EAT => Feeding Solid Food => Topic started by: rayasunshine on November 05, 2012, 04:05:57 am

Title: Eating solids, spitting up and amounts
Post by: rayasunshine on November 05, 2012, 04:05:57 am
So DS is 10months on Wednesday and is a good eater.  He is still mainly eating purees but has done well with foods that aren't purees.  Anyways right now his 3 meals are usually made up of his 1tbsp oat with 2tbsp fruit, 1tbsp oat with 1tbsp of veg and 1tbsp of meat and then 1tbsp of yogurt.  In total he gets about 7tbsp of solids at each meal.  He also takes about 20oz of formula over 3 bottles in a day. 

My issue is that I'm not sure if I am over feeding him because he tends to spit up a little while after he has eaten.  He probably could eat more if I let him but I have topped it off at 7.  In my opinion I think the way he crawls causes him to throw up because of the amount of pressure he places on his tummy.  He basically scoots on one side and drags his other leg in front of him which puts pressure on his tummy and pushes his food up.  Anyways I just thought I'd ask and see what others think.

Another question I had was to do with finger foods and how much to feed him.  For instance I cut up half of his grilled cheese sandwich and he ate most of it and then didn't want anymore, which is fine.  I then offered some of the puree and he ate all of it and then later ended up spitting up like 3-4 times.  I'm just afraid he's not getting enough when he's eating regular solids because I can't measure it.  I've become comfortable knowing that he gets 7tbsp at each meal and then he's good.  Anyways any thoughts on that would be helpful too.  I'm starting to panic a bit as he starts daycare in 2.5months and I need to get this eating sorted out.

Thanks for taking the time to offer some insight!
Title: Re: Eating solids, spitting up and amounts
Post by: jessmum46 on November 05, 2012, 05:29:54 am
Personally as long as he's still getting 20 Oz or so of milk, I'd just feed him solids until he's full. Children are remarkably good at self-regulating so unless weight is an issue for him, let him eat what he wants :)  has he always been a baby who spits up a lot?  The other thing I'd suggest is to make those purees lumpier now - so maybe mash half and mix with purée to start, then go to all mashed.
Title: Re: Eating solids, spitting up and amounts
Post by: rayasunshine on November 05, 2012, 06:24:16 am
Hi Katherine,

Thanks for your reply.  Yes he has been a baby who spits up especially when he was younger due to reflux.  I found that when I gave him purees that were too runny he would definitely spit that up more than purees that were not.  Due to this I started to add oat cereal to all his purees and even his yogurt.  I guess I'll just continue introducing him to new things and give him some amount of the puree just to top him up.  At the same point if he's still hungry he'll get his bottle before his nap anyway so he's not going to go hungry lol.  So annoying trying to figure all this out...