evening.  She's breastfed and I've eliminated most dairy, caffiene, shellfish, etc. from my diet which is pretty tough on me but I don't know what to do to make her happier. 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!! 

Offline gracie3

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I have no help, but I logged on to ask almost the EXACT same thing! My dd is 3.5 weeks old, and up until last week, was on a loose 3 hour schedule, with pretty good naps.  then, starting Sat., we had trouble getting her to go down for a couple of naps, then yesterday was the day from he**- She wouldn't sleep longer than 30 min. stretches, and some naps I couldn't get her to sleep at all.  We've been doing BW since day one, adn since this is my third, you'd think I'd be able to figure out what is wrong.  I can't think of anything that I'm doing differently than last week- yet last week was great.  As for extending her naps, with a 2 yo and 4 yo around, I can't spend 20-30 minutes in her room doing pat-shush.  We use a pacifier, as it seems to calm her, but she cries when it falls out.  any suggestions would be appreciated by me as well.
Sorry to hijack your post lauras!  As for your schedule, mine looks very similar . . .
I'm going to try giving gas drops after every feed- mine gulps at my breast, very noisily, and has lots of gas.

Offline Lauras

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I'm glad to hear that someone is going through the same thing I am.  I just woke her for her 4:45 feeding and she only spent like 15 minutes at the breast and fell asleep.  My husband put her down only to have her wake up showing signs of hunger.  I was pumping at the time and found that I didn't have any milk left!!!  I wonder if she's not getting enough from me.  We just gave her some formula and she sucked down over an ounce.  I'm a little worried.  She's having several BMs a day so I thought she was getting enough.  Plus, she's chunking up. 

Offline HeatherC

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While this is fresh on my mind-don't let your pumping output discourage you.  Babies are way more efficient than a pump.  I was told to consider my baby could get at least an ounce more than a pump can.  And the fact that she's producing dirty diapers is a good sign.  OF course, if you're truly worried you should seek medical guidance.
As for the changes in sleep, this is totally normal.  At this age they are coming out of the sleep all the time stage and their bodies are going through many changes.  This is also a time for a growth spurt, so be aware of that potential need for more feedings.  I would make sure to keep A time low key and short at this age, and put them to sleep at the first sleepy sign.  Once you notice a pattern of how much time elapses before she's tired, aim for starting your winddown 15 mins beforehand.  Make sure to follow the 4 S's (setting the stage, swaddling, sitting quietly, shush/pat when necessary) with an adequate sleep routine.  If your lo starts to cry when put down for a nap, you will need to do shh/pat at this age.  But once she is down, leave her to self settle unless she cries.
If you suspect reflux, keep her elevate in a bouncy seat for example for about 20 mins after each feed, and elevate the crib if necessary.  Make sure you swaddle is tight for sleeps and use white noise.  Also, make the room as dark as possible. 
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

Offline Lauras

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Thanks for the suggestions.  I realized that my milk production issue was just a fluke - I didn't realize that late afternoon was a slow time for milk production in many mothers.  My let down since then has been more than adequate.  Regarding sleeping - After last night, I've decided that her only problems with going down are definitely gas and acid reflux.  Otherwise, she starts to drift off fine.  Then she scrunches down to try and pass gas and gets upset, spits out her paci, and cries.  Yes, I am following the 4 S's (didn't start that until 2 days ago but it's already catching on).  I spoke to my ped who also suggested 20 mins of upright time in her carrier or other infant seat after feeds.  I think I'm back on track and honestly, when I looked over everyone else's schedules for this age I realized that she's pretty much like all the others.  Thanks again!