SLEEP => Sleeping For Toddlers => Topic started by: jessmum46 on April 25, 2016, 11:50:13 am

Title: SA at nap time - developmental? routine? Nearly 23m.
Post by: jessmum46 on April 25, 2016, 11:50:13 am
Having a few issues all of a sudden settling B for nap time.  Previously if he's been UT he'd just play in his cot and eventually go to sleep, or fall asleep easily if OT.  However he's now very resistant to lying down, and when I eventually get him to do so and leave he cries immediately :(  I've tried some WIWO but it really winds him up more, always has.  If I stand next to his cot he drifts off in minutes, keeps opening eyes and looking to check I'm there but still goes off quickly ???

It feels like SA and I'm wondering if it's developmental - he's been potty training the last week or two and birthday not too far off.  He seems kind of 'older' in his behaviour and language all of a sudden and quite often says 'no sleep' or 'no nap' when I suggest it.  He also had a very rough week sleep-wise last week, I think some was teeth/virus but some of his wakings seemed a lot like DDs night terrors.
Routine just to check though:

WU 6/6.30, not out of bed before 6.30
Nap 11.45/12 at nursery - up by 2 usually
or Nap 12.15/30 at home - pushed this a touch as hasn't seemed tired earlier - up by 2.30
BT 7pm and asleep quite quickly - not having the same issues here

Any thoughts?  I don't mind standing next to him for a couple of minutes if needs be but not keen to make a habit of it!
Title: Re: SA at nap time - developmental? routine? Nearly 23m.
Post by: MasynSpencerElliotte on April 25, 2016, 13:06:19 pm
If he is going off at bedtime fine and not naptime it makes me wonder if it is just the timing of the nap - I think we were on a later naptime by age 2 with DD1 & DD2 (though in saying that I really am not sure what the morning wake up was - may have been 7 am with a 1 pm nap). Does he get lots of physical activity in the morning?
Title: Re: SA at nap time - developmental? routine? Nearly 23m.
Post by: jessmum46 on April 25, 2016, 18:11:41 pm
It's variable but generally we are quite active, or at least busy!  I'll have to see if Thursday is any easier in that respect as he has a morning swimming lesson.

So today was :
WU sometime pre-6.30
Nap 12.35-14.15 (woke pretty happily)
BT just after 7 no fuss

So I guess could be UT then.... What would you do?  He's at nursery tue, wed, fri and no option to change nap time there.  Push later on home days and let nursery days be what they will?

Title: Re: SA at nap time - developmental? routine? Nearly 23m.
Post by: MasynSpencerElliotte on April 27, 2016, 04:27:49 am
Yup that is exactly what I would do (darn I wish I still had a napper ;) ). Just out of curiousity does he go to sleep easily at nursery?
Title: Re: SA at nap time - developmental? routine? Nearly 23m.
Post by: jessmum46 on April 27, 2016, 07:21:42 am
Yes he does but I've assumed that's peer pressure!
Title: Re: SA at nap time - developmental? routine? Nearly 23m.
Post by: ginger428 on April 27, 2016, 23:05:33 pm
Hugs, Katherine... I know Ben's been ill and sleep was hard the past week.

As you already know, we've had an eventful few months with M, so maybe it is also developmental with B?  I just updated my thread, but on there I said that I think M was going through another growth spurt, along with language development... but could only tell after the fact. There have been a lot of back patting, rocking (including tonight), and other intervening but in between he was still a great independent sleeper.

I know Ben is a rock star so I can't imagine he won't go back to IS easily. Hope it passes soon for you!
Title: Re: SA at nap time - developmental? routine? Nearly 23m.
Post by: Lindsay27 on April 28, 2016, 00:02:39 am
Right around 2 my Ben seemed like he was going to drop the nap, completely refused it even though he still needed it.  I had to lay down with him in my bed to get him to sleep.  He did this for a month or 2 before he picked it back up and started going back down on his own.  It was a really odd time nap-wise, he fought it tooth and nail and then all of a sudden was okay with it again and didn't drop it until somewhere between 3/3.5.  I also think his nap was a touch later, like 1pm (earlier on daycare days).
Title: Re: SA at nap time - developmental? routine? Nearly 23m.
Post by: jessmum46 on April 29, 2016, 06:47:57 am
Thanks lovelies, glad it's not just me!  He did it for DH as well yesterday but then slept 2.5h.... So maybe not UT, maybe just the age hey?