EAT => Feeding Solid Food => Topic started by: TracyW on October 03, 2005, 18:51:01 pm

Title: Self feeding problems
Post by: TracyW on October 03, 2005, 18:51:01 pm
My daughter will be 10 months old next week, and I'm having problems feeding her finger foods and chunky dinners.

She has no problem eating Cheerios, but I have to put them in her mouth.  She can pick them up using the pincher grab, but they don't make it to her mouth.  Should I continue to put them in her mouth or let her struggle until she gets it on her own?

Also, she doesn't like chunky food.  She'll eat a few bites and then will decide that she wants to gag.  Should I keep pushing or try again in a few weeks?  I tried a few times with a week between each try, but she still gags.

And my last question.... When should she be able to use a spoon on her own?  She used to try to help with the spoon, but now she just lets me feed her.

I feel like I have so muchto learn, and any advice will be greatly appriciated.
Title: Self feeding problems
Post by: tylersmommy on October 03, 2005, 19:28:40 pm
It takes awhile for the pincer grasp to develop effectively enough to get food into their mouths. It was somewhere between 10-11 mo that Tyler got it. Until then, I did what you're doing. I fed him from my fingers, but I'd put finger food out on the tray for him to "practice" with. She'll get it eventually, so keep encouraging her to figure it out herself while still feeding her.

If she doesn't like chunkier food, that's okay. If you want, you can ease the transition by thinning it out with water or mixing it with smooth puree food. If she still doesn't like it, that's okay! Tyler never ate any of the Stage 3 foods, and that was fine by me.

Using a spoon on her own...not for awhile yet. I've heard of some babies starting to at 1 yr, but most that I know of don't get it until well after their first birthday. As with finger food, keep giving her opportunities to learn, and she'll get it in her own time! HTH!
Title: Self feeding problems
Post by: TracyW on October 03, 2005, 21:05:57 pm
Thanks for the reply, Melissa.  It was good to hear your response.  I feel like we are pretty much on track.   :)