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Offline robynfuller

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Back again please help early riser & NW!
« on: July 06, 2006, 20:33:28 pm »
Back again, Ok past 2 weeks we have been packing getting ready to move to a new place. And along with starting solids, sitting, teething, babbling alot lately and getting up on all fours - which is alot of developemental milestones - Nightwakings have occured (2-3 a night mostly early morning 3,4,5am never same times though), early wake ups and the naps are just getting shorter. LO is almost 7mo, EBF, on 4 hour EASY and awake time approx 2 hours (1. is this aawake time too short for this age?) She can fall asleep independantly.

Ok I have been a little stressed by move and all its worries, and lack of sleep but I am feeling alot better now. I guess I have also resorted to just getting her up from short naps (and early wakings - even though I try to soothe her in crib - she just rasberries or starts to really cry and I cave and just feed her) when she wakes as I havent had the stamina to do pu/pd as I just cant deal with the crying right now and with moving to a new house do not want to put even more stress on either one of us. There is alot of change going on right now and to top it off DP is working late every night and hardly ever at home - and I am sure LO is aware of this - no real daddy time anymore. Unfortunately things out of our control and this is just the way it has to be right now.

For the past 3 nights she has slept 19:00 - 5:00am (which I am not complaining about - infact its great) but I cant get her to go back to sleep after that as I have resorted to feeding her at 5am.

So my questions if anyone can help is

1. Do I try to soothe her from 5 - 7am so we can start day then? (sometimes it works most days it doesnt - its winter here now and totally dark when she does wake and very cold  :o ) or wait till we in new place? which I am sure will also come with its aclimatising problems.

2. I dont dreamfeed so should I still feed her @ 5am? she does seem hungry

3. What should I do to get to her to go back to sleep for this early wake up and short naps - pu/pd riles her up even more, talking sofly and reassuring her sometimes works for a few minutes then when I leave she works herself up into a frenzy - its like she has forgotten to self soothe although she knows how to (I have also recently been leaving one arm out of swaddle - which she flails wildly while trying to settle and I think this keeps her awake - obviously. But when I swaddle with both arms she just wriggles them loose - like houdini)

I have been doing exaclty the same windown I have been doing for ages but sometimes she fights it? why could this be? to little awake time. I have tried extending it by 10-15minutes but when she wakes at such weird hours it throws everything out the window. So sometimes feeds are (again) just prior to falling asleep - I dont feed her to sleep. How do I rectify that?

I jsut need some help please ( I am coping but just wish her sleep was better- she is a very happy baby - angel textbook and I hope this doesnt change it). Or should I just wait it out till we are in new place and pray for the best. We are moving in tomorrow - then the unpacking begins. (I should also mention that we temporarily moving in with great grand mother (for 3-5 months), 3 dogs  and uncle, wife, 2 loud teenage boys with boom boxes and 1 x dog who live in the back of the house, and we have 2 x cats - how am I going to survive?  :o And DP going out of town for a week the day after we move in, then back for a week and on a trip again for 4 days after that. I dont want to do any accidental parenting especially after we have come so far with BW.

Please just tell me where to start or what to tackle first. Any advice on moving welcome too and how to adjust - not for me, maybe a little  ::)  but mostly for LO.

Any and all suggestions welcome..


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Re: Back again please help early riser & NW!
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2006, 21:19:54 pm »
talk about a lot on your plate!!!

IMO if you think she is hungry at 5am i would feed her and then try to resettle her in her cot again.
could possibly be that she might need longer A time now as well.
if you have time (haha :-\) could you post her routine and see what the mods say ;D

good luck with the move as well. we moved house when DD was 8 weeks  :P :o . i was going to advise a glass of wine (but you are BF) but chocolate works just as well ;D ;D

Offline robynfuller

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Re: Back again please help early riser & NW!
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2006, 21:46:21 pm »
Thanks for replying so quickly.

Yeah lots on my plate well what doesnt kill me only makes me stronger lol.
Typical I had no sooner posted here tonight that she slept through for 3 nights in a row and she woke @ 22:50 with a waa cough - which is hunger so I fed her and she drank for 20min (10 min each side) Dont usually do this.

Well here was today: (changes day to day depending on what time she wakes & naps)
5:10am wake & bf (20 min each side)
then got her to go back to bed till 7:00 (miracle)
Activity - i give her loads of tummy time to practice
8:20 bf
8:45 walk and windown routine
asleep 9:00-9:35 (she rolls onto her back and cant get back - not sure if swaddle bothers her but she sleps better with it)
tried for 30min to get her back to sleep - no avail - too much street noise & dog
tummy time & kango whislt I was packing then got fussy
put in crib (windown didnt work - settled immediately on her own I just hummed our song (same one for 4 months now)
asleep 11:00-11:50
12:15 bf
13:30 - this should be breakfast - 4 x tblsp rice cereal & 85ml BM
Just sat calming and hummed and held her
13:50 windown
asleep 14:10 - 14:30 (my gardening service pitched up I was livid as I also tried to take a nap and nearly had a heartattack when I heard voices and lawnmowers by the window) she woke up with such a fright too - poor thing
14:40 bf (only thing that could calm her - I know this was a naughty move)
tried to get her to go to sleep after gardening service left an hour later but she wouldnt have any of it allthough she was rubbing her eyes - she wriggled around like a worm in her crib - babbled for 25min - so I fetched her let her watch me pack whilst in pram
then more tummy time
I wanted to put her to bed earlier to catch up on sleep but we had to pack and load to move stuff as time is of the essence - we dont have any
18:20 bathtime routine (always the same) bf and then put to bed drowsy but awake
asleep 19:10
I dont normally keep her up for such a long stretch - too much for her usually 2 1/2 - 3 hours awake before bed and she is so tired
If naps are bad I put her to bed an hour earlier - could this be messing things up?

Hope this helps, if you need anymore info just ask.
Thank you