Author Topic: PU/PD and Paci Use. Why they don't mix.  (Read 14854 times)

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PU/PD and Paci Use. Why they don't mix.
« on: July 31, 2006, 03:07:45 am »
 A prop is anything baby uses in order to fall asleep, and/or go back to sleep when they wake.  Props  typically cause problems when baby becomes dependant on them, when they can't sleep without them.  Some troublesome props are pacifiers, feeding to sleep with breast or bottle, a swing or any type of motion - walking, rocking, swaying, bouncing to sleep.  Baby grows an association with the prop and needs it whenever they are trying to go to sleep. 

When babies transition through sleep cycles, they sometimes wake briefly.  If they require a prop to fall asleep - they will wake and cry because they can not get back to sleep without the prop, and they can't manage the prop on their own.  The result is frequent wakings to be plugged in, or bounced, breast, rocked etc.

PUPD put teaches self soothing and through that independent sleep.  A prop usually requires assistance from Mom or Dad to use. If you use a prop while doing PUPD you will send mixed signals and most likely not succeed.  You can't learn to soothe yourself if you have a prop to soothe you.  If you would like to use PUPD to teach independent sleep, you should remove all props as it is nearly impossible to teach this method if using them.

When you use PU/PD you need to do it with out a paci. When you use a paci this sends a confusing message to your LO. Usually when you are using PU/PD you are using it to stop a prop use, not start or continue another one.  You are also teaching self soothing. This is very difficult with a paci.  Be careful when you use pu/pd  to not give any props. No paci, rocking, or feeding. Other wise you’ve already defeated yourself. With feeding, we are of course are referring to comfort feeds, not true hunger feeds if they occur. 

When you start using props such as the paci to assist PU/PD you run the risks of creating problems.   The question then is how to stop it. There are no over night fixes. Nor are they easy, however they are worth every bit of effort. These tools (pu/pd, shush pat) are effective and help your child develop the skills needed to self sooth and sleep.

How do I know if my baby is paci dependant?

 The paci is a wonderful tool that can be used to sooth a newborn infant. Infants are born with a natural sucking reflex and this is very soothing for them. In Infant generally 3 months and under paci’s are simply a tool. You know that a paci has become a prop when your LO can no longer sleep without it, and often wakes many times at night to be “plugged”. During naps they may drop the paci and cry for it back, or they begin to suck to stay asleep, seeming to not drop it and stay asleep.  This is when you need to stop using it. If you have tried the Gentle Removal Plan (Gradual Weaning Process (Recommended for young infant)) and it hasn't worked your next step is pat/shh. This is for infants 3months and under. PU/PD will be too stimulating. In most cases LO’s this young are a lot easier to wean then older infants. When you have a 6 month old who is paci addicted then you need PU/PD. The tricky part with PU/PD is knowing when to PU and more importantly when to PD. Please see this post, to find how to do pu/pd, especially for your lo's age.

How to PU/PD (inc age adaptations)

The most important thing to remember is that you can’t break a prop dependancy by adding another. Even if you have a lovey try not to give it when your LO is laying back down, sort of like a reward, if you will, for doing so.  The lovey is a comfort tool that your LO should have control over. They should learn to grab, hold, find it when they feel they need it.

**For additional information about props versus comfort items, see The Babywhisperer Solves All Your Problems by Tracy Hogg and Melinda Blau, Chapter 5: Teaching Babies How to Sleep, the section entitled, "Variable #3:  Accidental Parenting." 
« Last Edit: March 31, 2015, 00:10:36 am by Jaime »