SLEEP => Night Wakings => Topic started by: kimmie on March 29, 2006, 13:47:13 pm

Title: 6 month old waking at 5am for the day
Post by: kimmie on March 29, 2006, 13:47:13 pm
My son is 6 months old and a great sleeper during the night.  He has slept at least 10 hours straight every night for the past two weeks.  We stopped doing the dreamfeed at about 5 months old because he was sick and we didn't want to disturb him if he was sleeping.  After he recovered from his illness, we noticed that he was sleeping better without the dreamfeed so we didn't start it up again.

Our problem is that he wakes at exactly 5am (give or take 10 min) every day.  It doesn't matter if we put him to bed at 6pm or 7pm, he wakes at the same time.  I've tried feeding him and seeing if he'll go back to sleep, but he's up.  I've tried leaving him and he makes quiet noises for about 30-45min and then he starts to cry.  Should I just leave him in his crib, if he is not crying?  My DH and I can't get back to sleep anyway if our little one is up and making noises.  He always has a poopy diaper in the morning and I think he is doing this just after he makes up.

He was on the 3 hour EASY until 3-4 months.  However since then, other than a consistent bedtime, I've had a hard time putting him on a schedule since the length of his naps vary from 45min-2hours.  He is on the EASY routine and his activity time is about 2 hours inbetween each nap.  On a regular day, this end up working out to three naps.  On a short nap day, he ends up taking 4 naps.

Any tips on how to get our son to sleep a little later?  Ideally, we'd like him to sleep until 7am, but we'd accept 6am -- 5am is just too early.
Title: Re: 6 month old waking at 5am for the day
Post by: teezee on March 29, 2006, 16:56:31 pm
my lo sometimes has a poopy diaper - but it doesn't look old - looks like she does it when she first wakes far as lo waking early if he is 'just' playing or talking - leave him and 'maybe' he will fall back to sleep you never know.

along with doing this if you could post your routine that would be very helpful. 6 months is one of the 'ages' that routines need to be tweaked alot of does sound like maybe your lo is getting too much daysleep. between 6 and 8 months lo's tend to stop needing their catnap. this could just be giving him that extra 45 min that he doesn't need in the morning kwim?? i do remember at 6 months trying to get easy figured out and found that aeasy worked really well for us - it's not exactly what the book says (tracy doesn't think you should raise a lo 'by the book' but by reading cues and having knowledge) but the most important thing is that it is still a routine. i think 4 naps a day is way too much for a lo that age - as i said - naps should be two long and 1 catnap max - and maybe even try cutting the catnap out now...depending on the day and your lo's temperment, like i said read cues and go from there. if you would like me to still take a look at your routine - please post it - otherwise let me know how things are working out!
Title: Re: 6 month old waking at 5am for the day
Post by: kimmie on March 29, 2006, 17:57:50 pm
Thanks for the response!  Too much daytime sleep could definitely be the problem, but with his short naps, he gets tired so quickly and I don't know what else to do but put him down for another nap.  He falls asleep unasissted 95% of the time.  The odd time, if I've got him overtired, because of some special outing that day, he neeps to be calmed down a bit.

I'll try my best to post our routine (with our new 5am wake up time), but as I said, his naps are irregular.  Perhaps I'll post two routines.  An ideal nap day and a short nap day.

Longer nap day:

5am wake up
5:45 get him from his crib and nurse
6:45 solids
7 am nap
8:30 awake

9am nurse
10:30 activiity time
11am nap
12:00 wake

1pm nurse
1:30 activity time
2pm nap
3:30 pm awake

4pm nurse
5pm solids
5:30 bath
6pm story (depending on how tired he is this is either non existant or 30 minutes)
6:30 one last nurse

We don't hear a peep out of him until 5am.

On short nap days it's more like this:

5am wake up
5:45 get him from his crib and nurse
6:45 solids
7 am nap
7:45 awake

8pm activity sime until it's time to eat
9:15am nurse followed by more activity time
9:45 nap
10:30 awake

activity time
no feed this cycle because it's too soon
12:30 nap
1:15 awake

activity time
2:30 or 3 nap
3:30-3:45 awake

4pm nurse
5pm solids
5:30 bath
6pm story (depending on how tired he is this is either non existant or 30 minutes)
6:30 one last nurse

Does it sound like he is getting too much sleep during the day on either of these schedules?  I've tried extending his awake time to 2.5-3 hours, but he still only naps for 45 minutes.  He shows definite sleepy ques at the 2hour mark and fall asleep easily when place in the crib.

I've read the posts on getting over the 45 minute nap and I've tried to correct this, but I haven't been successful.  Wake to sleep just wakes him up entirely and I'm not sure how to do PU/PD when he is awake, but not crying.  If he naps for 45 minutes and wakes up, he just babbles to him self for the next 45 minutes, but does not fall back asleep.  If he isn't crying do I pick him up?

Title: Re: 6 month old waking at 5am for the day
Post by: teezee on March 29, 2006, 21:54:12 pm
i think that 2.5 to 3 hrs A time is a little too much for a 6 month old - and this would cause him to be overtired, i would try 2 and maybe even stretch to 2.5hrs at this point. if he is in fact overtired then he will more than likely wake at the 45min mark, as he is not able to transition through sleep cycles.

when you have done wake to sleep, how do you do it? do you just place your hand on him and slightly stir him?? you can also try just shh or just patting to try to get him back down. if he is awake but not crying after a nap let him stay until he cries - he may put himself back to sleep, and at the very least will still be getting 'rested' with the lights out and no stimulation. if he is crying and it is at the 45 min mark, you could also do pu/pd for 40 min at a time, stop and then have low stimulation A for a bit or feed whatever needs to be done at that time and then try again. easy might be a bit screwy for a few days until you get back on track but will be worth it overall.  just be consistant with whatever you do - that is sooo important for lo's so they know what to expect.

i have to go and finish dinner but i will take a closer look at your routines tonight! good luck!
Title: Re: 6 month old waking at 5am for the day
Post by: kimmie on March 30, 2006, 13:46:47 pm
I generally only keep him up for two hours at a time, less if he is rubbing his eyes.   I've experimented with keeping A time to 1.5 hours and as longs as 3 hours; he naps the same.

It is really hard for me to define a set schedule because of his irregular naps.  My day pretty much is up at 5am with a nap two hours later.  That nap can be anywhere from 45min-1.5 hours.  He goes back to sleep 2 hours from whenever he woke up.  I try to space nursing 4 hours apart and I do not feed him to sleep.  Sometimes the timing works out that he is eating shortly before a nap, but he goes in his crib awake.  We just started solids and he gets some for breakfast and some for dinner.  I plan to add lunch soon.

Perhaps I will give wake to sleep another chance.  I haven't tried it in a couple of weeks.  It is just so hard to stir him without waking him up and I keep thinking "maybe this will be a long nap on its own" which it sometimes is.  I generally just put my hand on him and sshh.

I am reluctant to do PU/PD.  He goes to sleep on his own with no fussing.  He wakes up after 45 minutes in a happy mood and plays by himself for up to 45mins.  When he does start to cry and I go in to see him, he starts smiling away.  I think if I did PU/PD, I would have to do it until his next nap time. 

Thanks for your help, I'd really like to get to the stage where he is taking one long nap in the morning and one in the afternoon with a reasonable wake up time.
Title: Re: 6 month old waking at 5am for the day
Post by: LŠuren on March 30, 2006, 14:44:47 pm
I have just posted the same problems are you, my Ds is also 6 months and continually stays awake 2.5 - 3hrs between naps (usually 3hrs), I have tried to wind him down earlier but he will not sleep, and I know by his cues he isn't tired any earlier  ::)  He also wakes between 5 - 5.30am now for the past 3 mornings again.

Lauren  :'(
Title: Re: 6 month old waking at 5am for the day
Post by: kimmie on March 31, 2006, 00:01:26 am
Hi Lauren,

How long are your DS's naps?  I'm really trying hard to overcome the dreaded 45 minute naps.  I don't have to go back to work until he's 11 months old (I'm in Canada and we have a year maternity leave, but I'm a teacher and it's better for me to start in September to coincide with the start of the academic year).  To cope with his early wake up time, DH and I have been going to bed pretty early so that we're able to function at 5am.  My son gives pretty obvious sleepy signs, if I get him to his crib when he's tired, he falls asleep in less than 5 minutes.  I just can't seem to get him to nap longer.
Title: Re: 6 month old waking at 5am for the day
Post by: teezee on March 31, 2006, 03:08:10 am
i definately wouldn't do pu/pd if lo is just minding his own business in his crib - but look at that too as a rest period - granted it's not sleep per se but it is restful w/o having stimulation from anything.

with shh/pat do you go in AFTER he starts crying and waking early or do you go in approx. 5 min BEFORE the fussing/crying begins. both ways are right and i am wondering if you have done it one way, maybe the other will work better for you?! the last nap of the day is supposed to be a catnap (although lo's are all so different) and letting lo sleep longer may contribute to wakings also.

i know it may sound a bit strange - but since he is waking for the day at 5 am, he may need to go to sleep a little earlier than what you are already doing to 'catch up on' some sleepfor a few dayskwim? once he is caught up and napping better for the day - as tracy says sleep begets sleep! he may start sleeping longer in the am and if not, then you could start slowly extending it 15 min at a time or so using shh/pat, wake to sleep, etc or whatever method you are comfortable with.

on the 'short nap days' i definately wouldn't give any more than 3 naps in a 24 hr period.  i would put lo to bed earlier if needed but wouldn't opt for more naps than three. on good napping days see if two will work. could you try extending A time a bit in the morning to kind of get on a later routine?..i know i said earlier not to let him get overtired and i am not by any means suggesting that but maybe a litte extra cuddling before nap time will help stretch this time out slightly so he is not making up for any missed night sleep (5-6 or 7 am...) with this nap kwim?? let me know how you are getting along with everything...still racking my brain trying to figure this one out!
Title: Re: 6 month old waking at 5am for the day
Post by: kimmie on March 31, 2006, 04:06:23 am
OK, from the advise you've given, here is my plan for next week.  Tell me what you think.

1. When he wakes up at 5am, I will leave him until he starts to fuss.  When he does, I will feed him, change him, and just have a quiet time until he seems tired again.  I will try and keep this first interval of awake time brief.

2. During naps, I will attemt wake-to-sleep again.  I've tried it for every nap for 2 weeks each time I've done it, but It's been over a month since I attempted it.  Perhaps he is older now and it will work.  In the past, I've tried both waiting until he stirs and going in before he stirs.  Neither worked, but I think this time I will attempt going in before he stirs.  I just don't see waiting until he stirs working because he is too aware that I am in the room at this point.

3.  If he wake from a nap early and is content, I will leave him by himself for quiet time-- What should I do when he starts to fuss?

4.  I will try and extend his awake times, other than the first interval, so that he is only taking 2 or at most 3 naps a day.

What do you think of this plan?
Title: Re: 6 month old waking at 5am for the day
Post by: teezee on March 31, 2006, 04:24:43 am
1. i would say when he first wakes just 'fussing' might be his way of going back to sleep?! as long as it is a fuss and not a 'mommy i need you' cry.  i had a hard time letting my daughter do this also, partly b/c at 5am 2min of crying feels like 20 min and i felt no one in the house would get any sleep, but it worked most of the time.  also, lo's sometimes wake between 4 and 6 am and 'play' by themselves and then sleep - hopefully that's all this is.

2. i agree that may be a solution also.  lo's change so frequently, it is always good to re-try a method if all else fails.

3. again, fussing is ok. it's that cry that makes your blood pressure go through the roof (you know what cry i am talking about!!) that you need to respond to.

4.i think this should help. and if the naps aren't long enough - opt for an earlier bedtime rather than an extra nap.

looks like a really good plan to me ;) just remember to stay consistant as u do not want to confuse lo at all. good luck with everything! keep me posted!
Title: Re: 6 month old waking at 5am for the day
Post by: LŠuren on March 31, 2006, 06:13:44 am
Calums 2 naps are approx 1.5 - 2hrs